Border sign of the zodiac: what is the difference between people born at the junction of two signs of the zodiac

There are people who can not reliably determine their zodiac sign. This happens because they were born on the day when the sun moves from one constellation to another. Some astrologers may attribute the same date to the sign of Libra, for example, while others consider it already the prerogative of Scorpio. To explain more clearly, many sources indicate that October 23rd is the last day when the sun dominates in eclecticism close to the constellation Libra, and the famous astrologer Pavel Globa in his horoscopes lists the same calendar number on the first day of the primacy of the part Scorpio. It is noteworthy that the zodiacal separation is not constellations at all, but equal parts of the whole eclecticism as a whole. True, they are named precisely by the constellations close to them. In the article we would like to understand in more detail the border signs of the zodiac and try to understand how people born at the junction of two signs differ from others.

Number magic

Border zodiac signs

You can not like math and hate numbers. However, all human life is built on them. First, shopping and other “establishments” require financial calculations. Secondly, from birth a person is surrounded by numbers: the date of birth, the tag number in the hospital, and so on. Numbers permeate our whole life. According to astrologers and numerologists, the fate of man depends on them. By the way, astrologers and fortune tellers build their theories, justifying them with numbers and unique combinations of them. While the inhabitants are unsure of how to calculate the border sign of the zodiac, they have already defined clear boundaries of calendar dates, which, in fact, relate to periods of birth of people under the auspices of the combined sign.

Believe it or not - everyone decides for himself

People born under the border zodiac sign are more perfect and much more entrepreneurial than others, according to astrologers. It is noteworthy that for many, everything related to astrology is not serious. They do not believe in predictions by stars, they do not recognize forecasts made by date of birth. They are not interested, and sometimes even funny, what numerologists and those who know a lot about horoscopes interpret. For people who deny astrology, there will never be a question of what borderline signs of the zodiac are. They should not be blamed for this, because no scientific evidence exists in the credibility of astrological predictions. Believe it or not - everyone decides, and no one can force it. However, our material is collected exclusively for astrological people who listen to horoscopes and do not deny the magic of numbers.

horoscope of zodiac border signs

Subtleties and faces

The border sign of the zodiac suggests the birth of a person at the junction of two parts of eclecticism. It is worth saying that such people are also mistakenly called Ophiuchus, although initially astrologers gave this definition to those who were born between November 30 and December 17. They explained this unusual attribution of the category of persons to a mysterious astrological sign by the fact that it was in the above time period that the Sun moves and dominates at 13, so far little-known part of the circle of the entire celestial sphere. Later, this definition migrated to the masses, who did not fully understand the correctness and true meaning of the new term. Now you can hear how those born at the junction of the change of zodiac signs are called Ophiuchus, which is fundamentally wrong.

New research

Few people know that in astrology there is the concept of an upper horoscope. These are 12 zodiacs that can affect human destiny only in rare cases. By the way, because of this, astrologers dubbed them sleeping. Those who are passionate about the science of stars should pay attention to the upper horoscope in order to study in detail their mission on earth.

border signs of the zodiac Leo Virgo

Characteristics inherent only in the border signs of the zodiac: spring

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on some features of the character of people with an indefinite zodiac sign in order to understand how they differ from others:

  1. Pisces in alliance with Aries (born March 20 to March 27). Such people got the will from the fire sign, but also rational thinking from the sign of Pisces. In general, a person born under the auspices of the interweaving of these two constellations, thinks rationally, always clearly calculating any life situation. Purposeful, but sometimes with a lack of determination, such a person can easily occupy leadership positions, but with influential higher authorities, in order to listen to the opinion of a strong personality.
  2. Aries - Taurus (born April 19 to 26). The horoscope of the border signs of the zodiac of this group characterizes people as morally strong, leading a huge number of followers. These are born leaders, leaders. Sometimes they go too far, not controlling the crazy craving for total control over the situation, but achieve success in most cases.
  3. Taurus - Gemini (born from May 19 to 26). The first sign balances the readiness of the Twins to rush into any adventure or to take on two things at the same time. Perhaps, among the representatives of such signs, large businessmen are not found, but middle managers from them may well turn out.
border dates of zodiac signs

