Deterministic is certain

Definitions are limiting, aren't they? They highlight only the most important thing, cutting off much more. The word "determine" comes from English determine - determine. The “power” component is clearly felt in it. In Russian, this rigidity is not felt very much, but in the original language there is the word determination - a very strong desire to do one or another action, unshakable determination. Deterministic - it means rigidly defined.

Why frame?

The concept itself came into the Russian language from the sphere of mathematical terms. There is a lot of mathematics in economics, so the word can be found in relevant textbooks. Those who do not know him will be confused and will not understand a large part of the special literature.

deterministic it

For young scientists, the word all the more belongs to the category of compulsory assimilation. One of the tasks of science is to reduce the uncertainty in a person’s knowledge of the world; therefore, limitation of possibilities is determination. The result is a narrowing of the value - and at the output we have the concept of deterministic. It is nothing but “specific.”

What do you owe?

This word is not used without indicating the source of determination, that is, the directing or limiting agent. For example, determinants are factors that are influenced. It is usually specified which one. Violence-driven behavior is behavior that is caused and caused by suffering. It is necessary to explain which particular factor became the starting one, otherwise the linguistic construction will be incomplete.

Black Swan and Markets

In economics, it is said that one or another market behavior was caused by certain actions. What is funny, most of these conclusions are made after everything is over, then they pronounce the word "deterministic".

deterministic method

This is a problem not only of the economy, but in it it is especially pronounced. Nicklas Nassim Taleb, an influential contemporary philosopher and friend of David Cameron, argues that the financial sector is influenced by the so-called “black swans” - significant events affecting many people whose scale is unpredictable. Most of the spheres of life are not subject to ordering, and therefore, can the term “deterministic" be left to pure mathematics? This would allow the word to be applied much more accurately.

Choose the method correctly!

Consider another example of the use of the word. Take the “deterministic method”. This phrase should be used when the approach to the solution must be chosen based on the conditions of the problem. That is, the number of methods is narrowed. For example, complex mathematical problems are extremely undesirable to solve by the selection method, at least manually. “Guessing” using a computer in some cases may be justified, but even in this case we say that the approach to solving a problem is determined by its features, we cannot take any method and get the result.

Outside of science - rarely


Does the concept of determination have a depressing effect on you? Well, it is used in a very narrow sense and only in a scientific style. That is, it is unlikely that you will encounter it often - if you hear a word from the rostrum, it means that a scientist with burning eyes was mistakenly let in for her.

But the concept of “determinate” helps reduce chaos in the knowledge of mankind, at least it claims to be. And if we are talking only about narrow mathematical knowledge, then its use will be justified and meaningful.

The word "deterministic" will be useful to authors of term papers and dissertations, and not only in the fields of exact sciences. There are also borderline sciences in which this concept is welcomed - linguistics, medicine. Only during a feast, it’s better not to use this word - they won’t understand. The exception is the Nobel banquet. There certainly everyone will like this word.

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