How to choose blinds for the kitchen: photo

It will not be surprising to anyone that absolutely any owner of an apartment tries to equip it as comfortably as possible for further residence. Interior design of a kitchen largely depends on what the windows are curtained with. Classic curtains have already become a relic of the past and look very old-fashioned. They were replaced by modern blinds. They have a more attractive appearance, take up less space, and are also more practical in operation and maintenance. But what blinds on the windows to the kitchen (photos of these light-protecting devices look very attractive) is better to choose? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Ordinary curtains or blinds: what to choose

horizontal blinds

Many people prefer ordinary curtains, because they consider the blinds on plastic windows to the kitchen to be very ascetic and unattractive. This is partly true, however, the kitchen is the place where food is prepared, and, therefore, the ingress of fat on the curtains is simply inevitable. A good alternative to fabric curtains are blinds. They are much easier to care for, since the plastic, metal and other materials used to manufacture these structures do not absorb dirt. It will be enough just to wipe them with a damp cloth so that they become as good as new. In addition, blinds are smaller than long curtains, so they are better suited for small rooms in which every meter of free space is critical. And this is not to mention the fact that ordinary curtains that are located close to stoves often cause fires.

But the relevance of buying blinds does not end there. These devices have a large number of advantages compared to curtains, among which the main ones are:

  • if you choose the right blinds, you can visually increase the size of the room;
  • simplicity in leaving;
  • plastic and metal do not absorb unpleasant odors, which can not be said about the fabric;
  • blinds provide reliable protection not only from the sun, but also from prying eyes;
  • the ability to adjust the level of illumination in the room.

In addition to all of the above, blinds look good together with traditional curtains, so if you do not want to completely abandon the latter, you can simply combine them.

Types of Blinds

blinds in the kitchen

Nowadays, blinds in the kitchen are divided into several types. To understand which one to choose, you need to have an idea of ​​the advantages and disadvantages of each type of device.

The most common are horizontal blinds. This type of device has a large number of advantages, the main ones being compact dimensions, ease of operation and maintenance, the ability to adjust the level of illumination in the room, as well as a wide variety of materials and colors. If you need blinds for a small kitchen, then horizontal ones will be an ideal option. Among the main disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the need to wash them often, since a large amount of dust constantly accumulates on the lamellas.

The next variety is vertical blinds in the kitchen. Compared to horizontal, they are more versatile, as they are suitable for both large and small rooms, have increased resistance to moisture, visually increase the height of the ceilings in the room, perfectly combined with any curtains and curtains, which provides great opportunities for interior decoration, and Also, dust and dirt do not settle on the lamellas so much, so it is much easier to care for them. However, unfortunately, there were some shortcomings. The main disadvantage of vertical devices is that they limit access to the windowsill, which will not be possible to use for household needs.

The last view is roll up blinds to the kitchen, photos of the rooms with which attract many apartment owners. They are a continuous canvas that completely covers the window opening. Roll devices make the interior more stylish and elegant, especially if the design is made in a minimalist or oriental style. However, when buying them, you should think carefully, because roller blinds have a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, they collect dirt, grease and unpleasant odors very well, and they are very difficult to clean, and secondly, they are made of plastic, so their design is very fragile.

A few words about the material

original blinds

Modern blinds in the kitchen are made of various materials that have certain features that should certainly be considered when buying these devices.

The most common among them are:

  • plastic;
  • wooden;
  • tissue;
  • metal.

To select the most optimal option, let's look at what advantages and disadvantages each material has.

Plastic blinds

This material has been widely used in production because of its low cost and versatility. Plastic blinds for the kitchen have a low cost, so they are the most common.

The main advantages of such designs are:

  • high density, due to which the blinds protect the room well from sunlight;
  • good durability;
  • small sizes;
  • simplicity in leaving;
  • moisture resistance;
  • do not absorb unpleasant odors;
  • excellent shape retention;
  • do not fade over a long period of time;
  • ease of installation.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting that cheap models are made of low-quality materials, so they quickly lose their attractive appearance and become unusable.

Wooden blinds

beautiful blinds

The next most popular are wooden blinds in the kitchen. The photo of these structures surprises with its originality and attractiveness. Devices from this material have gained great popularity due to their naturalness. In addition, the wood from which the blinds are made is impregnated with special antiseptic solutions, which significantly increase its operational characteristics.

The main advantages of wooden structures are:

  • expensive appearance;
  • Perfectly fit into any interior;
  • easy to clean because they do not absorb grease and dirt.

