Vyacheslav Klykov, sculptor: biography, date and place of birth, awards, creativity, personal life, interesting facts, date and cause of death

It will be about the sculptor Klykov. This is a fairly famous person who created many unique and beautiful sculptural compositions. We will talk in detail about his biography, and also consider aspects of his work.


The future sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov appeared in this world in the autumn of 1939 in the Kursk region of Russia. He is a rather popular sculptor in the Russian Federation. He served as president in the fund of Slavic culture and writing. Note that this is a fairly significant international fund. The man is a laureate of the USSR State Prize. In 2005-2006, he served as chairman of the Union of Russian People.


The future sculptor Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Klykov was born in an ordinary poor family, which was no different from hundreds of the same throughout the country. He grew up in a simple family of collective farmers. It is also known that his father was a member of the war. Craving for drawing by the future sculptor appeared in early childhood.

After the boy graduated from high school, he entered the Kursk Construction College, which he already successfully completed in 1959. Immediately after that, he got a job at the plant, in fact, he thought that his future life would be connected with this. However, a year later, he passes entrance exams to the Kursk State Pedagogical Institute in the field of graphic arts. There he is engaged in 2 years, then enters the Moscow State Art Institute named after Surikov directly at the Faculty of Sculpture. After a long and rather difficult study in 1968, the hero of our article ends his studies and receives the profession of a monumental sculptor.

After that, he begins to work actively as a sculptor in order to somehow become famous and earn a reputation. He begins to participate in various exhibitions of the city, all-Union, republican and international scale. Note that he participated in a large number of various events, which, if they did not bring him the glory that he so longed for, then perfectly helped to hone his skills.

The sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov, whose photo we see in the article, joined the Union of Artists of the Soviet Union in 1969. That is, a year after completing his studies, he joined a public organization. It is also known that his best works are exhibited in the State Russian Museum and in the Tretyakov Gallery.


Vyacheslav Klykov became known as a sculptor after he beautifully and professionally decorated the children's musical theater in 1979. That is, the first glory came to him 11 years after graduation. He did not waste this time in vain. As we know, he participated wherever possible, and tried to improve his skills. And finally, he was appreciated.

sculptor fangs biography

He also consolidated his position after creating a sculpture of the god Mercury at the World Trade Center in the Russian capital. It happened in 1982. This work also glorified him, which served as the name of the sculptor was heard by many who were interested in this direction of art.

Style change

Around the 1980s, the work of the sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov began to acquire the features of Orthodox-patriotic themes. So, he creates a sculpture of Sergius of Radonezh. As the author himself later said, he was inspired by M. Nesterov’s book entitled “Vision to the Youth Bartholomew” to create this composition. The master used his money for the construction of the sculpture, and various public organizations also helped him. In the fall of 1987, it was planned to erect a monument, but, unfortunately, local authorities did not approve of this venture. So, the finished monument, which was already loaded into the car and transported to the installation site, was suddenly, so to speak, arrested. And he was taken to the police station. Only a few months later, in the spring of 1988, the monument was finally erected in a village called Gorodok, which was previously called Radonezhie, near the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Also at the initiative of the sculptor Klykov in 1993, the Igor Talkov Memorial Museum was opened.


Note the most interesting works of the eminent sculptor. You should start with the monument to Archimandrite Hippolytus, which is installed in the park of the sanatorium "Maryino". It is located in the Kursk region. The monument was erected there in 2005. In the same year, the author created a coffin in the form of a cross on the grave of the old man Ippolit in Rila St. Nicholas Monastery. By the way, we note that we consider the work of the sculptor Klykov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich not in chronological sequence, but on the basis of the professional assessment given to the master by his colleague. So, in the same year, the tombstone of the Talitsky family was established, whose grave is located at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Vyacheslav Fangs sculptor

As we already know, in 1982 the figure of the god Mercury was installed in Moscow, and in 1986 the author created a monument to Nikolai Rubtsov, who is a famous Russian lyric poet. The monument was erected in the Russian city of Totma. AT

In 1987, Klykov worked on the monument to Konstantin Batyushkov, which was later installed in Vologda. This is also a talented Russian poet, who came from a noble family. I want to say about this person separately, since he did a lot to ensure that Russian poetic speech was the way we know it today and which we enjoy with pleasure. It was he who made her more plastic and melodic, thanks to which the followers of Batyushkov were able to write refined and stately lines.

