Warm chicken salad: recipe

Not all salads are light snacks. Some of them, due to the richness of dressings varying in composition and the presence of fairly high-calorie ingredients, may well replace full-fledged second courses. For example, a warm salad with chicken, presented in this article in several versions, amazes the imagination with the unusual combination of products. It is this property that makes the dish very original.

Features of making salad

What are the main secrets to getting this dish? With completely different technologies for preparing the individual components, it is worth paying attention to two features that are present in all salads.

  • The presence of green foods, vegetables or greens in the dish. Chicken fillet is rather dry in its properties. Therefore, to obtain a harmonious taste, you need to refresh the dish with some other food-grade product. Usually in salads, as one of the ingredients, for example, green onions, cabbage, lettuce, green peas are present .
  • Refueling selection. Sauce for a warm salad is almost always made from fragrant seasonings, sour juices and butter. Combining milk-based products with hot meat ingredients is not recommended. When heated, not only the consistency, for example, sour cream, can change, but also its taste characteristics due to the possible separation into whey and clots.

warm chicken salad

Recipe one: a warm salad with chicken and potatoes in a mustard-yogurt filling

Prepare the sauce in advance so that it is a little infused. To do this, mix 100 g of unsweetened yogurt (can be replaced with low-fat mayonnaise), 1 incomplete tbsp. l ready tart mustard and 5-6 large branches of fresh parsley. Boil young potatoes (4-5 medium tubers) whole. Chicken (without veins) fillet (200 g) chop slices, fry in a red-hot thick-walled pan, adding to the mass of 1 tbsp. a full spoon of unsalted butter and any vegetable oil. On a wide dish, lay the first layer of fresh green curly leaves or watercress. Cut tomatoes (2 fresh fleshy fruits) into slices. Lay them on top of the salad in a second layer. After quick skinning, divide the hot potatoes into large pieces. Then mix it with dressing and immediately lay on top of the tomatoes in a third layer. Remove the chicken slices from the pan with a slotted spoon and place on the potatoes. Garnish the salad with 1 tbsp. l roasted nuts. Serve hot.

The combination with green peas and lemon dressing in the second recipe

recipe for warm chicken salad

Peel the potatoes (5-6 medium pcs.), Cut into small pieces and mix with 2 tbsp. l mayonnaise, Β½ tsp coarse salt, ΒΌ dess. l ground hot any pepper, bake in the oven until browning. Boil the chicken fillet (200 g) until tender and immediately cut into thin long slices across the fibers. Pour the frozen green whole peas (1 faceted glass) with boiling water and drop them onto a colander for draining. Mix the hot fried potatoes, warm chicken and pour in 2 tbsp. l any oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice. After insisting for several minutes under the lid, add warm peas, 3 tbsp. with the top of chopped green onions. Add the dish if necessary. If desired, you can enter a little ready-made mustard in the dressing. Serve warm chicken salad immediately, sprinkled with chopped parsley or dill.

The third method of preparation: with pasta and soya-sesame sauce

how to cook a warm salad

Boil pasta (100 g) of medium size until cooked. So that the products do not lose their shape, it is better to use those made from durum wheat with the presence of an egg base in the composition. Throw them in a colander without washing, and cover with a lid to keep warm. Chop the chicken breast (150 g) into strips and pour in soy sauce (2 full tbsp. L.) For about 15 minutes. Then, after removing from the dressing, quickly fry them in a hot pan in 2 tbsp. full l any vegetable oil. After removing the meat slices with a slotted spoon, mix the fillet with pasta. Add a large bunch of green salad to the mass , tearing it into pieces with your hands. Season a warm salad with chicken breast 1 full tbsp. l soy sauce, in which previously pour 1 with the top of tsp. sugar, Β½ tsp table salt, a pinch of sesame seeds and ground pepper (any) to taste. Serve with garnished with roasted almonds.

The fourth recipe for a warm salad with chicken in garlic oil with cabbage and mushrooms

warm salad

Finely chop the large onion and 2 large cloves of garlic and put on low heat in creamy unsalted butter (2 tbsp.). 200 g of mushrooms (it is best to take mushrooms), peel and chop into slices. Put them in a pan and add fire. After evaporating the liquid, attach the chopped chicken fillet (250 g) to the mass and simmer until tender, seasoning with spices and salt. Slice fresh white cabbage (1/3 of a medium-sized fork) with long thin strips and pour into a large bowl, sprinkling 1 tbsp. l vinegar. Boil one carrot until half cooked and chop in circles. Mix chicken and mushroom frying with fresh chopped cabbage. Add carrots, a little fresh green and colored watercress to the mass. Before serving, sprinkle grated hard cheese on top of the dish. Such a salad will look especially appetizing due to the molten crust.

Fifth recipe: salad with spinach, pumpkin and maple syrup

warm chicken breast salad

The dish turns out to be unusually bright due to the addition of pumpkin slices to the bulk. Take it about 0.5 kg (without seeds), cut into small pieces and, greased with maple syrup (2 tbsp.), Put in the oven to bake for half an hour. Chicken breast (200 g) cut across to get steak slices. Fry them in hot oil (3 tbsp. L.) On both sides until rosy. To the finished chicken fillet, lay out the slightly cooled pumpkin and mix. To the mass, add Β½ faceted glass of ground walnuts, a large bunch of fresh spinach and 1 red onion coarsely chopped into half rings. Dress a warm salad with a mixture of prepared mustard, maple syrup, apple cider vinegar and any vegetable oil taken in 1 full dess. l To prepare this sauce, all the ingredients must be mixed very carefully, whisking with a whisk until smooth. Serve with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes.

Sixth salad option: with bell pepper, zucchini and lime juice

Chicken fillet (about 200 g of pulp without veins and skins) cut into medium pieces and marinate in a mixture of garlic, curry powder and Β½ lemon juice. After an hour, quickly grill the fillet. It is important not to dry it so that the product does not lose its juiciness. Young (without hard inner pits and hard peel) yellow or green zucchini chop the straws.

Free red pepper from seeds and cut lengthwise into long thin strips. A bunch of green onions and watercress cut into medium pieces. Put all fresh ingredients in a bowl and mix. Last add the hot chicken. Pour the salad with a fragrant dressing made from 2 tbsp. l freshly squeezed lime juice, 1 tbsp. l olive or any other vegetable oil, 1 tsp. table salt and sugar. Lovers of spicy herbs can sprinkle the dish while serving fresh chopped cilantro.

warm salad dressing

Seventh recipe: with avocado and honey

A very original taste has a warm salad with chicken and tropical fruit. To make the dish successful, it is very important to use a ripe avocado with orange pulp. Chicken fillet (4 medium breasts) cut into thin sticks and place in the marinade: juice Β½ large fresh lemon, 1 full dessert. l., 3 tbsp. full of any vegetable oil and 2 dess. l ready tart mustard. After half an hour, fry the meat quickly in hot oil, turning on all sides, until crisp. After this, you need to sprinkle the chicken with small sesame seeds (2 tbsp. L.) Seeds. Cut the avocado pulp (2 medium pieces) into cubes, tear the salad (1 bunch) by hand. Mix all ingredients and season with crushed garlic (1 small clove) and 2 tbsp. l weak 6% table vinegar. Serve the salad immediately. In the absence of avocados, it can be replaced with fresh cucumber or young zucchini.

Surely, these tips on how to cook a warm salad will come in handy for you to get original and tasty dishes. Bon Appetit!

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