Algomenorrhea is the most pronounced disorder of the menstrual cycle with clearly present pain syndromes. They are concentrated in the sacrum, lower back, and also in the lower abdomen, in some cases localization can be in the hips. Unpleasant sensations can occur not only during the course of the cycle, but also several days before it.
The concept
Algomenorrhea is a painful period of menstruation, in which a deterioration in the well-being of a woman is noted. It can occur as a result of complications in childbirth, abortion, abnormalities of the uterus and appendages, due to hormonal disruptions. Treatment of algomenorrhea with drugs depends on the reason that it is caused.
In more than half the cases, a woman feels pain on the first day of the cycle or even 10-12 hours before it begins. They appear for 1-2 days, after which they gradually disappear. Unpleasant sensations can be aching, stitching, in the form of contractions in the lumbar region, rectum or bladder.
Most often moderate pains that do not affect vital activity and performance are noted. Strong discomfort is noted in almost 23% of women. In this case, frequent urination, chills, nausea, headaches and general weakness are observed. In this state, a woman becomes depressed, becomes irritable and anxious. At the same time, working capacity is reduced, special medicines are required.
Excessive pain is noted in about 15% of cases. There is a constant weakness in the body, an increase in body temperature is observed. Severe headaches, frequent fainting, vomiting, diarrhea, tachycardia, heart pain are noted. At the same time, women lose their active life position. Taking painkillers does not bring relief.
Primary algomenorrhea is most susceptible to young women with unstable menstrual cycles. For older women, the following features are characteristic in this case:
- mild excitability;
- impulsiveness;
- emotionality.
Young girls illness caused by disorders in the hormonal background with increasing levels of norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine in the body. In women, the production of serotonin in cerebrospinal fluid increases.
Secondary algomenorrhea is noted in giving birth. The disease can develop as a result of the abortion, as well as the following reasons:
- the presence of concomitant chronic pathologies;
- prolonged use of the intrauterine device;
- gynecological operations.
In this case, various pathologies of the reproductive system, including uterine fibroids, may be noted.
The cause of the disease can be endometriosis and varicose veins in the pelvic area. The pains are aching in nature, the entire menstrual cycle continues, can be given to the rectum.
In addition, the causes of the disease can be associated with various processes occurring in the body:
- endocrine;
- psycho-emotional;
- exchange;
- vegetovascular.
There may be loss of consciousness, joint pain, irritability, headaches, nausea and vomiting.
ICD Algomenorrhea Code
In the latter, each disease is assigned its own number, which is used in world practice. Algomenorrhea in the ICD-10 is assigned three codes:
94.4 - primary;
94.6 - unspecified;
94.5 - secondary.
Symptoms of Algomenorrhea
The main sign of the disease is pain in the lower abdomen. Other of them are the following:
- excessive sweating;
- swelling of the limbs and face;
- discomfort in the back;
- migraine-like headaches;
- constipation and diarrhea;
- dizziness;
- mood swings;
- anxiety;
- decreased performance;
- general weakness.
If the pathology develops against the background of gynecological diseases, then the symptoms become more pronounced as the latter develop.
Algomenorrhea is an ailment that has two forms: primary, in which the anatomy of the genital organs does not change inside and secondary, which occurs under the influence of pathologies in the pelvic organs. Each of them has symptoms characteristic of it.
The primary form of the disease is most often observed in young girls and appears 1-1.5 years after the onset of menstruation. Pain syndromes can occur several hours before it begins or on the first day. In this case, contractions are formed in the lower abdomen, extending to the lower back and inner thighs. The symptoms listed above are characteristic of both forms, but with primary algomenorrhea they are less pronounced.
The secondary form most often occurs due to the development of adenomyosis and is a symptom of it. Unpleasant sensations become more pronounced, their duration is 2-3 days after the start of the menstrual cycle. This changes the position and shape of the uterus. This is mainly characteristic of women after 30 years.
According to the symptoms and manifestations, pathology is divided into three degrees:
- Mild - during menstruation, soreness is moderate and short, vital activity and performance are not reduced.
- Medium - severe pains are noted in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, chills, nausea, headaches, weakness in the body, depressive mood, poor performance.
- Severe - the pains become sharp, appear in the lower back and abdomen, the temperature rises, there are heart and headaches, diarrhea, nausea accompanied by vomiting, tachycardia, while working capacity and vitality are completely reduced. This degree is noted mainly with congenital pathology of the genital organs.
Primary form
It most often occurs during the development of the female body. Manifestations are observed in the first years after the onset of the menstrual cycle. In this case, the disease can occur in two types:
- compensated - with the same soreness of menstruation for a long period of time;
- decompensated - with gradually increasing discomfort.
This form is most characteristic of women with an asthenic physique and with unstable emotionality.
