How to punish a thief: effective ways and tips

How to thief punish and return stolen goods? What prayers and conspiracies exist to fulfill the plan? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. If you are sure that the item was really stolen, a special ritual must be carried out as quickly as possible. All materials for some time save the energy of their master, with the help of which the robber can be forced to return the stolen goods. How to do this, find out below.

Prayer from the robbers

How to punish a thief with a prayer?

Few know how to punish a thief with prayer. Fraud exists as much as humanity. For some, robbery is an extraordinary method of entertainment, for others it is a basic means of earning, and for others it is an ailment that is difficult to get rid of. Prayer to the warrior John protects the home not only from robbers, but also from other afflictions. With its help, you will turn your house into a real fortress into which the enemy cannot penetrate. This will be his punishment.

Read the prayer from time to time with a lit church candle. You can also take the candle with which you stood during Easter church service, and it burned when the priest blessed the Easter cakes. Go around your home with her 12 times, and baptize every corner, and say these words: “Blessed warrior John, place your angelic guard around my house. On the doors, gates and windows. The house itself and all living in it are protected from evil and guard. Amen".

Strong prayer

You do not know how to punish a thief? You can read the prayer “On the Lord’s protection of the house and those living in it.” It looks like this: “Father of hosts, place the cross of the Lord near my house. Lock my doors on thousands of locks, may it be indestructible as the Lord’s Tomb. Let cherubim yes seraphim, archangels yes angels and all the powers of heaven will protect my house and me from a dashing adversary. Amen".

This prayer from the enemies can be read in the same way as the previous one - either by candlelight from the temple from time to time, or during a twelvefold round of the dwelling with the fall of the corners of the cross.

Praying to Theodore Tyrone

How much to punish a thief?

The Great Martyr Theodore, as well as the warrior John, is prayed for the return of the stolen. Memorize the following prayer by heart and read from time to time: “The greatness of the correction of faith, in a fiery spring, like resting on the water, the holy righteous Theodore rejoices: it’s burnt up with fire, like sweet bread brought to the Trinity, with prayers that Christ God, save our souls. Christ’s faith, like a shield, was received in your heart, thrashed thou contrary forces, long-suffering, and married forever on the crown of heaven, Theodore, as invincible. ”

Special magic

Often people ask: “How to punish a thief?” Not everyone knows that there is a special magic that allows not only punishing the robber, but also returning the disappeared item. A conspiracy aimed at returning the pocketed is very often the last chance to get your favorite thing back.

But remember that such witchcraft rituals can be used only when a thing is really stolen. The use of rituals, if it was simply lost, will result in a large number of troubles for the magician himself. Therefore, be very careful.

When to perform a ritual?

So how to punish a thief? If you are sure that your dear thing was stolen, carry out a special ceremony immediately. Witchcraft affects objects, and they will bring a variety of troubles to the robber.

How to punish a thief and return the stolen?

If the ceremony is held on time, the fraudster will try not only to get rid of the unlucky item, but also try to return it to its rightful owner. Subconsciously, he will understand that only such actions will remove the curse from him.

There are times when the robber still throws the stolen items. As a result, sooner or later your thing will turn out to be with you, and the scammer himself will be haunted by failure and trouble for a long time to come. In the thieves' world there is even a sign that says that a stolen item that brought misfortune cannot be thrown away. Otherwise, the robber will soon face imprisonment or retaliation.

Execution of the conspiracy

How to punish a thief?

Many people wonder how to punish a thief. The ceremony can be carried out in any lunar cycle and at any time. It is only important that after the theft is discovered, the ritual is performed immediately.

Here the energy message of the performer and his condition create the necessary effect. So, write the word “thief” on a piece of paper, and under it depict a human silhouette. Put a couple of church candles and an icon in front of you. Hold your right hand over a paper sheet and read the following text: “On the island of Buyan, across the sea-ocean, there is an iron chest, damask knives on that chest. Let those damask knives go to the thief, let him cut his flesh, let him stab his heart, let him chop him. So that the villain would turn back everything stolen from the servant of God (name), so that he would not hide anything, but would give everything he had taken. That thief will be cursed by my powerful conspiracy, the land of the monk will be cursed, by Ararat spells, brick opal, swamp mud, mill dam, combustible ash, bottomless house and bath jug. Curse you, thief, ocrome, empty, daredevil, fool. You will not get together with new people, you will not get used to it, you will not die your death, you will be nailed to the board with rusty nails, dried out more than grasses, frozen more than ice. How do you return stolen from the servant of God (name), only then will you live. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the final words, remove the sheet with the picture in a safe place where no one can find it.

Types of rites

How to punish a robber?

How to punish the thief and return the stolen, continue to find out further. There are a huge number of such conspiracies. Depending on your situation, you can choose the most effective rite:

  • conspiracy to prevent theft;
  • love spell on retaliation to the thief;
  • protective amulet against theft in the country;
  • magic door closure;
  • conspiracy to identify a thief;
  • amulet against scammers (can be worn on oneself);
  • protection of the threshold of the cottage (country house);
  • conspiracy to identify a thief;
  • magic ritual to return stolen property.

Magically locking the doors of a home

Every person injured by his hands wants to punish the thief. In order to magically close the doors of your house, you need to have old keys. Their number should be equal to the number of locks in the doors.

So, in turn, attach a key to each keyhole, pronouncing the magic formula: “With words I lock, I lock with a key, I hide from dashing people, all good, all doors, all mine are mine.”

After that, collect all the keys together, tie them up with a red ribbon and send them to the cache located inside your home. They will serve as a charm for your home.

Love spell on a robber's punishment

Are you still asking how to catch and punish a thief? If misfortune has already happened in your family and you have been robbed, perform this particular ritual. With it, you will not only find and punish the culprit, but also return the stolen things back.

So, place 7 knives on the table so that their blades point in different directions. Then say such magical words: “Like on the river, on the sea, in the chest forged seven damask knives, seven brotherly guards. I open that chest, take out those knives, direct them into the case. You, knives, approach this one. To the one who committed evil, laid hands on my good. Chop it across and along so that it turns the theft off, does not hide anything. True to my word, quickly my business. Everything is spoken, everything is fulfilled. ”

If the plot was executed correctly, then after some time your problem will be resolved.

Everyday conspiracies

How to catch and punish a thief?

If you want to protect the house from robbers, leaving the house, linger on the doorstep, grab the door handle and say this: “Take your hands and feet off the thief on my doorstep.” This phrase must be said three times. With these words, you will create an invisible screen against the robbers.

There is another simple but effective conspiracy that will scare away unexpected guests. When leaving home, put a salt shaker and an empty glass on the kitchen table, and then say the following: "A thief will come, I will give salt, but I will not pour water."

How to find out who was in the house?

To do this, hold such a ceremony. Light a candle and, cutting a flame with a blunt knife, say: “Whoever took mine, who stole, come in a dream, take the knife, or I’ll chop your soul away like a butcher chopping a pork carcass. Amen".

After that, send the knife under the pillow and do not talk with anyone until morning. At night you will see a dream in which you recognize the robber. It is this nuance that will help you find it in a short time.

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