Galina Grossman. Face rejuvenation by a unique technique

Galina Grossman is a very interesting and unusual woman. Thanks to her strong will, she was able to develop her abilities well enough, which allowed her to influence the biological fields of her patients.


Galina Grossman was born in an Estonian village far from civilization, in which there was neither electricity nor doctors. Even in childhood, the future biologist began to be interested in the extraordinary abilities of some people, which allowed them to heal the sick. The girl observed the impact on the human body of traditional medicine in practice.

After school, Galina became a biologist, receiving a special education. In this area she defended her thesis and began to work in the field of space development. Currently, she conducts sessions to rejuvenate the body, gives lectures and conducts courses to lose weight. In parallel, Galina Grossman heads the Center for Human Biology and Ecology in Estonia.

Galina Grossman

An amazing woman looks great and full of energy. One can judge her real age only by the fact that the beginning of her career at the Institute of Biophysics at the USSR Academy of Sciences was laid a long time ago, back in 1974.

Scientific activity

Dr. G. Grossman has carried out numerous scientific studies in the vast field of ecology, as well as medicine and biology. Their results have been published by various scientific journals. In addition, Grossman presented her work at many scientific conferences. The works of the biologist can be found in the libraries of many countries of the world.

The method that Galina Grossman developed

Galina Grossman facial rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation according to the unique program of an outstanding scientist should be carried out in two stages. The first session is designed to return a young person to a person. The second stage, the effect is fixed.

An interesting and unusual technique was developed by Galina Grossman. Rejuvenation of the face is a real awareness of their appearance. The essence of the whole technique is in psychological training. They allow you to create the desired image directly at the subconscious level. This is a kind of bioenergy effect, which was proposed by Galina Grossman. According to her, face rejuvenation is possible without the use of plastic surgery, using the power of one’s own thought.

grossman facial rejuvenation
The essence of a unique technique is to accept your appearance, whatever it may be. With its shortcomings and problems. Trainings resemble the basic principles that exist in yoga, however, they differ in a meditative orientation. During the sessions, the body includes mechanisms of recovery and rejuvenation. In this case, the effect is carried out only by the power of thought. Simply put, a woman must form in her subconscious mind that ideal image that she aspires to. As a result, the desired will be achieved.


Before starting the training, prepare a mirror. Looking into it, you need to carefully look at your face. At the same time, one should not admire oneself, but calmly recognize one’s shortcomings. Looking in the mirror, you need to decide what you would like to change. Eye corners, oval face or forehead wrinkles? After that, in the subconscious, you should reproduce your face with the existing flaws. In this case, the eyes should be closed. After a certain time, the state of your own face should be carefully considered by you.

face rejuvenation with galina grossman

In this case, the eyes should be opened. If there are no defects in appearance, then the face must be preserved. In the event that something does not suit you, the desired image should be drawn in the imagination. How to do this also describes the method that Galina Grossman developed. Face rejuvenation should be performed while sitting on a chair. The back is certainly straight, and the legs are firmly on the floor. The body during the session is relaxed, and thoughts are light. First of all, you should feel your right, and after that - your left hand. The same sequence applies to the legs. At the next stage, a new face should be reproduced with admiration. After carrying out a positive attitude, your face will gradually begin to change for the better, acquiring the desired features.

Stages of bioenergy lifting

The unique youth return course can be compared with plastic surgery by the effect obtained. G. Grossman herself refers to facial rejuvenation by the method she developed as bio-energy lifting. The desired effect does not arise immediately, but in stages. First of all, wrinkles are smoothed out. After this condition of the muscles and skin goes through the stage of fixation. Then, facial wrinkles are smoothed out, a face is directly rejuvenated.

facial rejuvenation reviews
At the end of the session, therapeutic massage is recommended. It will reduce the oval of the face. This procedure is especially useful for overweight people.

Advantages of the method

Face rejuvenation with Galina Grossman carries out a large number of people. At the same time, sessions of the doctor of biological sciences have been attended by people who have been interested for about two decades. And this fact undoubtedly indicates the effectiveness of the methodology.

Such facial rejuvenation has only positive reviews. The method is pretty simple. In addition, patients during the session receive pleasant sensations and are not afraid to harm the skin.

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