Intellectual potential: concept, types, formation, methods of definition and development

The intellectual potential of a person is a concept derived from the Latin word potentia, meaning strength and power. In recent years, such a phrase has been actively used in science. The society is actively developing, and this creates a need for a common term and indicator that would reflect the characteristics of the growth of the individual, enterprise, and society. IP has become an integral parameter giving an idea of ​​a generalized set of possibilities.

Many or few?

Scientists have developed several assessment systems that are relevant in the framework of the development of the intellectual potential of a person, since they allow you to evaluate what kind of individual entrepreneur is inherent in a particular person. The best known option is to calculate iQ indicators. The parameter is calculated by analyzing the ability of a person to cope with logical tasks. All methods of assessment of this kind give an idea of ​​the general ability of a person to think, guided by logical sequences. But to assess how much a person is able to cope with professional tasks is somewhat more difficult.

In order to assess the connection between education and intellectual potential, as well as to understand the person’s ability to apply the information obtained in solving a competitive problem, it is necessary to resort to a set of indicators created specifically for this. Using them, you can evaluate the person’s experience in relation to practice, as well as his ability to work on engineering, scientific problems.

intellectual potential

What is this about?

In order to assess the intellectual potential of a person with respect to a specific workplace, position, you need to use basic competencies. Such a system includes an assessment of the level of education received by a person and his qualifications in a specific scientific field. It is necessary to take into account the additional education received by him and the results achieved during activities in the field of science. The basic indicators include the scale of publications, innovative results, inventions, and design activities.

The formation of intellectual potential includes the acquisition of significant skills. These include experience working with non-standard solutions, as well as the ability to solve problems comprehensively. An equally significant skill, the assessment of which is important for determining IP, implies the ability to navigate in modern knowledge in the chosen field.

Technical details

To assess the personality as a whole, an expert assessment is carried out for each indicator mentioned. The result is reflected in points: minimum - zero, maximum - ten. Arithmetic mean expresses the level of human intelligence.

intellectual capacity building

Thinking and intelligence

The development of children's intellectual potential involves teaching minors to think creatively. In the future, such a quality will allow a person to quickly and efficiently cope with a variety of problems that arise in life and at work.

It is customary to talk about four types of thinking style. Generating includes identifying the problem and identifying significant facts. The conceptual thinking style is based on the definition of a problem with the subsequent search for ideas. Optimizing involves evaluating the ideas found, choosing suitable ones with further drawing up a plan of real actions. Finally, the fourth is the executive style of solving the problem, which involves the preliminary approval of the plan by a higher or more responsible person, and further implementation.

Generating style

Speaking about the development of intellectual potential, it is necessary to pay special attention to this basic thinking style. The term includes thinking that allows a person to get the maximum of useful information from their own experience and research. At the same time, the person is able to consider various options, identify new difficulties, look for opportunities and explore current circumstances from different angles. A person with strong mental abilities of this type is able to offer different options. But it is difficult for such a person to choose the optimal one and evaluate all the offers, for her everything that is framed in the way of solving the problem seems equally significant. A person thinking in this way can see positive, negative qualities in most situations, problems.

If a child’s intellectual potential develops in a generating style, as a person grows up, such a person will have difficulty coping with the need for consistent decomposition into details of a complex problem. Moreover, people of this type can easily provide others with care about the details of the work on which they work. It is difficult to catch such a person in a word, she seeks ambiguity, likes to work simultaneously in several projects. Any solution provided by a person with a generating style of thinking will most likely involve the formulation of new problems. Such thinking is aimed at identifying difficulties and determining facts that are significant for their resolution.

intellectually creative potential

Conceptual thinking

In the framework of the development of creative intellectual potential, it is necessary to define such a thinking style and its features. A distinctive feature of a person with such a quality is the ability to consider and analyze different options. At the same time, comprehension is more based on abstract thinking than on the real experience gained. A person combines ideas, seeks points of view, thanks to which it is easier to describe the current complexity, formulates theoretical models to explain the current state of affairs.

A person who is inherent in such thinking accumulates data generated by others, makes them meaningful. The conceptualist seeks to understand the situation in order to create a logical and accurate theory that can be easily stated. Such a person loves to work only in conditions when he knows exactly the situation, knows what the idea of ​​the project is, what problem needs to be solved. Choice is not her strong point. Such people tend to sort out ideas and do not always strive for real action.

Optimizing thinking

Assessing the intellectual and creative potential of a person, it is necessary to analyze how characteristic of such a thinking style is. Optimizing is such a thinking approach in which a person through an abstraction is selected to real complexity. He does not study the problem versatile, but concentrates on one aspect, tests all the options that come to mind for solving complexity speculatively, does not seek to put the idea into practice. Such a person wants to find the best option for a previously verified problem. Such a person concentrates on a specific problem and for the sake of solving it is ready to analyze a lot of information in order to determine the root cause of the difficulties. Often, such a person is firmly convinced of his own ability to logically assess the situation and determine the optimal method for solving the problem.