In 1988, a monument was erected to Alexander Dargomyzhsky in the Tula region of Russia. As you know, Alexander was a famous composer; his creative activity had a great influence on the formation and formation of musical art in Russia in the 19th century. Also, this person is considered the creator of a realistic direction in music, the followers of which have become many prominent musicians.

A year later, the author created a monument to V. Nechitailo. Vasily Nechitailo was a famous folk artist. A monument to him was erected in his native village.

Also note that the hero of our article worked on a monument to Cyril and Methodius, which was later installed in Moscow. Also, a monument to Vladimir the Holy in Chersonesos belongs to his hands.

In 1993, a monument to Igor Talkov was erected at the Vagankovsky cemetery. At the same cemetery, a year later, the tombstone of the hand of the sculptor Klykov appeared, which belonged to Otari and Amiran Kvantrishvili. In 1995, a monument to Ivan Bunin appeared in Orel. Klykov also worked on the belfry temple, which was built in honor of the Battle of Kursk.

Klykov worked on the monuments to Marshal Zhukov, Peter I, Nicholas I, Vladimir the Great in Belgorod, Ilya Muromets, Peter Stolypin, Dmitry Donskoy, Sergey Bukhvostov, Svyatoslav Igorevich, Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai the Miracle Worker, Seraphim of Sarovsky, George Colonel Victor, Victor Vasily , Saint Sava, Princess Olga, brothers Batashev, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexander Nevsky, Marshal Rokossovsky.

As you can see, the list of this man’s work is really impressive, which indicates his high skill and excellent knowledge of his work. The sculptor Klykov, whose biography we examined above, was a man who strove to constantly develop in his work, as evidenced by the huge amount of work that he trusted, and their scale.

Public and political work

In 1995, Fangs became a member of the Derzhava National Committee, which was chaired by Alexander Rutskoi. However, in the summer of that year, Vyacheslav left the community. In 1990, he even ran for parliament, but lost the rating to Lev Ponomarev. As we said at the beginning of the article, since 1990 he served as president of the Fund for Slavic Culture and Writing. Note that it included Valentin Rasputin, Vladimir Krupin and Semyon Shurtakov.

As for the political position of the sculptor V. M. Klykov, in 1996 he supported Gennady Zyuganov. In his opinion, only he and his team could restore and revive the idea of ​​monarchy in the country. In the same year, in the fall, the sculptor Klykov became the head of the All-Russian Council movement. He was a member of several editorial boards.

Monument to Klykov to Nikolai 2

In the winter of 2005, he expressed a demand that the Prosecutor General's Office need to check Jewish religious communities for whether they violated Russian laws on extremism. This was the so-called letter 5000. This is an open appeal, signed by 5000 people. It was sent to the prosecutor general of the country because of a number of cases of improper behavior of the Jews and their communities. In 2005 was the anniversary of the Union of Russian People, in honor of which the sculptor Klykov held another congress, at which he was elected chairman. In the spring of 2006, he also signed a letter demanding that the authorities deprive the chief Jewish rabbi of Russian citizenship.


The biography of the sculptor Klykov seems quite ordinary for a person who is devoted to his work, but in fact in his life there is a lot of interesting and rich. The mere fact that he created so many sculptures of prominent people who had an incredibly huge and decisive influence on many historical moments. For his activities, the sculptor Fangs was awarded various awards, orders and other honors. We will not list each of them, but we will say that he owns two state prizes, has 2 gold medals and personal gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation from 1995. He is also an honored artist of Russia, an honored and national artist.

The memory of a great man

Naturally, the work of the sculptor Klykov still impresses a huge number of people, many admire the talent of this person. Naturally, he could not go unnoticed in history. So, in his honor was named the avenue in Kursk. Also in this city a monument was erected to him in 2007. Interestingly, he was the sculptor of this monument.

Still there is his sculpture on the Prokhorovsky field. In the creator’s homeland, so-called Klykov readings take place every year.

