Reverse Statement - Balance Sheet

Starting to draw up the balance sheet, it is necessary to check whether the records on the accounts were correctly made in the reporting period . To do this, they begin to draw up a revolving list, which is a table (checkerboard) and contains information on the balances for all accounts involved at the beginning of the reporting period, on the total monthly turnover and the balances based on them. In other words, the turnover sheet is a way to summarize the accounting registration data in the accounts of accounting.

The preparation of revolving statements is carried out on all synthetic accounting accounts that are used at the enterprise. This document contains three paired columns, in which the turnovers and balances of the credit and debit are written. The results shown in the turnaround must have equal values ​​in pairs. That is, for all accounts, the debit turnover should accordingly be equal to the credit; the same rule applies to monthly turns. The totals of the balances at the beginning of the month for the loan and debit should be the same, because as a result of using a double entry, each amount is recorded twice: for a loan of one and for a debit of another account. Amounts must also correspond to the results of the transaction log . If a mismatch is found, then we can talk about a mistake or a miss of operations.

If the balance (balances) at the end of the month before the loan and debit is equal, we can conclude that they are obtained on the basis of the initial turnovers and balances. These balances (balances) are used by the accountant to develop a new balance. So, with proper accounting, pairwise equality of credit and debit opening balances, account turnovers and ending balances should be performed.

A working balance or, in other words, a working list for synthetic accounts is a register where the results of the balance and turnover for all synthetic accounts are summarized in one place. It reflects both changes and the state of sources and funds. With the help of such a statement check the correctness of the maintenance of accounts, as well as the implementation of the new balance.

This document has the following form. The first column captures the name of the balance sheets that have balances: passive and active. The second to fifth columns reflect the corresponding loan amounts and debit for each account. Columns 6 and 7 display the totals, which are calculated based on the initial revolutions and balances. Debit balances of active accounts add up to debit turnover, subtracting credit. And the credit balances of passive accounts are added to the loan turnover minus the debit turnover. The result, respectively, contains a debit or credit balance. The turnover sheet in the analytical accounting is applied separately to each synthetic account. It represents the balances (balances) and the results of the turns of the analytical accounts, which are combined into one synthetic account.

Such a turnover sheet, the forms of which contain information on accounts, allows you to monitor the movement and condition of individual accounts and the sources that form them. In addition, this document is used during verification when they examine whether the accounts have been correctly generated on the relevant accounts. For keeping records, the turnover sheet of the accounts of analytical accounting of the calculations made with contractors and suppliers is also used.

Chess turnover sheet makes it possible to summarize the data on the accounts of the turnover, allows you to disclose their contents and check whether the accounts correspond correctly . Entries in the chess sheet are made so that correspondence is viewed, so that it is clear where the values ​​came from and where they were sent. The amount of debit revolutions for all accounts must correspond to the sum of revolutions for the credit of accounts, which is based on the principles of double entry.

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