Primary algomenorrhea is due to the following reasons:
- diseases of the uterus, which retain blood in its cavity, which leads to muscle contractions in intensive mode;
- various pathologies of the central nervous system, as a result of which pain is perceived exacerbated;
- genital tuberculosis, which contributes to the defeat of genitals - in this case, pain syndromes observed in the first month, and the place of their location is not specified;
- dysplasia, hypoplasia due to the birth of the connective tissue, resulting in the skeleton and limbs change - marked with magnesium deficiency.
Diagnosed with a gynecological examination, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, determination of hormonal parameters.
In order for the compensated type not to become decompensated, the first pregnancy must be preserved. After the birth of a child, this ailment can go away by itself. If necessary, prescribe medication and physiotherapy.
Secondary form
She appears in women after they cross a 30-year milestone. It is characterized by moderate and severe degrees of the disease with heavy menstruation.
The causes of the formation of secondary algomenorrhea are associated with pathologies of the pelvic organs. These include:
- commissures in them;
- intrauterine contraceptives;
- tumors of the appendages and uterus;
- veins expansion;
- endometrial polyps;
- inflammation in the genitals.
In addition, overfatigue can serve as the reasons for its development - both mentally and physically.
Diagnosed with ultrasound, x-ray, endoscopic and instrumental studies. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. operation is conducted if necessary.
With its implementation, it is necessary to detect the pathology that provoked the development of this ailment. Diagnostics consists in the following activities:
- gynecologic examination - increase in uterine detected in secondary form, inflammatory infiltrates, which are not marked in the primary;
- urine and blood tests;
- Ultrasound to identify concomitant pathologies, for example, inflammation of the appendages, the presence of fibroids, cysts, tumors;
- Secondary MRI for the detection of neoplasms;
- encephalography to detect CNS pathologies with severe headaches during the menstrual cycle;
- diagnostic laparoscopy is performed with the inefficiency of previously implemented healing methods.
Depends on the severity, forms of the disease, the causes that caused it, and symptoms. The most effective is the method of etiotropic treatment aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes of the disease. After this, pathogenic and symptomatic therapy is carried out.
When healing the primary form, the hormonal balance is first brought to the optimal state. The following drugs are used to treat algomenorrhea:
- hormonal contraceptives;
- progestins.
Sometimes, after birth, no drugs are required; the illness goes away on its own.
In cases of abnormalities in the anatomy or congenital malformations in the pelvic organs, surgery is performed.
When conveyance of serious concern to the patient of this disease with medication belonging to the group of NSAIDs, analgesics or antispasmodics. With their help they relieve pain and have a therapeutic effect on concomitant pathologies. Unrest and anxiety are eliminated by the use of sedative medications.
In addition, non-drug therapy can be used:
- diadynamic currents ;
- manual therapy;
- massage;
- ultrasound;
- shortwave diathermy;
- acupuncture;
- gymnastics for breathing;
- phonophoresis;
- electrophoresis with trimecaine, magnesium sulfate and novocaine.
Massage treatment
To alleviate the symptoms of the disease, not only drug therapy can be used. Massage with algomenorrhea can be point. To do this, find the point located between the knee of the inner side of the leg and the ankle, on which they press for 1-2 minutes clockwise on the left leg, then on the right.
It is also effective to perform a lower back massage. To do this, take 2 small hard ball, which is placed in a cloth bag, placed under each side of the spine in the lower back and lay down on them. The latter is pressed and rolled using the back for several minutes.
You can also perform acupressure. It is understood as massaging active points. Massage is performed in the following of them:
- thumbs in the lower inguinal zone and below the navel in the supine position, without changing the same fingers, press the inner surface in the middle of the lower leg, in the center of the back and tailbone - hold a finger for 10 seconds at each point, and then slowly release;
- a point located above the ankle for 4 fingers on the inside of the leg;
- kneeling down to pinch the thigh, pushing his elbow on the outside of the thigh to the knee on, but on the inside - it is the direction of the pelvis.
It is necessary to rationally combine emotional, physical and mental stress. Prevention of algomenorrhea in case of overwork is the elimination of tightness and the maintenance of a measured lifestyle. At the same time, representatives of the weaker sex should:
- timely identify and treat diseases of the pelvic organs;
- lead a measured sexual life;
- rationalize your diet;
- tempering the body;
- observe the rules of personal hygiene.
The diet for a few days before menstruation introduce more vegetables and cereals, calcium, magnesium, limit salty foods and caffeine.
Algomenorrhea is an ailment that occurs in women with pain during the first days of the menstrual cycle. There are primary and secondary forms. The second is mainly due to the development of adenomyosis and is characteristic of women after 30 years. The first is observed in young girls. As a treatment, mainly use drug therapy, as well as some methods involving non-drug effects on the body. These include massage. For the prevention of the disease, it is necessary, first of all, to identify and treat diseases of the pelvic organs in a timely manner.