More abundant than usual discharge during pregnancy is a completely normal phenomenon, which does not mean anything bad. But this is the case when it comes to standard excretions that do not carry any threats and pathologies. Normal are considered watery, slightly unclear with a characteristic odor. They are similar to those that usually appear before menstruation. During pregnancy, an increase in discharge is due to hormonal changes.
So that the discharge during pregnancy does not cause anxiety, discomfort and does not cause any ailments, just follow the basic rules of intimate hygiene. Wash daily, wear natural cotton underwear, as synthetics during this period can cause irritation. Avoid tight and too tight clothing. In no case do not use tampons, they will only enhance the reproduction of bacteria, use the usual daily sanitary pads with a cotton surface.
But it also happens that the discharge during pregnancy deviates from the norm, which can talk about various diseases. Quite often thrush (candidiasis) occurs. This is a fairly thick, white, almost opaque discharge, similar to cottage cheese. Thrush caused by yeast. The sensations of the disease are rather unpleasant, but it is easily treated. The main thing is not to self-medicate, but to trust a doctor in this matter. Not every medicine will suit a pregnant woman. If you start the infection and allow the presence of the disease at the time of birth, infection of the baby is not excluded.
There are other more dangerous diseases. If there are abundant discharge during pregnancy, which have a yellow or green color, are accompanied by an unpleasant odor and cause redness, burning, itching, then we can talk about infection, for example, chlamydia. With the most initial signs, it is urgent to contact an observing gynecologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment appointment.
The most alarming can be called brownish discharge in pregnant women. The color indicates the presence of blood in them, which is very bad and most often accompanies any deviations. If this occurs in the first trimester and is accompanied by pain and fever, this may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, which has begun miscarriage or detachment of the placenta. It is clear that any of these situations is very dangerous for the life of the mother and the baby. Urgently need to see a doctor or call an ambulance. The surest way to diagnose the cause is an ultrasound scan. If an ectopic pregnancy is detected, immediate surgical intervention will follow, in other cases, treatment and hospitalization are prescribed, early diagnosis will save the pregnancy. Most importantly, blood in the discharge can never be the norm!
At later dates, it is worthwhile to especially look at the discharge. If it is practically transparent, liquid, and quite abundant during pregnancy, water leakage is not ruled out, which is dangerous for the baby and can cause intrauterine infection. Most often, worries are in vain, but for your own peace of mind it is better to purchase a special test for determining leakage, sold in pharmacies or consult a doctor who will take a smear. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then at a later date a woman can be sent to artificial stimulation of childbirth, since in addition to infection, the baby is threatened with oligohydramnios, which is quite dangerous and can lead to sad consequences.
A pregnant woman should strictly monitor her health.