If a baby has a loose tooth, what should I do? This is a common question. You can find out the answer by reading this article.
When this happens, the whole family begins to worry. It is not surprising, because this is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the baby, his growing up and development. In addition, everyone knows how important it is to have a proper bite and healthy teeth. Therefore, I want to do everything right: not to harm too much care, and not to miss the moment when something goes wrong.
If a baby's milk tooth began to stagger, in most cases there are no serious reasons for excitement. Replacement of teeth is a normal physiological process, and if the baby does not have dental diseases, everything will go well.
It is arranged by nature that the newborn first has milk teeth, which are enough to chew on the soft, soft food included in the children's diet in the first years of life. Then the time comes when the baby’s baby teeth are loose, they fall out and are replaced by permanent ones. This process usually begins at the age of five, sometimes a little earlier or later.
When a baby has a loose milk tooth, what to do is interesting to many.
Age features of tooth growth
Dentists advise parents to take good care of the child's oral cavity. Many people ask: "Why is this necessary?" What are the functions of baby teeth in the children's body and do they really need high-quality hygiene, despite the fact that they fall out, stagger and are replaced by permanent ones?
The human body is a perfect system in which there is nothing accidental, and milk teeth perform their significant functions. They first appear in a baby aged from six months to a year. At this time, the digestive organs can already absorb both milk and more dense food. As a rule, the last baby teeth are cut by the age of two, and at the same time it is advisable to visit the dentist for the first time for the purpose of a routine examination.
In addition, during this period, a temporary bite is formed, which usually ends by three years of development. Permanent teeth are distributed on the jaw in the same way as milk teeth, and therefore it is very important to monitor the correct growth of the teeth so that they do not interfere with each other. Most often, malocclusion occurs precisely in childhood.
Does a child have a loose milk tooth between the ages of four and five? This is a normal phenomenon, everything is going according to the standard schedule. This process usually stretches over a long period, it can last until adolescence, inclusive.
As a rule, by the age of 13, all milk teeth have already fallen out, instead of them molars appear. However, until this happened, the parents always worry about what to do if the baby’s milk tooth is staggering?
How is a tooth replaced by a molar?
Usually adults do not remember their feelings from the process of changing teeth when it begins with their own children, so they worry. Parents think that the child is uncomfortable and painful when their milk tooth staggers. In fact, if the baby does not have a lag or haste in development, if everything happens in the right time, and he is healthy, then the milk tooth falls out completely painlessly.
Each child at birth under the primary teeth already has the rudiments of molars. They continue to develop all subsequent years. When the right time comes, the milk tooth passes the molar tooth, which makes its way up through the gum. Milk roots begin to dissolve a few months before the tooth begins to stagger. If it staggers, then we can talk about the absence of roots, the tooth is held only by the gum, and on the approach a new tooth, permanent.
So, if a baby has a loose tooth, what should I do?
Parent Actions
Parents do not need to do anything special. You can gently loosen the tooth. This can be done independently by the child himself, having previously washed his hands. Pulling out a tooth with your fingers or biting specially hard objects is not recommended - this can cause an infection and injure the gums.
Be sure to warn the child about the ongoing process and make sure that he does not accidentally swallow a tooth that finally falls out. At this time, he can tell the story of a squirrel, mouse or Tooth Fairy. Then he himself will seek to say goodbye to milk teeth as soon as possible.
If a baby has a loose milk tooth, how to pull it out the safest way?
Doctors do not advise, but most experienced grandmothers and mothers still argue that if the tooth is very loose, but the moment of self-loss occurs, it is necessary to brush the baby’s teeth, take a bandage or sterile cotton wool, put on it, grab it with your fingers, then turn around its axis. while pulling slightly. People believe that the child is less afraid of such a procedure than visiting a dentist who will operate with forceps.
As soon as the tooth is extracted, rinse the oral cavity with manganese or soda solution, chamomile broth. If blood comes from the wound, you need to put a cotton swab moistened with manganese solution for several minutes.