Family bonds

The work of the sculptor Klykov did not occupy all his free time, therefore, to some extent, he led the most ordinary routine lifestyle. So, in 1962, his son Andrei appeared, who later became a new member of the Union of Artists. It is known that he works in the same workshop in which his father worked. The hero of our article also has a daughter, Lyubov, who is the daughter-in-law of the famous Russian actress Ekaterina Vasilyeva and Mikhail Roshchin.

sculptor vyacheslav Mikhailovich fangs

The sculptor has a younger son, Michael, about whom there is practically no information. Note that all three children do not crave special fame and prefer to hide from the press in order to live their own lives, without regard to the glory of their father. Nevertheless, they respect and love him very much, consider him a talented and worthy person. Naturally, children are very proud of their talented father.

The story of the Christian death of the sculptor Klykov

The hero of our article died on June 2, 2006. At that time he was only 66 years old. He died at home, in Russia. It is known that he was buried in the Sretensky Monastery on June 4. A large number of people and admirers of his work came to say goodbye to him. A man was buried in his native village of Marmyzh, which is located in the Kursk region.

monument to Klykov

It is also known that in the summer of 2018, in the Intercession Church in the native village of the hero of our article, the Divine Liturgy and memorial service were performed at the grave of the sculptor. The archpastor himself delivered a sermon in which he spoke about the memory and works of the sculptor Klykov, whose biography we examined above.

A bit about the looks

To begin with, Klykov had his own system of views of a creative person. It consisted in the fact that he believed that for the creativity of any person, be he an artist, musician, writer, etc., a certain motive is necessary. For him, this motive was a special and reverent love for Russian history. Many times he said that he loved Russia and its people very much, he also often repeated that he himself was a Russian person.

belfry on Prokhorovsky field

He devoted all his works to the Russian people, so he wanted to praise him. He was quite sensitive to the various changes that were taking place in society. So, with his comrades Nikolai Bogatishchev and Vladimir Kharin, he built the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in his native village. It is interesting that in this territory where this temple stands today, back in 1913 there was a temple that was built to mark the 300th anniversary of the Romanov family. It is worthy of respect that he managed to survive during World War II, but, unfortunately, he was practically destroyed during the reign of Nikita Khrushchev. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich himself believed that if the religious monastery was revived, the village itself would also be restored.

All sculptures and monuments of Klykov have a certain educational and civic essence. It is interesting that in the vast majority of cities where they are established, they are central to the city, and very often the bulk of the people flock here. It is also noticed that various sculptures and parades are often held near the sculptures of Klykov.

A film was shot about Vyacheslav that tells about his ideas and life path. Once in 1998, a man said that the Russian people have the ability to accumulate great potential in themselves, which sooner or later comes out. It is thanks to this that there is a great cultural leap that increases the consciousness and involvement of ordinary people in their lives. He believed that various Slavic holidays could revive in a person his cultural memory and pride in his people.

Reviews about the sculptor Klykov are quite different. The fact is that the bulk of people share it as a person. Someone perceives him exclusively as a sculptor, someone sees him as a person with a set of ideas.

Such a separation is not entirely appropriate, since a person in fact combined both that and the other. Nevertheless, supporters and opponents are on both sides. So, a lot of people recognize and admire his talent. There is, of course, criticism of him, but it is so insignificant and unfounded that we will not even take it into account.

fangs sculptor work

As for the ideological and political views of men, everything here is much more complicated. As you know, Klykov was a monarchist, and, of course, not everyone shared this position. Throughout his life, he underwent a large number of attacks from different angles. Nevertheless, he believed that any creative and even just conscious person can not live divorced from his country and not pay attention to everything that happens in it. The death of the sculptor Klykov showed that he will not change his ideas even on the threshold of such a sad event. Just a few months before his death, he still actively participated in public life and expressed his fundamental thoughts.

Many turned away from him because he believed that there should be an autocracy in Russia. But he still did not deviate from this opinion one iota. It should be noted that he was a realist, said that in the current political situation it is rather difficult to talk about autocracy. The man also paid great attention to perpetuating and exalting into the consciousness of people the figure of the last Russian Tsar - Emperor Nicholas II through creativity.

He also very often said that a power consists of the lives of ordinary people, ordinary peasants who work for their bread. He perfectly understood this and wanted to convey to people that they needed to save themselves, save their land.

To summarize, we say that despite the worldview of the hero of our article, he is considered a very talented person. So, the work of the sculptor Klykov is recognized not only in Russia, but also abroad. Undoubtedly, this is a man of great talent who has worked and improved himself all his life. That is why he achieved the greatest fame and became one of the foremost sculptors in Russia.

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