Clothing customization - fashionable, stylish, beautiful

Every woman dreams of looking fashionable and beautiful. If it is unique and unique inside, her desire to embody it in a visible way is quite obvious. Customizing clothes allows you to express your “I” perfectly. At the same time, there is no need to spend space amounts on designer things.

clothing customization

Customizing clothes. What it is?

So, customizing clothes. The word sounds rather unusual and menacing. However, if you need to figure it out, you can be very surprised to find that almost every woman personally did this. At least from the older generation. In conditions of a total soviet deficit, it was quite difficult to dress beautifully and originally. Therefore, I had to experiment on my own.

In general, clothing customization is a transliteration of the English word for something made to order. The term is used not only in the field of fashion. However, women, of course, are primarily interested in things.

Customizing directions

And now in more detail. Customizing clothes is divided into three areas. Each has its own distinctive features.

The first direction is to work with old, even antiquart things. They are customized to the present. As a rule, professionals are engaged in this. Such pleasure is available at a price not to every person.

DIY clothing customization

The second direction is the client’s participation in the process of creating a certain thing. For example, many brands ask customers to personally choose a print on a shoe or bag, print their own pattern on a model, etc.

The third direction is the alteration and design, in the so-called “upgrade” of finished clothes. Or its creation from unusual material used previously for completely different purposes.

Fashion designers

Young and daring designers also use clothing customization. Alteration ideas for many of them became the start of a successful career. Some of the fashion designers were able to find their niche by creating accessories and outfits from unusual materials, for example, bags from car belts or jewelry from clasps-snakes.

But in general, customizing clothes, ideas and developments - all this is very extensive. Only human imagination can limit this direction. It also implies “interspecific transformations”. That is, when, for example, a man’s shirt made of beautiful material is sewn into an elegant dress, and the old sweater turns into a flirty skirt. Often experiments are also carried out with decorating things with rivets, pins, beads, patches, holes, etc.

custom clothing do-it-yourself ideas


In a word, there are a lot of pluses. Firstly, customizing clothes with your own hands is a great way to translate your creative abilities into reality. In addition, this is a very interesting hobby, the organization of creative leisure. Even if you do customization just a couple of times, you still get a lot of pleasure from this process.

Secondly, this activity allows you to give new life to old or spoiled things. A small spot or hole that spoils the appearance of any thing can be easily eliminated with the help of competent customization with a minimum of effort, time and material costs.

Thirdly, do not forget about environmental friendliness. Things are all used in the second round, and this reduces the amount of production costs and waste. Moreover, fans of such “metamorphoses” often look for materials in second-hand stores.

clothing customization ideas

Meet by clothes

Fashion is a language. She can tell others about who we are and who she would like to be. Clothing serves as a way to express our feelings. In a word, it is a real means of communication. In almost every woman’s head there is a question about how to look attractive and stylish, while not spending a lot of money. Customizing clothes can help with this. The master class focuses on some issues.

First you need to think about your style. This is your personality, the unity of the image, the ability to combine incompatible things together and choose exactly what will make you even more attractive.

The next item is to regularly check the contents of the cabinets. Things that are idle can be safely used to make new ones.

Examine store windows, watch fashion shows, learn how to knit and sew. As a result, you will learn how to create your own exclusive exclusive.

Some simple ideas

In a word, if this topic is close to you, it is worth considering us creating creative things, using customization of clothes with your own hands. Ideas can be very diverse.

For example, how can I upgrade a fitted shirt that is overall pretty, but a little dull? Take an old bra with a lace back, open the cups and straps from it. After that, sew it neatly on the back of the shirt back. Side seams connecting the back and shelves are slightly steamed. The edges of the lace border are sewn there. This thing looks very impressive, like a corset, emphasizing the waist.

Worn or holey jeans also have long gone out of fashion. Therefore, if you managed to put an ugly spot on your favorite thing, just pick up a pumice stone and show a little patience. Wipe your jeans starting from the place of the accident. Use a pumice to wash the upper threads of the material so that the base remains visible. However, in some places you can rub into more picturesque holes. The main thing is not to overdo it. You can try and make the holes with scuffs make up a kind of geometric pattern.

customizing clothes master class

In any case, customizing clothes with your own hands offers the most diverse ideas. Show your imagination, your artistic taste. Believe in your strength, not being afraid to be original!

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