Among the main disadvantages, it is worth highlighting poor resistance to temperature extremes, so they can not be installed on windows located near the stove, as well as high cost.

Fabric Blinds

From year to year, fabric curtains-blinds for the kitchen become more and more popular.

Many people choose them precisely because they have a number of advantages, among which are the following:

  • the fabric perfectly obscures the room and hides it from prying eyes;
  • curtains are impregnated with special solutions that repel moisture and dust;
  • large selection of colors;
  • do not absorb fat;
  • easy to care for;
  • well protect the room from drafts;
  • make the room truly comfortable.

Despite the large number of pluses, there were some minuses. Fabric blinds in their durability are significantly inferior to other types of designs. In addition, they fade very quickly, and after a few washings they will lose their original appearance.

Metal blinds

white plastic blinds

The most popular metal blinds in the ranking are kitchen blinds.

The main advantages in favor of buying such devices are:

  • high strength and durability;
  • simplicity in leaving;
  • keep warm indoors well in the winter and cool in the summer;
  • environmentally friendly and safe;
  • do not ignite, so they can be placed near the stove;
  • large selection of colors;
  • moisture resistance;
  • do not fade in the sun and for a long time retain their original appearance.

The only drawback, as in the case of wooden structures, is the high cost.

Multi-Factor Blinds

The best option as a jalousie for a modern kitchen are multi-texture devices. They appeared on the market relatively recently, so they have not yet managed to gain wide popularity, however, many consumers respond very positively about them. This type of blinds is made of various materials, for example, fabric and plastic or wood and aluminum.

flower blinds in the kitchen

Multifactured blinds have various decorative elements that make them look like ordinary curtains, so they fit perfectly into any interior. However, their cost is one of the most expensive today, so they will have to pay a fairly large amount. In addition, it is very difficult to keep clean and attractive the appearance of multi-texture blinds, as various materials require an individual approach to care.

Mount Features

Window blinds in the kitchen can be fixed both in the window opening itself and in the lap. Therefore, when choosing a specific model, you should take into account the features of the window, because otherwise you simply will not be able to fix them. If the device is fixed in the opening, this will allow to visually increase the room, which is especially important, since most apartments in our country have very small kitchens. However, in this case you will have to forget about using the windowsill. Therefore, it is better to choose the second option, which is based on fixing the blinds by analogy with a curtain rod.

What to look for when choosing blinds

If you decide to buy blinds for the kitchen, then when choosing, the main attention should be paid to the material from which they are made. The service life and practicality of using these devices depends on this. Plastic is considered the best option, since it has a low cost, and it is also very easy to wash. To wipe the plastic lamellas from fat, an ordinary sponge and a soap solution are enough. In addition, plastic does not absorb unpleasant odors, which is also important if you do not want to breathe stench in your kitchen.

If you are not limited in your financial capabilities, then you can consider metal blinds. They have all the advantages of plastic, but are more durable and durable, so they will last much longer. Also, they do not fade with time in the sun and do not change their original color, as is the case with some other materials.

But wooden and fabric blinds for the kitchen will not be the best choice. Undoubtedly, they look more attractive and give the interior a certain aesthetics and elegance, however, these materials have low performance characteristics. They do not tolerate moisture well, absorb all odors, and also lose their attractiveness over time.

The second selection criterion is the reliability of the opening / closing mechanism. Modern blinds in the kitchen (photos of rooms with them were presented in the article) are equipped with reliable mechanics, so it functions properly throughout the life of the light-protecting devices. But in the models of the budget price range, the mechanism very quickly fails, as a result of which you have to buy new blinds.

If you prefer vertical constructions, then you do not need to buy devices with too long lamellas, because due to their own large weight they will bend greatly. The best option would be blinds with a height of one and a half to two meters.

To make the kitchen design harmonious and stylish, do not buy too colorful blinds, decorated with various ornaments and patterns. Otherwise, you will have to separately select napkins, towels and other household items for them to achieve a single harmony in the interior. It is better to opt for devices made in the style of minimalism. They are versatile and will blend perfectly with all items.


white blinds for the kitchen

We examined the main types of blinds, and also talked about the advantages and disadvantages of each material from which they are made. In conclusion, I would like to note that what kind of light-protective structures to choose for your kitchen, largely depends on the individual preferences of each person. Blinds should not only be practical in operation and maintenance, but also provide a comfortable level of illumination in the room, but also you personally like to be in the room was comfortable, because the vast majority of women spend most of their free time in the kitchen. If you yourself find it difficult to make a choice, then consult with professional interior designers, and they will easily find you the best option, the most suitable for your apartment.

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