Damask knives: varieties, manufacture and reviews. Handmade damask steel folding knives

At the mention of strong and resilient knives, an ordinary person will justifiably have associations with damask steel. Blades of this metal have been used successfully for many centuries, while previously the main purpose of such products was military purposes, today the range of application of bulat steel blades is much wider. Manufacturers themselves seek to emphasize the nature of a particular model, taking into account the specifics of its application. This applies not only to the physical characteristics possessed by damask knives, but also to the stylistic design. After all, damask steel itself is one of the most beautiful metals, and the presence of various inlays and patterns on the handle significantly increases the decorative qualities of the product. But of course, they appreciate knives of this kind primarily for operational advantages.

damask knives

Damascus knife making

Damascus steel is made using the smelting technique, which results in the production of ingots in the form of ingots called university. In the process of grinding such blanks, a specific unique damask metal pattern is formed. Moreover, this steel cannot be called alloyed, since it includes two components - graphite (or charcoal) and iron. To make high-strength damask blades for knives, casting technology is used, which is carried out in stages:

  • Initially, primary forging of the spongy iron is performed .
  • Next, the workpiece is mixed with charcoal.
  • After that, the metal is placed in a crucible, where it is heated to 1200 ΒΊC.
  • In the same crucible, the metal is gradually cooled to the formation of that very school.

damask steel knives

From the ingots obtained, the blacksmiths forge damask blades. Just this stage provides the masters with a wide field of variations on the creation of their unique works. After all, the main thing that distinguishes handmade knives from damask steel is the use of original, and sometimes even innovative secrets. Moreover, this applies to approaches to both heating and subsequent quenching, during which the metal acquires its characteristics.

Making Damascus Knives

handmade damask steel knives

Damascus steel blades are partly related to the damask knife manufacturing technology , but there are also fundamental differences. The fact is that Damascus is a combined steel, the structure of which contains layers of different metals. This feature also led to the presence of a unique pattern on the finished product. In terms of strength, the knives of Damascus and Damascus steel are almost identical. However, among the operational features of the former, ductility is noted, and damask steel, in turn, is characterized by rigidity and hardness. Damascus is made by welded technique, which can be represented as follows:

  • The package is made of metals of various grades.
  • The layers are sprinkled with flux, followed by heating in the furnace.
  • Then the metal bar is forged, during which it stretches.
  • The workpiece is cut across, again form a single package and repeat the procedure first several times.
  • The number of layers can reach thousands, but experts consider 300 layers optimal for obtaining high quality characteristics.

Varieties of damask knives

Damascus and damask steel make blades for any need. The characteristics of such steel give end products wide functionality. They perfectly cope with their tasks both in everyday life and in nature. For example, there are special rulers for fishermen and hunters. Folding knives made of damask steel have recently become popular among tourists, which differ not only in functionality and strength, but also in ease of use. Separately, such products are appreciated by lovers of beautiful things and, in particular, edged weapons. In this context, it is worth recalling the unique patterns on the damask surface. Therefore, many craftsmen produce exclusive gift versions of knives, additionally decorated with stones and inserts from rare woods.

Hunting knives

Damascus and damask steel knives

Hunting and fishing are traditional destinations for damask knives. Typically, casting technology is used for such needs, which makes it possible to obtain high-carbon solid and reliable steel. In practice, the main quality for which users appreciate the hunting knives of Damascus and Damascus steel is the high cutting ability.

In addition, the blade is capable of supporting the edge for a long time, while maintaining sharpening in optimal condition. This feature is extremely important in the field, where there is no time for special processing of the knife. According to the owners of such products, a high-quality blade is able to cut an entire moose or deer without requiring sharpening after that. At the same time, damask knives are distinguished by a comfortable handle, adapted to various operations on hunting and fishing.

Kitchen knives

Damascus and damask hunting knives

The unique properties of damask steel could not go unnoticed by cooks of various stripes. Today it will not be difficult to find the right product for any kitchen. As a rule, they are made to order for specific needs. For example, in this segment loin models are especially appreciated. But it is important to consider that damask knives in inexperienced hands can be extremely dangerous. The problem is precisely in their cutting ability, which is an order of magnitude superior to conventional kitchen knife models. For regular use, a damask blade in the kitchen may be an excess, but if you have to work hard with a problem product - here it will come in handy.

Handmade folding models

Such options can be called the most fashionable. For the most part, damask knives have a serious drawback - they are massive and can cause a lot of trouble in transportation and inappropriate handling. However, damask steel blades are devoid of this drawback. Such models are mainly made by hand, while the production process is complicated, which increases the cost. And yet a pocket damask knife fully justifies itself. But it is important to consider that, depending on the design of such a knife, its operational properties can be reduced. The swivel used in the device , in particular, negatively affects the strength. However, wide functionality and ease of use compensate for this flaw.

damask knives reviews

Tanto knives

This is a special kind of damask knives, which, in essence, is an imitation of samurai swords. Accordingly, tanto models have an elongated shape characteristic of Japanese counterparts. Such damask knives are made using cast technology to ensure all canonical properties, but the craftsmen pay special attention to the handle. Usually it is made of leather, which ultimately allows you to "damp" any vibration. But unfortunately, in practice, there is almost nowhere to use such instances, and they remain decorative products.

Damask knife reviews

In general, users' opinions about damask knives are positive. This is especially true for those who first decided to test the capabilities of such products. They delight both with their appearance, delivering aesthetic pleasure, and with practical benefits, coping with any cutting tasks. In turn, experienced people more deeply appreciate the characteristics possessed by damask knives. The reviews of such users are noted and disadvantages. In particular, some models undergo corrosion, although this unpleasant aspect is largely dependent on manufacturing techniques. By the way, the already noted high price (an average of 5-7 thousand rubles) also makes the acquisition inaccessible to many. Nevertheless, it’s almost impossible to find a knife of the same steel with similar characteristics for such a sum.


damask blades for knives

The art of making damask knives comes from ancient times. In Russia in the old days, there were many well-known workshops throughout Europe, which were famous for the unique secrets of manufacturing heavy-duty blades. Also today, home-made damask steel knives are valued not only in Russia but also abroad. Blacksmiths have their own secrets to making blades, endowing them with many positive qualities. But in addition to knives, it is worth noting other uses for damask metal. These are axes, choppers, and various daggers with swords. They also preserve the characteristics of high-carbon metal, which not only allows you to qualitatively perform the direct cutting tasks, but also pleases the eye with its appearance.

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