Many housewives love to cook pastries from puff pastry and it is no coincidence, because products from it turn out friable, delicate and very tasty. You do not have to be seven spans in your forehead to make shortbread dough. The recipe is based on a combination of fats (margarine, butter or animal fat), eggs and flour, as well as seasonings - they can vary depending on the tastes and preferences of the hostess, but the basis remains unchanged. The simplest ways to prepare the dough are very common among housewives, but it does not hurt to recall some of them - it is so simple and quick to prepare. Many housewives have their own recipe and make shortcrust pastry in their own way.
Recipe "Traditional"
Flour is sifted with a slide on a wooden board, salt, sugar, baking powder and seasonings are poured on top. Then it is necessary to make a depression in the flour, pour the liquid inside, drive in an egg, put pieces of butter. Chop flour with products with a long knife and quickly mix the dough until a homogeneous mass is formed. Kneading the dough for too long is not worth it, it is better to roll it into a ball and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. If yeast is added to the recipe, only before adding yeast to the dough should be ground with a spoonful of sugar, then you will get a delicious yeast shortbread dough. The most delicious is the dough, where flour in the ratio to oil is used in a ratio of 2 to 1.
Recipe "Original"
Fats are beaten in a separate bowl with sugar, eggs, salt, sugar, seasonings, baking powder and flour are added. Quickly knead the dough and immediately bake cookies or pies from it. The dough is quite soft, so it is divided into parts and spread on a baking sheet with a thin layer or squeezed through a pastry syringe. To roll such a dough, it must be kept for several hours in the refrigerator. It is best to roll it in a cool room, the flour for rolling should be used sparingly, only then you will get a delicious shortcrust pastry. You can take any recipe that you like, but you need to roll out the dough for no more than 10 minutes, otherwise the fat will melt and the products will turn out stiff.
You should not grease a cookie sheet from shortcrust pastry, since greasy dough does not stick to the sheet. Before baking, pies and cookies should be greased with an egg, milk or cold water, this is done so that the dough bakes evenly and does not swell with bubbles. Fat for shortcrust pastry should be cold, and it is recommended to take butter and animal fat in equal proportions. Water should be exactly as recommended. To prepare a delicious shortcrust pastry, the recipe must be observed. Shortcrust pastry is best for triangles.
The recipe is "Classic"
The classic recipe suggests using 1 part sugar, 2 parts butter and 3 parts flour for shortcrust pastry. First butter and sugar are mixed, then flour is added to this mixture. Modern variations of this recipe do not exclude the addition of seasonings and eggs, but in the original they are not allowed. The dough for triangles should be thick enough, so you should not make it yeast (yeast simply can not grow in such conditions). The main baking powder of biscuit dough is oil, it should be at least 25%, it is better to take flour with an average amount of gluten, for splendor you can use a chemical baking powder (baking soda). There should be no lumps of flour or butter in a well-kneaded dough. The optimal temperature for baking from shortcrust pastry is 230-250 ° C.
In the same way you can cook puff pastry. Recipes (Pies from puff pastry) can be found in each hostess and each will have its own variation. Whatever your choice of shortcrust pastry recipe, the most important thing is to add a pinch of your love to it, only then the pies will be tender and the cookies tasty. Bon Appetit!