How to write off to GIA and is it possible to write off?

Today we will try to figure out how to write off to the GIA. The state final exam is a test that all students in grade 9 will have to pass. Indeed, in Russia he is considered one of the graduations. After passing the GIA, you can either continue to study at school, or go to college. Therefore, exams are given special attention. Only it is far from always possible to prepare for the tests. And at such moments, students think about cheating. Can this be done? How exactly? The best tips and advice on the preparation of spurs for the GIA will be presented to our attention.

how to write off on gia


Is it possible to write off to the GIA? It's pretty hard to answer. Indeed, every year the points of the final certification improve. In addition, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, some rules have to be followed.

Today, it is forbidden to bring gadgets to the points of the GIA and USE. And even cameras. Of course, no phones or tablets. After all, with their help they often write off. Nevertheless, sometimes gadgets are allowed to bring to certification points, but subject to their delivery to special baskets or if the child leaves the device in a bag near the entrance to the audience.

Accordingly, everything was done so that the students as honestly coped with the tasks. Therefore, cheating is prohibited at the legislative level.

Is it possible?

Are they allowed to write off to the GIA? As we have already said, according to the established rules, cheating at exams in grades 9 and 11 is prohibited. So we can assume that the "roll" is not allowed.

give write off on gia

But there are exceptions. There are cases when children themselves managed to write off, and teachers helped them. Nevertheless, every year it becomes more and more difficult to do. Yes, some really help to pass exams in the 9th grade, but you should not hope for it. It’s better to prepare for the tests yourself.

What can I take with me?

Sometimes they give to write off the GIA, despite the fact that it is illegal. But, as we have already said, you should not rely on this - such cases can be called exceptional.

To cheat on the exam you have to prepare cheat sheets. But hiding them is problematic. This is due to the fact that the child is allowed to take a minimum of items with him.


  • water
  • several pens;
  • additional literature.

Sometimes you can bring your own drafts. In some cases, additional literature will be issued by observers in classrooms. Therefore, we can say with confidence that only stationery and a bottle of water can be brought to a child. How to write off GIA in such conditions? If you try, then you can really do it.

give write off to gia


As already mentioned, water can be carried to exam sites. Or any other drink in a bottle. This can be used.

Can I write off to the GIA? A schoolboy can peel a label from a bottle of water, write a cheat sheet on it and stick it back. The main thing is that the drink is transparent. Few will realize that exam tips or answers are under the label.


How can I write off to the GIA? The following techniques are suitable for use in exams where various formulas are used. After all, with their help you can’t make a big cheat sheet.

First, a child can buy a pen from the Student Joy series. This is a pen in which there is a secret compartment with a traveling leaf. You can write tips and answers on it. True, it is problematic to use such pens on the GIA and the Unified State Examination. They attract attention.

Secondly, students came up with a reliable way to cheat. For him, you will have to prepare a needle and a regular gel pen. The needle must scratch the tips on the shell of the pen. That's all. Now the child will be able to take advantage of the spur without causing suspicion.

how to write off to gia


But that's not all. How to write off to the GIA? Some exams require extra accuracy. Children are allowed to bring in various office supplies and even calculators.

This can be used for their "selfish" purposes. It is enough to scratch a crib with a sharp object on pencils, rulers and even erasers. Usually, with a certain incident of light, the prompts become noticeable. But if you look at them from the usual angle, there will be nothing suspicious.

Only for girls

How to write off to the GIA? Girls today have more opportunities in this area than young people. For them, we will consider several non-standard solutions to the task.

So, the first way to cheat is to create a cheat sheet on small pieces of paper (stickers). They can be attached under a blouse and underwear, and then written off. Just drop your head down.

The second scenario is to hide pre-prepared spurs under tights. Now it remains only to slightly pull up your clothes and spy on the answers.

The third layout is somewhat reminiscent of the previous trick. How to write off to the GIA? A girl can put on a skirt, and write answers and tips on her legs, on the upper thigh and on her thighs. It is better to write with a ballpoint pen, so the text will not be smeared. Having lifted a skirt, it is possible to write off without problems.

Is it possible to write off the gia

The last original idea is to create a unique manicure. On the nail plates, the girl can write different formulas and answers, and then arrange all this under a manicure. This reception will not cause any suspicions. Boys can also use this technique, but they have beautifully and unusually painted legs that look at least strange.

"Smart watch

How can I write off to the GIA? Some children wear a watch. So far, they are not forbidden to bring them to exams. Accordingly, having prepared in advance, you can get the perfect cheat sheet.

You need to buy a smart watch. They are also called smart watches. They support displaying text. Having loaded in it files with hints, it will be possible to imperceptibly use spurs. Only some teachers are aware of such an invention. Therefore, it is not always possible to "roll up".

Gadget Help

How to write off to the GIA? As we have already said, in some schools you can bring phones with you, but on condition that they are left somewhere at the entrance to the classroom.

Having bought a special earpiece and microphone, the child will cope with the task. You need to connect the appropriate devices to your mobile phone, call a friend who will prompt answers, and then just leave the mobile phone in the bag at the entrance to the office.

As soon as the student needs help, he will quietly dictate the question of interest on the microphone, and then with the help of the earpiece it remains to record the answer to the clean-up.

The main disadvantage of this technique is that it’s problematic to hide the microphone. Now schoolchildren are increasingly searched. In addition, special signal blockers are installed in some audiences. They do not allow mobile devices to catch the network. So, the call "will not pass."

Is it possible to write off the gia

Like before

Now it’s clear how to write off GIA. Some people prefer to use old and proven methods.

You need to write cheat sheets on the stickers, and then hide them somewhere under the clothes. In trousers, blouses, jackets - this is not so important. As soon as you need to peek at the answer, the child should ask for a toilet. Entering the booth, all that remains is to get the right leaf and remember the answers. Only too often to leave the audience is impossible - it raises suspicions.

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