As observations of people with a pronounced intellectual and creative potential of this type show, they are often not too patient. It is difficult for them to work with ambiguous situations. Such a person dislikes fruitless thinking about the mutual relations, the possibilities associated with the problem. The main emphasis is on accurate information already received on the current task.

development of creative intellectual potential

Performance Thinking

Such an intellectual potential implies the ability to focus on real experience, outside the abstraction of the thought process, that is, a person directly performs the work. A person who is characterized by such an approach to thinking likes to do the job right away instead of testing the idea hypothetically. She does not strive for a detailed understanding, but wants to start working right away, she is able to adapt to changing circumstances. Having revealed the discrepancy between real data and theoretical calculations, the person refuses the theory.

Many people take such people for enthusiasts in the chosen field. Others consider them impatient, overly assertive, too keen on fulfilling their plans. A person who is inherent in this style of thinking will try as many options as necessary in order to achieve the desired outcome. It is believed that such a person is most likely to achieve a successful solution to the problem.


The problem of assessing intellectual potential is especially relevant within the framework of a certain enterprise for which the IP of employees is an intangible asset. There are two main methods of assessment: costly, profitable. Some companies practice comparative, but it is considered relatively incorrect due to the specifics of IP. When assessing, you need to remember that different employees have different levels of education and skills. The specifics of the industry and the confidentiality of information play a role. Above were identified key skills that are important for staff. Having assessed each of them relative to one person on a ten-point scale, deriving the arithmetic average of the results obtained, it is possible to determine what the employee’s IP level is.

human intellectual potential

Step by step - forward

The development of intellectual potential at the moment is a fairly significant task, even the problem of modern society at the level of both individuals and enterprises, as well as society in general. The process of developing IP can be briefly described as follows. First, it is necessary to train employees and give them the opportunity to improve their qualifications, then provide career opportunities and create a talent pool. In the framework of increasing IP at the enterprise, it is necessary to regularly rotate, motivate people to intellectual work and development. Activity is a conscious human activity, taken into account at the stage of compiling a model of labor quality. Such activities are also taken into account when analyzing the work of educational institutions that are to switch to new standards.

In the framework of the development of intellectual potential, the process of human education comes first. This is important for the individual entrepreneur, and the individual staff of the company, as well as society in general. A person receives new skills, takes possession of knowledge, new abilities become inherent in him. The growth of the qualification level in some cases is due to the initiative of the employee, in others it may be the idea of ​​management personnel. In any of the options, this increases the IP of the enterprise, its department, a specific person.

Personnel and Development

One of the important aspects of the enterprise IP is the personnel reserve. Its formation is a difficult task, ensuring the success of the company in the future. Thanks to the personnel reserve, the company can work reliably for a long time. From the point of view of costs for the employer, each specialist is an essential item of expenses, but the effectiveness of the maintenance of such workers is fully justified by feedback.

In order for the state IP to develop, it is necessary to practice rotation and apply the methods of personnel audit as reasonably as possible. Rotation should always be positive. A horizontal change in personnel leads to the acquisition of new experience, and to employees obtaining useful and significant information in their work. To some extent, this allows a person to realize himself directly in business. Vertical rotation is one aspect of the motivation of the hired staff.

intellectual potential of personality

Final aspect of development

Improving the IP of a particular enterprise is the motivational aspect of working with the hired. To unleash the potential of each person hired, you need to provide him with satisfactory conditions and give enough time so that a person can "show himself." Much depends on material stimulation, but social aspects and spiritual motivation are no less important. The head of the enterprise, wanting to increase the IP of the company, must use all these approaches.

In order to consolidate the results, to make the system for increasing the enterprise IP more efficient and effective, you need to use modern means of control, tracking in a dynamic form the current situation. The choice in favor of control methods is justified by the organizational structure of a particular company and the culture adopted by the enterprise. Working conditions, features of the organization of the labor process determine the activity of the hired personnel. In many respects it depends on how the employed individuals will be implemented and developed.

intellectual potential of the child

There is no limit to improvement

The system of improvement and development of all those hired for work is a complex complex event based on the principles of continuity and a systematic approach. For the management of such a system to give sufficiently good results, the management personnel must clearly know the structure of the company. It is necessary to navigate the processes taking place inside the company, and to form the most comfortable conditions. It is in such conditions that the potential of each person employed will be revealed as much as possible. As a result, the company will be stable, and its work will be characterized by excellent results.

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