What does it mean if 2 days delay? Delay of menstruation

A 2-day delay in menstruation does not always indicate that the girl became pregnant. There are other common causes. Even if your periods are delayed for three, four, five or six days, you should not think that this is necessarily a pregnancy.

2 days delay

Disorders in the body

It happens that there was no sex in this month, but menstruation never came. In such a situation, the girlโ€™s body is to blame for this, and the reason is precisely in it. It can be caused by external factors, and ailments of internal organs, and many others. And a 2 day delay in such cases is not the limit. If pregnancy is definitely absent, then the following reasons may occur.

Why are your periods delayed?

  1. A slight delay in menstruation may be due to impaired puberty. Teenage girls, as a rule, experience many problems associated with the body, and it can take a lot of time to establish the menstrual cycle. At first, delay is common. Often in adolescence, menstrual irregularities can be caused by improper functioning of the thyroid gland. If the hormonal background is not in order, then do not be surprised at the delays.
    2 months delay
  2. Stress. If a girl has already had 2 days of delay, she should remember if there have been any recent strong psychological upheavals that could disrupt the level of hormones. This reason is very common, because our life consists of stresses ... A delay of 3-5 days can also be explained by psychological reasons.
  3. Changes in the body associated with menopause. Women, whose age has exceeded 40, can observe some unusual things that happen to them. At first, menstruation can be delayed for 2-3 days, then for a longer period, and as a result, it will completely disappear.
  4. Ailments of the central nervous system and psyche. Severe stress can lead to disruption of the cycle. Problems with the nervous system also negatively affect menstruation - it can disappear altogether. However, in the most harmless cases there is a delay of 4 days, and this is far from the worst option.

Pretty common reasons

  1. Vitamin deficiency. If a woman does not follow the principles of proper nutrition, she may have delays. A balanced diet is very important for maintaining health. You need to get all the necessary vitamins.
  2. All sorts of ailments. This includes gastritis, diabetes mellitus, in which it is necessary to inject insulin, colds, disorders of the cardiovascular system. Often, the treatment of these ailments with the help of medications affects the menstrual cycle - it normalizes.
  3. Gynecological diseases. Inflammation in the genitals can have a significant effect on the maturation of the egg, as well as its output.
  4. If a woman has a 2 day delay, she should consider whether she is overweight. Obesity adversely affects the circulatory system. In addition, with abnormal fullness, a violation of the functioning of the ovaries can be observed, and if the egg does not mature, then the absence of menstruation is quite understandable.
    4 days delay

A few more reasons

  1. Gynecological surgery. Operations always entail unpleasant consequences. The body needs some time to bounce back.
  2. Deviations in the field of physiology. Some activities may adversely affect the female body, making it difficult to get pregnant. Excessive physical or psychological stress is very harmful. To avoid delays for this reason, it is recommended that you switch to another, less difficult job.
  3. Genetic abnormalities. Many women have relatives who also suffer from delays. Conception in this case is possible. However, sometimes an unexpected pregnancy takes a woman by surprise. Is this a problem? Now women can be regularly checked for pregnancy. If, for example, a delay of 2 days, the test is positive, then pregnancy is quite possible. It is recommended to donate blood for hCG - this test method is more reliable than tests.

2 days delay test positive

Dangerous pathologies that delay menstruation

In many sick women, menstruation does not come on time, and there is nothing strange about it. Endocrine and gynecological ailments generally negatively affect the body. There may be a delay if there is any of these diseases:

  • PCOS This disease is characterized by an excess of testosterone, respectively, the female hormones become smaller, and as a result, the egg cannot leave the follicle, ovulation does not occur. This ailment provokes infertility, skin problems, obesity, increased hair growth on the body.
  • Salpingoophoritis, also called adnexitis. As a result of inflammation of the appendages, hormones cease to be produced, on which the regularity of menstruation depends.
  • Malignant tumor of the cervix.
  • Congenital defects of the ovaries.
  • An intrauterine device installed incorrectly.
  • Infections affecting the genitourinary system. There are many, but the most common is thrush.
  • Endometritis, uterine fibroids.

2 days delay test negative

Among other things, there are the following causes of delayed menstruation:

  • colds viral ailments;
  • gastritis, especially if it is in chronic form;
  • burns caused by the sun;
  • diabetes;
  • functional ailments of the thyroid gland;
  • kidney disease.

If a woman has a delay of 2 days, the test is negative, then do not worry too much - it may not be a disease at all. If the periods do not come longer, then this is an occasion to visit a gynecologist.

2 days delay belly pulls


Artificial abortion (not important, pharmacological or surgical) is a serious test for the body, after which it cannot come back to normal for a long time. Uterine tissue damaged during abortion needs repair. And a woman should not worry, if she has a delay of 2 days after such a procedure, you just need to wait. 2-3 weeks of absence of menstruation is also an acceptable period. And if your periods do not come later, you should consult a gynecologist.

Hormonal drugs

Some women taking hormonal birth control have ovarian hypertrophy syndrome. It worsens after stopping the pill. Sometimes menstruation may be absent even for several months. It is necessary to cancel the funds that provoke disruption of the ovaries, and in order for the menstruation to start again, you need to take either the Chorionic Gonadotropin or Pergonal. These medicines help the egg to mature. If a girl taking oral contraceptives has a 2-day delay, pulls her stomach, then you should think about another way of protection. However, it is better to consult a specialist.

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