"Cetrotide" with IVF: reviews, for which appoint results

IVF is a very common procedure in recent years, which is actively used by couples who do not have another opportunity to have a baby. There are many nuances and factors that influence the outcome of an event. We will pay attention to one of the conditions for the favorable introduction and development of the cell, and give feedback on Cetrotide in IVF. We will analyze what kind of procedure it is, why the drug is needed, when it is prescribed and if there are any contraindications. Such information will be useful to many couples who want to have a baby with IVF.

Characterization of the IVF procedure

The in vitro fertilization procedure is the fertilization of an egg by a sperm in artificial conditions, close to natural. After which, the implanted cell is implanted into the uterus of the woman in whom the cell develops, passing to the stage of the embryo and then the fetus. In this procedure, preparation is extremely important, because this stage, as well as the initial one, affects the result and, in general, the fact of pregnancy. For a complete understanding of the essence of IVF, we define the concept of "protocol". This is a specific scheme, which is determined in accordance with individual indicators. It starts from the moment of preparation and lasts until the pregnancy is confirmed.

General characteristics of the drug

Tetrotide Packaging

Before proceeding to answer the question, why is Cetrotide prescribed for IVF, and reviews about it, you need to describe the drug in order to know what form it has. Ampoules are sold both at 3 mg and 0.25 mg - the dosage size depends on the particular case, is prescribed by a doctor. This is a white powder, sometimes a yellowish tint. There is also a clear liquid in the package. In addition, two-needle syringes are also used. For what you need it, you will learn further. In the kit there is an instruction, read it without fail. It contains all the necessary information about the drug.

The product is sold in a package that has 7 cells. Each contains a bottle with the powder of the drug. Also included is a syringe and two needles, two sponges with alcohol.

Indications for use of "Tsetrotida"

Syringe for the procedure

At the stage of preparing a woman for the introduction of a fertilized egg, auxiliary preparations are used. One of the most common is Cetrotide in IVF. It has a hormonal effect on the woman’s body and is used when it is necessary to accelerate the process of egg production, as well as increase their number. Why prescribe an injection of "Cetrotide" with IVF? It is put when, in the process of superovulation, a rapid rupture of cells occurs, as a result of which the viability of the follicles decreases. This phenomenon is monitored by ultrasound by a doctor, and if it is, an injection is prescribed to slow down the ovulation process and allow the eggs to mature, and then take them out of the woman’s body.


Powder for solution

Reviews of "Cetrotide" with IVF, as well as pharmacological characteristics, establish a number of cases in which the drug can not be used. These include:

  1. Diseases of the kidneys and liver, which occur both chronically and are acquired in the process of life.
  2. Lactation - in principle, it makes no sense to use such a drug during a period when a woman is breastfeeding, but it’s still worth talking about.
  3. Period of pregnancy.
  4. In the period after menopause. At this time, the woman's reproductive function ceases, which means that there is no point in regulating the ovulation process.
  5. Individual intolerance. As reviews of Cetrotide in IVF show, there are also such cases. To do this, a woman needs to undergo a full examination to determine her reaction to the drug.

Application process

Drug injection

Please note that the introduction of the drug is preferably carried out with the help of professionals. Apply "Cetrotide" at the beginning of the IVF protocol. It is introduced as an injection into the subcutaneous fat region of the abdomen, where there is fiber. In the pharmacy, the drug is sold in the form of a powder, in the kit there is also water and a syringe. It is necessary to dissolve the powder in water. The bottle can not be shaken, because the air should not enter. In the process of dissolution, you need to monitor the sediment, and if it is, you can not give an injection. It is forbidden to use the drug after the expiration date, this is also important.

"Cetrotide" in the IVF protocol is prescribed on the 5th or 6th day from the moment ovulation stimulation begins. The duration of treatment should not exceed 5 days. Injections are given twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It is necessary to strictly observe the same time.

Home treatment

How to put cetrotide

Earlier we said that you need to use the help of professionals in the treatment process, but if this is not possible, then you can put the injections yourself. We list some of the rules for using Cetrotide in IVF at home that will help you in this difficult task:

  1. Of course, disinfection is an important rule of any injection. You need to thoroughly wash your hands, using special antiseptic agents to disinfect them (you can just use alcohol). It is also advisable to purchase gloves.
  2. On a clean, rubbed with alcohol table (tray or other surface) place a syringe, cotton wool and the drug.
  3. We wipe the bottle with the drug with a cotton sponge moistened with alcohol. After that, a needle is put on the syringe, it is highlighted in yellow.
  4. Remove the special cap from the syringe and introduce water into the powder bottle. You need to do this slowly so that air does not get in, then wait until the drug dissolves.
  5. We follow the solution: if there is sediment - it is sent to the garbage bag, you can not put such an injection! Then with the same syringe we suck out the entire solution of the drug.
  6. Remove the yellow needle and put on the one marked with a gray marker. Wipe the skin of the abdomen near the navel with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. Remove the cap from the needle and release all the air.
  7. We squeeze the skin in the area near the navel into the fold and insert the syringe needle at an angle of about 45 degrees. If blood appeared in the syringe during drug administration, you must immediately stop the procedure and do not carry out it on your own anymore. The remainder of the diluted drug should be discarded.
  8. If there are no deviations, you need to slowly, gradually, without jerking, introduce the drug and remove the needle. We throw out the syringe, and apply an alcoholized napkin or cotton to the injection site. Remember, you cannot use syringes several times, like needles - they are disposable!

The results of the use of the drug

Side effects

Of course, when prescribing a medicine for expectant mothers, reviews and results about Cetrotide in IVF are of interest. To begin, we note the results. As a result, many women note the onset of pregnancy and real planning assistance.

You need to understand that it is simply forbidden to use the medicine, you need to do this strictly as prescribed by the doctor and in certain dosages. There are some side effects:

  1. Hyperstimulation syndrome - when the opposite result is observed, and ovulation does not slow down, but develops even faster, as a result of which the chance of becoming pregnant is sharply reduced.
  2. Redness, itching and pain at the injection site, this abdominal area may swell.
  3. Nausea, vomiting, or dizziness may occur.

If the drug is used longer than necessary, then hyperstimulation is formed. After the first dose of the drug, intolerance can develop anaphylactic shock. Therefore, it is advisable not to put the drug on your own at least the first two times. It must be observed by a doctor.

Women's reviews

Positive pregnancy test

We turn to the reviews of "Cetrotide" with IVF.

Women write that after the injections the stomach was scratched a little at the injection site, but this is nothing compared to the result: pregnancy has come! The drug definitely helped. Others write that there were no ailments or external changes, and as a result, pregnancy also occurred.

There are also those who report that the state of health after the injection is excellent, even better than expected. Pregnancy has come, everything is fine.

In general, a review of the reviews shows that not very pleasant sensations may occur after the first injection, but they are not sharp and painful. You can endure and enjoy the result.

Drug cost

Cetrotide can be bought both in a pharmacy and in the clinic on the basis of which the patient makes IVF. On average, the price is about 10,000 rubles per package, in which there are 7 bottles. That is, for each injection you need to pay about 1,400 rubles. Cost may vary depending on the status of the clinic, location or network of the pharmacy. Pay attention to this and remember that value for money plays a role here, it’s just that many institutions inflate prices for selfish purposes. We also remind you that the use of the drug for self-treatment is strictly prohibited!

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