The female body is a mystery to science. Nevertheless, there are processes that scientists are already aware of. Some of them contribute to the successful conception of the child. Today we will try to answer the question of what ovulation is. In addition, methods for its determination will be presented. In the end, everyone will be able to understand how to determine a successful conception before the delay of critical days. All this is extremely important when planning a pregnancy or to use the calendar method of protection.
Briefly about the concept
What is ovulation? This is the name of the most favorable day for conception. It is characterized by the maturation of the egg in the body of the girl.
Ovulation appears with the first menstruation. She will accompany the girl ready for fertilization. In children and the elderly there is no corresponding process.
What is ovulation? In simple words, a person describes in this way the process of maturation of the follicle and its release into the fallopian tubes. Some women say that the study period is the middle of the monthly cycle. Is it so?
About critical days
The answer directly depends on the woman’s monthly cycle. It is about the number of days between critical days.
With a normal cycle, ovulation really occurs around the middle of this period. But sometimes deviations from the norm are possible.
For example, if a girl has a long interval between menstruation (32 days or more), then a day favorable for conception occurs at 3 weeks of the cycle. With short critical days, you can get pregnant for 7-10 days.
Accordingly, the onset of ovulation depends on the characteristics of the female body. And every modern girl should know how to determine a favorable day for conception. Next, we will consider all possible scenarios.
The duration of the "trip"
How much is the ovulation period? Understanding this issue is also necessary for successful pregnancy planning.
Unfortunately, the process under study is not too long. The ovulation period is only 24-48 hours. During this time, the egg passes through the fallopian tubes. If fertilization did not take place during the "journey", the female cell dies within 2-3 days. Otherwise, it attaches to the uterus.
Is there any way to slow down the movement of the egg? No, this is a natural process, the duration of which cannot be influenced. A girl may experience late or early ovulation, but a trip through the fallopian tubes will still last no more than 2 days.
Determination methods
When after menstruation is ovulation? As already mentioned, ideally, this period begins in the middle of the cycle. That is, 14-15 days after the start of the next critical days. In fact, such a method of determining a favorable time for conception is unreliable. Are there any other scenarios?
Yes. To calculate when an egg leaves a follicle, you can use:
- physiological technique;
- calendar method;
- basal temperature graph;
- Ultrasound examination;
- special tests.
These are all currently possible methods of "catching" a favorable day for conceiving a child. Next, we will consider each option in more detail.
Determined by the calendar
Ovulation - what is it? In simple words - the day when the probability of conception increases to a maximum. It is important for people who want to soon become parents, to know how to determine the appropriate period.
The first option is the calendar method. The simplest solution is to divide the number of days in the monthly cycle by 2. Most often, ovulation, as already mentioned, occurs 14-16 days after the start of the next critical days.
However, this is not the most accurate technique. It is important to consider that ovulation can occur sooner or later than usual. It is very difficult to independently determine the favorable period for conception in these situations.
Therefore, with the calendar method of calculating the studied moment, it is better to find out in advance when late and early ovulation occurs. In the first case, the number of days in the monthly cycle is taken away 11, and in the second - 18 days.
Disadvantages of taking
What is ovulation? We have already found out the answer to this question. Now you can deal with the methods of "catching" the corresponding period.
The calendar method, as we have said, is not an accurate way to detect ovulation. It makes it possible to understand when fertilization of an egg is theoretically possible.
The main component under such circumstances is the duration of the menstrual cycle. This is a variable value. It is influenced by various factors. For example, overwork and stress. Therefore, it is better to use more accurate calculations.
Ultrasound and check
How to calculate ovulation? We have already met one of the examples. But there are more advanced techniques.
For example, an ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs. This is the most accurate technique of all that exists today. It allows you to determine the maturity of the follicle, as well as see the egg.
With regular monthly ultrasound diagnostics are performed on 8-10 days after the start of the next critical days. Further, the study is carried out on the recommendation of a doctor. Up to 5 ultrasounds may be required per cycle.
Irregular cycle and day of conception
Quite often they think about what day of the cycle ovulation comes, girls with irregular periods. The calendar method in this case will not work at all, but they are actively using it.
Ultrasound diagnostics doctors recommend doing 5 days before the alleged ovulation. Nevertheless, some girls come to the ultrasound rooms after the end of critical days with an interval of 3-4 days. This option will really help to find out when it is better to conceive a child. But they are not always used.
What is the reason for this? Ultrasound examinations are time consuming. And therefore, the bulk of women prefer other methods of "catching" ovulation.
By temperature
When is ovulation after menstruation? There is no exact answer to this question. It is individual for each girl. But it is generally accepted that the most favorable time for conceiving a child is the middle of the menstrual cycle.
To determine ovulation, many measure basal body temperature. With the help of appropriate indicators, it will be possible to understand when the egg is ready for fertilization in full.
The monthly cycle is conditionally divided into 2 phases - before and after ovulation. It is possible to track the corresponding components by basal temperature.
What is ovulation? The answer to this question will no longer cause any difficulties. But how to identify it? Basal temperature during ovulation rises sharply to 37 degrees. So determine the favorable period for conception at home.
