Holy war in islam

Jihad, or the holy war in Islam, for most people has a clear association with armed struggle. However, in fact, this concept has a much broader meaning. Jihad is not only a war for faith in Islam, it is, first of all, a struggle with oneself, with one's vices, as well as with vices of society, such as social injustice, unbelief, aggression. The very word jihad in Arabic means “zeal” - a concept that applies to any effort in life, i.e. overcoming. And only in case of danger to the faith, this effort should be directed to military action. It is this, far from the most complete definition that the holy war in Islam has, and is considered the main non-Muslims.

Some theorists of Islam divide the whole world into two parts - Dar-al-Islam (i.e., the region where Islam is widespread and where Muslims rule) and Dar-al-Kharb (the war region, where Gentiles live). According to their theories, the first part should always be at war with the second part, and the soldiers of Islam should not be in a truce for more than 10 years in a row.

It is believed that at a time when Islam was just emerging and conquering supporters and territories, the holy war was primarily a struggle for the establishment and spread of a new religion, and participation in jihad for a Muslim was a direct road to paradise. However, one should not forget that initially the Prophet Muhammad did not call on his supporters to convert infidels to their religion by force. He spoke of the power of persuasion. And only after the attacks began on the first Muslims, the holy war was sanctioned as a means of defense, and then - as a means of attack.

Thus, during the formation of Islam, the holy war in Islam was of quite peaceful significance - self-improvement, the struggle against one’s own vices and the salvation of one’s soul. And only already in the Medina period the holy war becomes a war in the literal sense of the word, and also passes into the category of duties of a true Muslim. During the life of the Prophet Muhammad, a holy war in Islam was waged against the polytheists Arabs and those who retreated from Islam. And only after his death did it turn into a war against neighboring states.

Regardless of what was meant by the holy war in the period when this concept only appeared, both now and throughout the long period of the existence of Islam, numerous Muslim theorists have used jihad as a serious psychological press on Muslim believers. In order to attract them to the conduct of jihad and, consequently, to the spread of Islam, they cited the verses of the Koran as an argument, which say that jihad is necessary in order to go to heaven. And no righteous life will help a Muslim reach paradise if he avoids a holy war.

However, due to the mass of reasons, a single theory of the holy war does not exist among Muslims. There is a war against the enemies of the faith, against apostates and those who encroach on Islamic states, as well as other types of jihad. In every Muslim state, and almost every theoretician of Islam has its own interpretation of the holy war. In fact, jihad has often performed and is still playing a political rather than a religious role.

To summarize, we can distinguish several types of holy war. First of all, this is a war with its flaws and vices (jihad of the heart); further - jihad of language, the essence of which is in the command of the good and the prohibition of the bad. There is jihad of the hand - the punishment of the perpetrators of the crime, and finally, the same jihad of the sword - the fight against infidels.

At the same time, holy war with oneself is considered a great jihad. According to theorists of Islam, large jihad is much more complicated than small jihad (struggle against infidels). Self-education and self-improvement - this, according to many Muslim theologians, is the path to paradise.

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