Service is ... Service to God

We often hear about service. This obsolete word is used today by Christians. What do believers mean by him? Service is the fulfillment of God's commandments. To serve is to help those who need it. Love commands this action. It is she who causes the desire to help people. Letโ€™s talk in more detail about true spiritual service. What does the Bible say about this?

bible reading

Service is free service given by us to God and people.

God's work can be observed through the ministry of women and men, girls and boys. Christians believe that God is following them and seeing them. He helps those in need through other people. We are constantly dependent on the help of others. In childhood we are dressed and fed by parents. Helping others is service. This is help to your neighbor.

We can cite examples of great and holy Christians who served aside from people. They chose prayer solitude. But the Word of God is called to serve among people. Service is steps towards, understanding others is better than they realize themselves. Just do not need to wait for thanks. Serving God is empathy, love for people. We must strive for an increased standard, maximum, feat for the sake of others.

spiritual service

Service begins with the education of altruism.

Each born child is born selfish. He doesnโ€™t know anything, his parents serve him. Then the baby grows up, and here it is important to connect the right education to wean from the egocentric dominant. You need to accustom a child to caring for others. As adults, children find a soul mate, acquire offspring. This is what will become the best school of altruism. If there is no proper upbringing, then even adults and old people can manifest egocentrism. Sometimes it is inherent even to believers. And God wants to see in people a desire not for himself, not for his own passion, but for the benefit of others. If a person does everything with good, does good to others, sacrifices himself, then it is then that we are talking about true service to God. As we relate to our neighbors, so God relates to us.

The development of the soul is gradual. At first, a low spiritual potential is observed, but in the course of development, a person must come to God and love. Serving the Lord does not apply only to pastors and temple workers. The Most High wants to see the service of good in every person.

Ministry of Christ

Ideally, service can be seen in personal spiritual development and in helping others develop. It is very important to develop selfless love in yourself. A synonym for this concept is the word "care". Jesus gave people an example of such concern for people. He came to earth to minister and give his soul for the sins of many people. It is Jesus who can be emulated in the service of God. He taught to serve one another with love and the gifts received. Learning to serve God begins with serving your neighbor.

Christ Himself helped the poor, sinners, the outcast, the ignorant. He fed the hungry, healed the sick, raised the dead, preached the gospel. If you want to serve others in a spirit of love, you can get as close as possible to the behavior of Jesus.

service training

Ways to Serve People

Some help only those people with whom they communicate closely, while others are avoided. And Jesus called to love everyone and help everyone. There are many ways to serve. Some serve within their own family. Parents help children, feed, dress, teach. Children carry out assignments at home, take care of younger brothers and sisters. Husband and wife also help each other. It is often inherent in father and mother to sacrifice something for their children. The eldest daughter comforts the little sister, teaches her to write or read. Even the ancient prophets considered the family an important unit of society. It all starts with serving your loved ones.

Everyone has the opportunity to serve their neighbors or friends. It will be great to help a neighbor cope with some business. A sick mother is always worth supporting. Since childhood, you need to intercede for children who are offended or ridiculed. It is important to work towards being friendly with people. You can use talents to serve. Remember to attend church services. It is she who gives the opportunity to help each other. All affairs in the church are carried out by ordinary parishioners. A great example of caring is missionary work. It is worth allotting more time to communicate with loved ones.

thoughts about God

Serving you receive a blessing

How does the Lord bless for serving others? Firstly, the personโ€™s ability to love increases. Secondly, selfishness becomes less. Caring for other people's problems makes our difficulties less serious. If you observe the life of people who serve selflessly, it becomes noticeable that they gain more than they give.

Many people know about the holy field, which was left without both legs during an accident. For others, after such a heart would have hardened, everything seemed to be useless. Instead, Paul began to think not about himself, but about others. He mastered the craft, which brought him profit. Then he purchased a home. In it, he and his wife sheltered many orphans and people with serious injuries. He devoted twenty years to the service of these people. In response, everyone around him gave him enormous love. Over time, Paul stopped thinking about his crippled legs. Such activities brought him closer to God. Serving others makes people more independent.

love for neighbors

Bible Quotes on the Ministry

In the Bible, King Benjamin dedicated an entire sermon to the ministry. He calls it a divine quality. It gives meaning to life and gives courage, helps to get rid of pride, selfishness and ingratitude. Learning to serve is to endow yourself with the qualities that the Savior is endowed with.

Those living near God should love all of His children and serve them (see Matthew 25: 34โ€“40).

Such a ministry promotes the development of kindness, love, understanding, unity. It eradicates envy, jealousy, greed, intolerance. The Bible calls for understanding, love, care. Those who live in harmony with God are filled with the spirit of peace, kindness. Their faces shine with joy.

Serve others as if you were serving the Lord (Colossians 3: 23-24).

Those who serve seek in others only the best qualities; they do not hold resentment and malice.

Serve one another lovingly (Galatians 5:13).

Hope in Christ helps us to remain steadfast even in difficult situations. And service makes one humble.

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