What is the girl thinking and how to deal with it

Probably each of you is interested in the thoughts of others? What is now on the mind of this passerby with a thoughtful look? And what are the thoughts of this granny busy with? We often ask ourselves similar questions, because most are used to hiding their true intentions from others, and others may not be given what is on their mind at all.

What is the girl thinking
What a girl or woman is thinking about is generally a question of questions! Men go crazy with women's logic and manner of communicating and even try to derive formulas by which it will be possible to guess her true desires, needs and what she was offended by now. In turn, the girls consider the brains of guys as sophisticated and ascribe to them the same pretzel thoughts that the female mind makes, and even try to behave with men like with girlfriends, analyze them and predict the consequences of actions.

And that's just what the girl thinks about when she does this ?! No wonder they say that men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, and therefore it is not worth mistakenly believing that a man will once be able to recognize a woman using a masculine approach and logic to her. In turn, even women do not even try to ascribe to men the logic that they themselves use.

What is the woman thinking

Yes, a lot! For a second, 2 completely different thoughts can slip through her head, and at the same time she will still be able to make some kind of movement. Indeed, such a speed and multifunctionality of the brain can envy the strong half of humanity, because men see what they think, so it’s easier for them to distract from problems when they are busy with something.

What is the woman thinking
But women, in order to forget their sorrows for a while, need something much more distracting than switching to another type of activity. The fact is that she is able to think over one problem for weeks, doing her usual duties at home, at school or at work. There is only one proven tool that can tear a girl out of captivity of bad thoughts. This is an unfamiliar situation: learning / learning new things, unfamiliar terrain, mild stress, fright, the need to do something that never did.

That is why a girl who is mired in household chores and lives according to a long-established schedule, clogs her head with useless experiences much more than the one that constantly changes the type of activity, is not drawn into a household routine and accepts novelty. Scientists say that this way of life prolongs youth, health and good mood. So, if you want to live a happier life, more often avoid automatic actions, but still get used to being in the present moment, that is, if you cook borsch, then think about it and you will be happy.

Girl thinks - a thunderstorm is coming

They say that the future of the whole world depends on the thoughts of our mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and grandmothers. This fact has long been proved by scientists of all countries and areas of science. Rather, the thoughts of each person affect the future of mankind, but girl’s thoughts are the strongest, because they are energetically connected with the Earth. The words of your beautiful half of the family can help or, on the contrary, ruin a lot, so men are simply contraindicated in treating women with disdain and leaving them unsatisfied.

Girl is thinking
In ancient Russia, they have long wondered: "What is the girl thinking about?" And they successfully solved it. Special customs and rules were even adopted, telling how a man should treat his wife, and the basic law was to satisfy her in order to be satisfied and happy, and then harmony and warmth of the hearth were guaranteed to settle in the family. It is not difficult to imagine that the ancient men were much more skilled in the foreplay, as their fate depended on it. Therefore, the thought comes that ancient knowledge was passed from mouth to mouth, how to make a woman happy, how to understand her, but today they seem to be lost.

In the end, do you understand that effective formulas of behavior with the opposite sex used to exist and were considered an important part of knowledge about life? This means that we can restore them, that they are very important. To begin with, you can just listen to the words, and then you will certainly find out what the girl is thinking about, what she wants, and how you should behave.

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