Soup diet - a great solution in trying to lose weight!

Which of us is not bothering with weight loss right now? It seems that the entire female part of the world's population is certainly worried all year round about their weight and appearance. Magazines and all kinds of sites on the Internet are promoting a lot of diets, with which you can succeed and get closer to your dream - a slim body, supple skin, and well-being.

Among all the diets that filled our minds, there are many that you won’t lose weight from. Quite the contrary - you will turn into a terrible, angry creature that wants absolutely nothing. Unfortunately, it’s hard to convince everyone that a hunger strike is not proper nutrition.

Perhaps that is why the soup diet is successful, because hot liquid soup is so nice to eat, and in summer you can treat yourself to cold - no less tasty!

There are several variations on the subject of such a diet. For example, a Finnish soup diet. It is based on a ban on: bread, animal fats, salt, pasta and rice, canned food and smoked products, and all sweets will have to be excluded from the diet.

However, they are suitable for use: any seafood and low-fat fish with meat, any vegetables and cereals such as pearl barley, oat, buckwheat. Free access should be fruit, as well as natural fruit juices.

Observing such a regime as a soup diet, you need to drink about two liters of clean water daily, and also eat five times a day (three meals of which are soup).

Soup diets for the Finns are quite an interesting food, because it mainly consists of vegetable soup, in which: celery, onions and leek, common and cauliflower, carrots and all kinds of greens (parsley, tarragon, basil). The way to prepare such a dish is absolutely simple: all vegetables are boiled, mashed, mashed with tomato juice and boiled again.

Another option of such a system as a soup diet is a seven-day diet according to this scheme: 1 day - vegetable soup and fruits, tea or coffee; 2 day - soup and only green vegetables; 3 day - soup, fruits and vegetables (only without potatoes!); Day 4 - soup, fruits and vegetables (and bananas!); 5 day - vegetable soup, beef meat, tomatoes; 6 day - soup, beef, vegetables; Day 7 - soup, rice with vegetables, fruit juice.

Here is such a simple diet, according to the creators of this diet, will lead you to the desired results.

There is also a wider diet of the previous version - such a diet is called "Bonn soup." However, the idea that all soup diets adhere to (eat vegetable soup whenever you want to eat), it remains the same.

Soup diet usually entails a loss of 5-10 kilograms, depending on the initial weight. In the event that in 7 days of such a diet you manage to get rid of 8 kg or more, you need to take a two-day break. These days, of course, you should not make up for the lost and eat up for three, otherwise the weight will constantly return. It is enough just to adhere to proper nutrition, then to return to the soup diet again without much stress.

Pay special attention that soup diets do not allow a single gram of alcohol! The same applies to carbonated sugary drinks - they simply fill the stomach with absolutely disgusting water with gases, which does not bring the body a single drop of benefit.

They say that if it is impossible to completely abandon alcohol during diet days, it is best to drink a glass of dry red wine. But only a glass!

As you can see, the soup diet has nothing to do with mono-diets, which often cause only stomach problems. Food is varied and not infringed in quantities. Such a diet is completely "not hungry" and significantly facilitates the digestion process, accelerating it to normal.

Only you and your body know which diet will be ideal. However, do not rush to extremes - starve, sit for too long on a mono-diet, completely abandon something beloved. Try a new diet called "Soup".

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