Can I put plastic windows in the winter in the apartment?

It must be admitted that owners of apartments or houses rarely think about heating their home in the hot season. This, probably, you can say about yourself. But when it becomes really cold in the rooms, strong drafts are felt, blowing out all the heat, and the window is covered with hoarfrost, people begin to worry that it would be nice to replace old windows with better and more insulated ones. The frost on the glass then turns into water, which flows down the windowsill and spoils the wall cladding.

In this case, it is important to understand whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter? The answer is in the affirmative, however, when carrying out such work, some rules must be observed.

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Is it possible to put plastic windows in winter

At that time, when the old window is removed and a new one is installed, the room can become very cold. Materials for interior decoration at the same time, according to customers, deteriorate, because they are not prepared for sudden changes in temperature. You will encounter this problem if you decide to replace the window with the forces of an unskilled team. Installation will take a lot of time. Otherwise, the work will take no more than half an hour. During this time, nothing will happen with a new repair, while heat-loving plants, apartment owners recommend protecting from frost.

When deciding whether plastic windows can be installed in winter, you will need to prepare the room. For this, products and surfaces that may be damaged are coated with waterproof materials. This applies to books and technology. If you are thinking about whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter, you should read the reviews about it. From them you can find out that the room where the glass is being replaced is closed tightly so that cold air does not penetrate into other rooms.

Features winter window installation

Is it possible to put plastic windows in the winter in the apartment

If you still have not decided for yourself whether it is worth it to replace a double-glazed window in the winter, then you should consider some of the advantages of carrying out such work in the cold season. The plus is that you can find big discounts on installing windows in the winter, because most consumers prefer to do it in the summer. Demand for plastic windows is falling, and manufacturers are making concessions in order to increase the number of customers.

When thinking about whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter, it is worth familiarizing yourself with state standards, from which you can find out that such work is carried out at any time of the year, however, it should be noted that the temperature outside the window should not drop below -15 Β° C. Wind speed is also important, it should not be more than 8 m per second. Otherwise, sealant and foam, as well as other building mixtures, may freeze and become brittle. Therefore, before calling specialists, it is necessary to check the weather forecast and find the right day.

If you still have not decided for yourself whether it is possible to put plastic windows in the winter, then you should remember the internal climate. Sometimes such work is carried out in new buildings. The brought double-glazed windows should acclimatize at a positive temperature. Typically, window transport machines have an open body. Under the influence of cold, low-quality plastic can narrow. If you find such a defect, then after installation is complete, windows can β€œfloat” and lose their rigidity, as well as their original shape.

The effect of cold on materials

Is it possible to put plastic windows in an unheated room in winter

Without exception, all modern firms whose activities are aimed at installing plastic windows are engaged in winter installation of double-glazed windows. However, before you call the experts, you should ask what profiles of the manufacturer they use. For example, the Veka company positions its products as windows that are not afraid of any frost.

Professionals emphasize that the problem can be expressed in polyurethane foam. It expands in the course of a chemical reaction. Upon contact with water, polymerization occurs. The colder the air, the lower its humidity. As a result, a low temperature can contribute to the fact that the foam simply does not work and remains in a preserved state. When it gets warmer on the street, the material will begin to swell with all the ensuing consequences.

The problem exists, but is easily solved by using sealants and foams for special purposes. It is important to inquire whether specialists use winter compounds that allow them to be installed up to -25 Β° C. Some polyurethane foams have an even lower temperature limit.

When consumers decide whether it is possible to install plastic windows in the winter in an apartment, they often learn about the fact that during such work, a protective screen is sometimes placed in the opening. It eliminates the penetration of cold wind into the room. But this approach is relevant when the frost on the street is unbearable.

Installation of a double-glazed window in a house under construction. Should I start work in the winter?

Is it possible to put plastic windows in the winter in a house under construction

When it comes to installing a double-glazed window in the winter in a residential building, a great many questions can arise. Their number increases when the consumer thinks about whether it is possible to put plastic windows in the winter in an unheated room? The answer here is yes.

However, only those materials that are designed to operate at temperatures below zero should be used. Their polymerization occurs under difficult conditions, and the properties do not change. As a result, you can get windows that do not "cry." This is exactly what buyers are most worried about when they plan to update double-glazed windows in an apartment or house. But at the same time you should be prepared that the company sometimes breaks the price of expensive foam.

Additional difficulties

can I put plastic windows in winter reviews

The problem can also be expressed in the fact that the room will have to be freed from all furniture and plants, which is not always possible. This is due to the fact that the old windows will not have to be taken out until the new ones are in place. This is due to the fact that the score will go on for minutes.

Is it worth it?

Is it possible to put plastic windows in winter in a wooden house

When you know the answer to the question of whether it is possible to put plastic windows in the winter in a house under construction, you should think three times about the advisability of such work. There are several other ways to improve indoor comfort. You can carry out internal insulation or use economical modern heating appliances. And then, after waiting for spring, call specialists who will not violate the comfort of households.


If you want to install a double-glazed window when the temperature outside the window has dropped below zero, you should contact a qualified company. Its specialists are trained and prepared for such work. They will carry out everything pretty quickly, and the house will remain β€œbare” for a minimum time.

Within half an hour after the excavation of the old structure in the opening will be a new one. Its position will only need to be oriented vertically and fill the gaps. If you asked yourself whether it is possible to install plastic windows in a wooden house in winter, then you should take into account that experts advise you to wait for spring. But if you want to make your home truly cozy and warm tomorrow, you should choose profiles of well-known companies. One of them is Veka, which recommends installing its windows in the Far North and Siberia.

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