Sex, whatever one may say, is an integral part of human life. At some times, this was silent, but the active population growth is the most clear confirmation that sexual intercourse and sexual desire between a man and a woman have not disappeared. Recently, when it became possible to talk about sex at every step, active research has begun on this phenomenon as such. New directions appeared in psychology and medicine in general. They began to be called sexology, sexopathology, and family psychoanalysis. On the one hand, the presence of such doctors is designed to establish a physical relationship between a man and a woman, but on the other hand, the examination and study of such a personal side of life is traumatic for many. Men began to receive practical guidance on how to make love to a woman. Previously, no one had problems with this, but now many people are having difficulty in this matter. It is possible that a similar trend appeared just because of an active study of this issue, because living on books and various studies is not only difficult, but very often simply impossible, because each person is individual.
However, the question of how to make love with a woman is still hanging in the air and is very popular. Perhaps women themselves provoke the emergence of such problems by too high demands, but, undoubtedly, other aspects of modern life play a certain role. One of the most pressing problems is the place. Many men have no idea where to make love to a woman. The abundance of beautiful romantic and pornographic films pushes a person to peculiar experiments, however, if you rely on most studies, most adults prefer to make love at night in an ordinary bed. Various exotic places for sex, such as an elevator, a bathroom, a kitchen table and others, are also popular, but as an exception, because most people are at least physically uncomfortable to take the correct pose in places so unusual for sex.
Another urgent problem is a beautiful lovemaking. Of course, sometimes a man and a woman want to somehow diversify their sex life, change the atmosphere and add a bit of romance to such a familiar occupation, but this should not be a habit. Agree, if you take the high bar as a rule, then not always it can subsequently be raised even higher. That is, if you add a lot of romance, at some point the ideas run out, and the usual sex will no longer be interesting. Therefore, the question of how to make love with a woman, most often should receive a standard answer - at night or early in the morning on the bed.
Recent studies have shown that an early morning is the ideal time for sex. The fact is that in the dark, the hormone sleep is released in humans. Therefore, the sensations become slightly dull, which leads to some dissatisfaction. There are also some gender differences. Women after sex become active and want to talk, while men, on the contrary, feel drowsiness and go to bed. This physical feature very often leads to quarrels and disagreements, although you can not argue with nature. When sex occurs early in the morning, the sleep hormone manages to disappear, men do not feel drowsiness, a woman can show her activity at work, for example, and sensations increase. Also, to answer the question of how to make love with a woman, you need to consider personal characteristics. Try just talking to your sexual partner and find out exactly what kind of sex he prefers. Many women want men to read thoughts, but most of them still openly express their desires.