I am very afraid of girls: what to do?

Some modest guys face a problem. They do not know how to communicate with girls. It is difficult for them to approach pretty people and talk with them. And some shy guys can’t even approach well-known girls. How to deal with this problem? Help a guy who describes his problem this way: I'm afraid of girls, you can psychological advice. Look for them below.

Boost your self esteem

the guy is afraid

The first thing any shy person should do is increase self-esteem. The guy should love himself. You need to convey to your consciousness the idea that any person is unique. And you are no exception. And its uniqueness can be competently presented. Feel free to flaunt your strengths and mask the unattractive sides of your character. The guy should understand that he is an interesting person who can support any topic. If this is not the case, then pay attention to your shortcomings. Does your intellect suffer? Read more. If you are in poor physical condition, take care of your body. First of all, you should be attractive not for the opposite sex, but for yourself.

What kind of girls are the boys afraid of? The most dangerous they seem to be popular girls. Have you ever wondered what is the appeal of popular people? Not always girls who enjoy increased male attention are gifted with beauty. Rather, charisma is inherent in ladies, which girls are able to use correctly. So why don't you develop the ability to be charming? Ladies love with their ears, not their eyes, remember this.


what to do if you are afraid of girls

You have heard from a friend the phrase "I’m very afraid of the girls, tell me what to do?" What advice to give a shy guy? Such a person should be advised to sit down at the books. Someone may say that girls do not like nerds. But you can read not only encyclopedias, but also fiction and fiction. In fiction, a guy can easily master the course of women's thoughts, the desire of ladies, and also learn how to gallantly care. Practice in this matter plays an important role, but theoretical training will not be superfluous. And fantastic books will help the guy develop his imagination. With a well-read man, ladies will not be bored. You see, it’s always interesting to talk with someone who can entertain or surprise you. And to keep abreast of the latest world events, do not forget to watch the news and read information posts on the Internet. Spend less time on the Internet, and more time will remain on self-education.

Attention to appearance

the guy is afraid of the girl

Guys often repeat the phrase "I'm afraid of beautiful girls." Have you ever thought about the reasons for this fear? How do beautiful girls differ from gray mice? The fact that an attractive lady has a lot of gentlemen and it will be difficult for you to make a good impression about yourself when meeting you. To be remembered by an attractive girl, you need to make a good impression not only with your intellect, but also with your appearance. Try to always look neat. Do not chase after fashion and wisely approach the purchase of new things. Wear the clothes in which you feel comfortable that suits you. Today it’s fashionable to make tattoos. But if you do not understand this method of self-expression, then you should not decorate your body with drawings. Do not want to wear a fashionable beard, no need. Do not try to impress the lady with fashionable clothes. You should look neat and tidy. And what kind of clothes will be on you, the lady by and large does not care.

Control your gestures

I'm afraid to approach the girl

To make a good impression on any person, you need to feel free and relaxed. Can't you do it? At the first stage of working on yourself, you can begin to follow the gestures. Do not close your interlocutor during a conversation. Psychologists have proven that people who create a barrier between their arms and legs between themselves and their opponents are worse perceived by the interlocutor. If you want to make a good impression on a girl, then do not take closed poses. During the conversation, do not forget to supplement your speech with gestures. So your dialogue will look natural and not played out. And working with your hands helps relieve stress. But in no case do not twist any object in your hands. This behavior will show the interlocutor your excitement. If you don’t know where to put your hands, put them in your pockets.

Do you want to help a friend who told you: “I'm afraid to confess to the girl my feelings?” Advise the guy to take control of his gestures. The young man must in contact with the girl. For example, take a lady by the hand. This will make it easier for a guy to relax and express his feelings.

Learn to relax

what to do if you are afraid

When a person can control his gestures, he will need to learn how to relax. When a guy tells you, "I'm afraid to approach the girl," then advise the young man to relax. It is clear that it is easier said than done. But the excitement of man will always be visible. If he calms down and does not get nervous, then there will be no problem. Think about the nature of excitement. The guy is worried that a lady may refuse to date him. If a man will bear in mind that in case of failure of this girl he will approach the next, then the refusal will not be perceived as a tragedy. Therefore, always remember, when approaching a pretty lady, that if she refuses to meet you, you can find a no less pretty lady who agrees to spend the evening with you.

Learn to communicate

what girls are afraid

In order for a guy to have a fear of talking with girls, he must often and talk a lot. But it is not necessary to communicate with the ladies. You can talk with people of your gender and even with the walls of the house. You need to master one simple exercise called "Delusional Generator". Note 5 minutes on the stopwatch and during this time speak on any topic you have chosen. It is possible to move away from the topic, but not for long and only if it is really necessary. It is advisable to train twice a day. This exercise helps the guy quickly gain communication experience. Let the first attempts be in the form of a monologue, but you must admit, this is better than nothing. What to do if you are afraid of girls? Need to communicate more. Talk with sellers in stores, make short acquaintances in line or in public transport.

More practice

Is the guy afraid of the girl? This is a stupid excuse. What is the guy really afraid of? Unknown and denial. Fear of the unknown torments every person. All people at school are afraid of the exam, because they don’t know what question they will get. The guy cannot approach the girl, because he does not know how she will react to his greeting. In order not to be afraid of the representatives of the opposite sex, young people should practice more. The more a guy talks to a large number of girls, the more reactions he will learn to his words. Accordingly, a man will be able to prepare template phrases for any situation. And acting on the template is much easier if you can’t improvise. It is clear that over time the skill of quick reaction will come and the guy will learn to come up with witty cues on the go, but at first you should use stamps. But it should be noted that blanks should be invented independently, and not copied from the Internet.

All the girls are different

I'm afraid of beautiful girls

Many guys who say “I'm afraid of girls” have internal problems associated with negative experiences with the opposite sex. Having received one refusal, the guy closes himself and is afraid to make new attempts. A young man needs to understand that all the girls are different. If one lady criticized you, this does not mean that the other will do the same. Do not be afraid of the negativity of girls. All ladies perceive guys differently. Some girls refuse to date young people for the reason that they are afraid to disappoint a person. Do not think that you were unsympathetic to the lady. Work on your complexes. A guy who constantly repeats to himself “I'm afraid of girls” subconsciously sets himself up for failure. Negative experience is also needed. He helps to learn from his mistakes and not make them in the future.

Do not be afraid to remake yourself

Family education can tell a lot about a person. If the mother raised the boy in the format of hyper-custody, it is not surprising that the young man is afraid of everything. You need to redraw yourself and your views on life. If you are not comfortable with a quiet and shy character, then work on yourself. Busting over their complexes, a young man can become the soul of a company. Stop saying the phrase "I'm afraid of girls." Understand the cause of your fears and work on them. Not all women will perceive you as your mother. If your parents instilled in you an inferiority complex, you will have to make a lot of efforts to overcome it. But believe me, the game is worth the candle. You should not take an example from a shy father. Find yourself an idol or mentor to look up to. An authoritative person will teach you how to behave in the company of women, how to win and keep their attention. And also human experience will help you avoid the many pitfalls that you will meet on the way.

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