Sometimes a child has a loose milk tooth after a fall. In this case, you should visit a doctor.
When is a visit to the dentist necessary?
If the milk tooth began to stagger at the right time and does not fall out for a long time, it must be removed. The whole problem is that under it a constant has already cut through. When space is not freed for him, he will grow crookedly, which will lead to the need for the use of braces in the future. Therefore, it is better to persuade the baby to transfer the unpleasant procedure once, then for months and even years to wear records on his teeth.
When the milky front tooth staggers, the baby's body temperature can sometimes rise. If it does not subside longer than three days, or is accompanied by vomiting and nausea, you need to show it to a pediatrician.
In addition, there are other situations where you should not wait until the staggering milk tooth falls out on its own, and it needs to be removed. A visit to the dentist should not be postponed when:
- milk tooth staggers for a long time and greatly interferes with the process of chewing food;
- the tooth is broken, its sharp edges injure the tongue or mucous membrane of the mouth;
- the root or tooth is severely affected by caries, which can damage the child’s permanent tooth;
- the tooth is affected by pulpitis, a cyst or gingival inflammation appeared.
When the situation repeats, when the teeth loose and do not fall out on their own, especially when erupting constants are clearly visible under them, additional tests must be taken. It is likely that the child has excess calcium in the body. This is as bad as its drawback; dietary adjustment is necessary.
Possible pathologies
If milk teeth began to stagger very early, for example, at two or three years old, you should immediately consult a dentist. This is no longer a natural physiological process, but a signal of a serious violation that requires urgent treatment. Teeth are loosened with the following pathologies:
- periodontal disease;
- diabetes;
- genetically weak gums;
- anemia or vitamin deficiency;
- rickets.
Currently, all of them are successfully treated, including for very young children, but subject to on-time diagnosis and following all medical prescriptions. Therefore, you can’t turn a blind eye to a problem that may seem insignificant. The quality of life and the health of the child in the future may depend on the speed of reaction of parents.
In modern dental offices for children, various painless procedures are performed in which the child does not experience stress.
The rules for the care of baby teeth: advice from dentists
As already mentioned, the thorough hygiene of the baby's oral cavity is of great importance for his health. A child’s teeth are made up of softer tissues and therefore are vulnerable, sensitive and decayed. They need to be taken care of as well as the permanent ones: cleaned twice a day and visit the dentist twice a year for a routine examination.
With gum disease
If baby teeth begin to stagger, fall out, gum inflammation may appear. When the tooth is removed by the dentist, a wound remains in the mouth. Therefore, you need to use a good quality toothpaste, which is suitable for gentle oral hygiene.
When a child has a loose milk tooth and hurts, this may indicate any pathology.
What is not worth doing?
Parents do not always think smart thoughts. And the advice of relatives and grandmothers in the neighborhood will not always be brilliant. It is necessary to understand what actions are unacceptable:
- give the baby a bite to dry, an apple or carrots; solid food can cause trauma to the oral cavity;
- forcefully pull out a tooth if the baby screams or resists;
- to remove a loose tooth when a child is four years old; such a process does not occur due to the natural replacement of teeth;
- tooth cannot be loosened with improvised means without sterility;
- tilting the tooth sideways or pushing it is also not worth it, this way you can damage the gum tissue and cause severe pain to the child.
So, a natural change of teeth occurs at about six years old, this process ends at 13 years old.
You can get rid of a tooth both in the dentist’s office and at home on your own. The procedure must be carried out in sterile conditions, be careful. In case of difficulties and sharp pain when extracting a tooth, it is necessary to stop acting independently and consult a dentist. You need to go to him as quickly as possible, and when he starts to stagger early or for a long time does not fall out.
Thanks to these simple recommendations you can avoid unpleasant complications.
If a baby has a loose milk tooth, what to do - now it has become absolutely clear.