If you build a graph of basal temperature, you can see that before ovulation, body temperature is in the range of 36.6 to 36.8 degrees, then increases to 37 (the best day for planning pregnancy), and after that it is set above the indicated indicator. What period? Temperatures above 37 degrees will remain until the onset of menstruation.
Temperature Measurement Rules
This technique also has some disadvantages. This approach to identifying the right moment for conception is more reliable than the calendar. However, it is time consuming.
A huge role for the results obtained is played by the technique of measuring basal temperature. If you do not follow it, then you won’t be able to understand on what day of the cycle ovulation has come.
Here are the rules to keep in mind when measuring basal temperature:
- Collecting data is important right after waking up. You can’t move, be active or get out of bed after sleeping. All this distorts reality. Therefore, it is better to keep the thermometer nearby.
- Basal temperature can be measured vaginally, orally or rectally. To obtain the most accurate result, only one option from all proposed is used.
- The procedure must be carried out at the same time. Best of all - from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m.
- Thinking about when ovulation after menstruation, the girl will have to use one thermometer. If the instrument changes, the day of this event must be marked.
- Data obtained from illness or alcohol is crossed out of the graph.
- Any changes in the situation during the test should be indicated on the appropriate chart. External factors can affect ovulation.
- To draw conclusions about ovulation, you need to measure the temperature daily for at least 3 cycles.
All of these rules help you plot your basal temperature. You cannot skip days. In this case, the reality will be distorted.
If a girl takes birth control, then the study will have to be postponed. After all, the data obtained will not be considered valid. With the help of oral contraceptives, a woman “controls” her period. Ovulation slows down, the egg matures very quickly after the abolition of OK.
If serious temperature fluctuations are noticeable on the chart, consult a doctor. This phenomenon often becomes a consequence of gynecological diseases and the absence of ovulation in general.
Important: strong fluctuations in basal temperature sometimes indicate a violation of the process of obtaining relevant data.
Physiology only
Are there any obvious symptoms of ovulation? Yes, but not every girl knows about them. If you closely monitor the body during the entire menstrual cycle, you will notice that at the time favorable for conception, the body behaves differently.
What are you talking about? It is customary to highlight the following symptoms of ovulation:
- change in the nature of vaginal discharge;
- stomach ache;
- change in libido;
- correction of the condition of the uterus;
- chest soreness;
- crystallization of salivary secretions;
- change in the perception of tastes and smells;
- swelling of the abdomen and increased flatulence.
We will consider some of these phenomena in more detail. Then it will be possible to find out exactly when it is better to plan the baby.
About vaginal discharge
Ovulation - how does it happen? By the middle of the cycle, the egg matures in the follicle. After this, the first "component" bursts, the second comes out of it. The egg begins its path through the fallopian tubes. There is nothing incomprehensible or difficult in this, as well as in understanding the question of what ovulation is.
As already mentioned, during ovulation, the nature of vaginal discharge changes. But how exactly?
Most often, vaginal discharge becomes more abundant. Their color has a yellowish tint. Occasionally, bloody elements can be seen. This is a normal occurrence.
In some cases, during ovulation, discharge from the female genital organs becomes pink or brown. It is not necessary to be afraid of such a phenomenon. It, like bloody inclusions, is associated with a rupture of the follicle.
Externally, the discharge resembles mucus. They should not have any specific smell during ovulation.
About uterine changes
Ovulation - what is it? In simple words, we have already described this process. And how to calculate it, too.
Without fail, at a favorable moment for the planning of the baby, the cervix becomes soft, opens and rises. To determine ovulation, it is important to conduct a manual "examination" of the female genital organs every day. Do not forget about hygiene.
By the way, a gynecologist can also help in detecting ovulation. Even without an ultrasound scan. As you might guess, you will have to agree to an examination on a gynecological chair.
Home tests
At home, girls are increasingly using special pharmacy tests for ovulation. They resemble pregnancy tests.
The action of such "devices" is extremely simple. It is aimed at detecting an increased concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH). During ovulation, it is very much in the body.
The ovulation test is carried out in the same way as for pregnancy. The girl needs to urinate on the test strip, and then look at the result. Usually there are 3 such “devices” in the package. After all, to accurately detect ovulation, you need to conduct a study several times.
Before doing the test, you need not to urinate for 3-4 hours. The accuracy of the results is influenced by heavy drinking and nutrition.
A positive test for ovulation is not only during a good day for conception. This is possible with gynecological diseases or during pregnancy.
Signs of Fertilization Success
And how to determine pregnancy? Some try to do this before visiting a gynecologist.
Signs of fertilization of the egg after ovulation are almost not shown. Sometimes, a week after the “X-day”, smears of blood can be seen in the vaginal discharge. They indicate the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus.
Pregnancy is usually determined by the following symptoms:
- increased drowsiness and fatigue;
- toxicosis;
- spotting from the vagina (in a small amount);
- delay of menstruation.
For a more accurate result, you will have to consult a doctor. How to calculate ovulation? This is now easy to do!