Vaginal ruptures during childbirth: causes and how to avoid

vaginal tears

Vaginal ruptures can occur in the lower, middle, and also its upper third. These lesions are superficial or penetrating into the tissue of the pelvis or into the abdominal cavity, and at the same time can be the causes of hematomas, massive bleeding, hemorrhagic shock. Each injury to the walls of the vagina is accompanied by bleeding. Even with its insignificant nature, they should be examined with the help of mirrors. Vaginal tears are sutured with separate catgut sutures. Those that penetrate into the peri-vaginal tissue are technically difficult to suture. Such an operation requires a good knowledge of anatomy. If the gaps are deep or multiple, then the postoperative period necessarily includes antibacterial therapy, as well as vaginal baths that contain disinfectant solutions. Damages that were not recognized can heal themselves. But sometimes this leads to infection, which complicates the course of the postpartum period. As for deep ruptures, they can cause in the future a disfiguring narrowing of the vagina, which will require surgical treatment.

vaginal tears photo

Causes of vaginal tears

Vaginal ruptures (photos can be found in specialized literature) can occur due to inelastic tissues of the vulva and vagina or high perineum. A greater risk of their occurrence is observed during the first pregnancy in middle age. Another reason is thrush and other diseases, for example, the human papillomavirus. Vaginal rupture during childbirth is likely when the baby’s head is very large. In addition, birth injuries arise due to the extraction of the fetal head using obstetric forceps, with a clinically narrow pelvis in the woman in labor and improper management of labor, due to prolonged or quick attempts. Also, due to injury, vessels may burst deep in the soft tissues. In this case, the surface of the tissues themselves is not damaged. Blood flowing from injured vessels accumulates in loose fiber and tissues. As a result, a hematoma is formed. Its size may be larger than the head of the newborn.

vaginal rupture during childbirth

How to avoid breaks?

The chances of tearing are very large if there are already scars and old sutures. Nevertheless, such injuries can be avoided by increasing the elasticity of the female genital organs. To do this, do physical exercises (Kegel exercises), follow a balanced diet and engage in swimming. But all this must be done not before childbirth, but before a planned pregnancy. The treatment of existing genital tract diseases will help prevent vaginal ruptures. But the most important thing is that the doctor who takes the delivery is a professional who knows his work and, if necessary, lubricates the vagina with a special gel, straightens the crease and so on. After all, vaginal ruptures do not occur suddenly. Their occurrence is evidenced by characteristic signs: protrusion of the perineum in the form of a dome, its swelling, subsequent blanching of the skin, which becomes shiny, the appearance of small cracks. Having noticed all this, the doctor must make an incision, since its edges will be even and faster and easier to heal compared to a lacerated wound.

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