Features of the characters of the zodiac signs: summer

  1. Gemini - Cancer (border dates of the zodiac signs from June 20 to 27). The indecision of Cancer is more than paid for by the Gemini adventurism. Therefore, this combination of zodiacs can lead to success in business. But it’s important to remember: only a rational approach in conjunction with determination will solve many problems. The positive point is that such people are not afraid of everything new, which is extremely important in any business.
  2. Cancer - Leo (born between July 22-29). This combination involves a person who is ready to go forward without looking back. Cancer smoothes out Leo’s excessive self-confidence, therefore this union is good and promises a great future for a person who was born under his auspices.
  3. Border signs of the zodiac Leo - Virgo (born August 21 to 28) harmoniously complement each other. Leo is always directed forward, full of interesting ideas. Virgo helps to bring all ideas to life. This sign is different in that it is proud, but not arrogant. Perhaps this is one of the best combinations in the world of horoscope signs. Although everything is conditional. But if you compare this tandem with others, it often looks advantageous. And this is the key moment leading to the joy of existence, when life is filled with meaning. In contrast to the border signs of the zodiac Pisces, for example, there is no uncertainty in one's own strengths, and such a moment is key in terms of character formation and personal qualities.

Characteristics of the zodiac signs: autumn

border zodiac signs of fish
  1. Virgo - Libra (born between September 21 to 29) implies a complete unity of mind and cunning. However, such signs lack a certain degree of adventurism. Representatives of this border sign will never start venturing into risky enterprises if a rational approach indicates a stable percentage of risks. However, the lack of romanticism can be distinguished from the shortcomings. Always only the aforementioned rational approach to business. Even love is perceived by these signs not as a gift, but as a daily labor.
  2. Libra - Scorpio (all born on October 21-29). Representatives of this combination are able to find compromises, while paying attention to a sense of pride. They will always achieve their goals. Scorpio, endowed with magnetism and always attracting everyone around him, coupled with balanced decision-making by Libra, is an excellent border tandem. People born in this time period take initiative in everything and can, if they wish, achieve a lot: become a leader, achieve creative heights in drawing or in the writing field.
  3. The Union of Scorpio and Sagittarius (born November 20 to 28) is a truly unique combination that symbolizes adventurous and knowledgeable people. Astrologers consider such a union one of the most successful. From Scorpio, people absorb the desire to rule and be the first, and from Sagittarius - the ability to hit the target accurately, to find interaction with surrounding people.

Horoscope Border Signs: Winter

how to calculate the border sign of the zodiac
  1. The grouping of Sagittarius and Capricorn (December 20-28) leads to the fact that such representatives are drawn to a new, comprehend knowledge. It helps in real life. However, they cannot be called workaholics. At the slightest opportunity, representatives of this border combination will escape from unnecessary labor.
  2. Capricorn’s creative tandem with Aquarius (January 19-26) brings ideas, as well as a certain degree of thoughtfulness. This is a crucial point. It is worth looking at the upper horoscope for the boundary signs of the zodiac to discover the abundance of the new and expand your self-image.
  3. From February 18 to February 26, the border combination of Aquarius and Pisces is noted. The result of such a union is the ability to keep the most secret secrets and secrets. Therefore, people are drawn to representatives of these signs, united by a community of stars. They value the desire to listen, to help even in cases where there were no requests. Representatives of these signs become good diplomats, politicians and psychologists. Often, among them there are teachers and educators.


But is it possible to ignore the question regarding Cupid? The love theme always excites, disturbs the soul, plays on memories. It is worth remembering that true love, according to astrologers, comes when planets and stars find each other. You always need to focus on which signs are suitable for each other, and which are absolutely contraindicated, like incompatible drugs. Of course, it is not worth manic to follow this, because there is always the opportunity to correct your own character in the struggle for your own happiness.

Pick a life partner for the stars

upper horoscope for zodiac border signs

The compatibility (at all cost) of the border signs of the zodiac in love is a difficult question. To search for a life partner, you first need to know yourself. It refers to the features of which sign prevail in a person to a greater extent. Based on this, we can draw the appropriate conclusions. But sometimes difficulties arise in determining, because the qualities in a person born at the junction of two zodiac signs manifest themselves in almost equal degrees. In this case, you can draw up an individual chart by contacting a professional astrologer, or listen to your own heart, which will tell you the right way.

To summarize

Each person is unique. The nature, abilities, ability to overcome obstacles or the absence of all of the above in any of us is present in various degrees. The representative of the border zodiac sign combines the features of two celestials at once. Astrologers rightly regard such people as interesting individuals who are capable of great achievements. True, you should not rely only on horoscopes, building your own path through self-knowledge and improving day by day. This is the only way to find the road leading to happiness and success.

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