The appearance of black dots can be caused not only by the type of skin. For some reason, it is generally accepted that in most cases such a rash occurs in people with oily skin. However, this is completely wrong, because black dots in the ears can appear in absolutely any person.
In this case, the rash can spread throughout the body, starting from the legs and ending with the ears. If the skin on the body is malleable and the black dots can be easily removed, then the situation with the ears is much more complicated. The design of the shell itself is unusual, in addition, the skin on it is thin and delicate. Therefore, many people have a problem with removing black dots from their ears. In general, many experts do not recommend squeezing them out, as this can lead to complications. Dirt can enter the hole that forms and very soon will cause an infection. Even if this does not happen, in the near future a rash will form in the same place.
Causes of occurrence
Why does a black dot appear in the ear? This type of rash has a scientific name - comedones. Black dots are a type of acne and form after the subcutaneous glands begin to produce too much fat. In this case, the pores become clogged, leading to clogging of the sebaceous ducts and fat oxidation, after which black dots are obtained.
In most cases, blackheads, as comedones are commonly called in the people, are perceived by people as a slight skin deficiency. However, the appearance of a black rash can indicate serious problems or disruptions in the body. Very often, a rash becomes an indicator that a person has a hormonal imbalance, an infection in the body, or a liver is out of order. Also, black dots may indicate digestive problems. That is why cosmetologists and dermatologists advise people with problem skin to take treatment more seriously.
To heal the skin, you will need to not only wash more often, but also try to identify the cause of comedones. After this, you should prepare for a comprehensive treatment, and then for regular preventive procedures to prevent the re-occurrence of a rash.
Black dots in the ears: how to get rid?
If you find black spots in your ears, it is recommended that you immediately sign up for a consultation with a dermatologist. It is this specialist who is able to prescribe the necessary tests, correctly examine and examine the patient. As a rule, such procedures are enough for the doctor to make the correct diagnosis. In the case of a serious disease that can harm human health, it is worthwhile to immediately begin treatment. Only after curing the disease, you can begin to eliminate acne. When no serious problems are found, it becomes much easier to cure the rash. They will be able to cope with skin diseases in the most ordinary cosmetic salon, where not one technique has been developed to eliminate this problem. So, mechanical and laser skin cleaning is most in demand.
Of course, a visit to a professional salon requires financial investment. Therefore, if a person does not have the opportunity to use paid services, then he can try to solve the problem on his own.
The main thing before getting rid of the black spots in the ears is to find out a few recommendations that will help not to aggravate the situation.
1. Any facial cleansing procedures should be performed with clean and sanitized hands.
2. To make the skin more supple, it is recommended to hold hot compresses on the ears. In this case, the procedure should be performed for at least 5 minutes, changing the cooled compresses. When the skin is steamy, you can stop the procedure.
3. Using an exfoliating agent suitable for the type of skin, carefully apply it on the ears and massage the problem areas. After this, the product must be removed with warm water. Next, you need to carefully dry the ears, and then disinfect with swabs moistened with alcohol.
4. How to
squeeze black dots in the ears? In cosmetology, there are special tools that have a rounded base. It is with the help of them that professionals remove the rash from the ears, putting a little pressure on the skin. If there is no such device, then in no case should you try to
squeeze the blackheads with your nails. The consequences of such actions are described above.
In extreme cases, it is worth using napkins and, pressing a little on the skin, try to remove the contents of clogged pores. If the skin is steamed enough, this procedure will succeed. However, there are too hardened blackheads that do not come out the first time. In this case, it is recommended to dry the ears, wipe them with an antiseptic, and repeat the procedure on another day.
Now we will consider exfoliating products according to folk recipes.
Regardless of the selected recipe, you should clean the skin of the ears only in steamed form.
Option 1: Soda + Salt + Shaving Cream
To prepare the product, you need to take half a teaspoon of soda, the same amount of shaving cream and salt.
By thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, you can apply the product on the rash and the area around it, while gently massaging the ears. Then the mixture is left on the skin for 20 minutes, and then washed off with water at room temperature. Then the ears are thoroughly wiped. Then they are treated with an alcohol-containing solution, for example, chloramphenicol, eucalyptus or tincture of sage. The procedure should be done daily.
Option 2: Lemon Juice
How else is the black dot in the ear removed?
You can use a lemon. To get rid of black spots in the ears, you should cover the problem areas of the skin with freshly squeezed juice of this acidic fruit. The procedure should be repeated at least twice a day with a cotton swab.
Option 3: honey massage
If possible, you can buy natural, rustic honey. Use only liquid. Honey is applied to the ears with massaging movements.
After 10 minutes, you can wash off the composition with water. Apply healing components daily, until the black dot in the ear disappears, and the skin visually becomes perfect. Further, the procedure is carried out once a week so that the rash does not appear again.
Option 4: water + soda
To prepare the product, you need 1 teaspoon of water and the same amount of soda. After mixing the ingredients, you should lubricate the ears with a cotton swab dipped in a solution. This should be done for three minutes, after which the skin must be thoroughly washed. A procedure is required daily until the rash disappears.
Option 5: milk mask
How to remove black spots in the ears? Prepare the remedy for this recipe. Making this composition, you will need to mix 1 tablespoon of warm milk with a tablespoon of gelatin powder.
After the components are thoroughly mixed, it is necessary to heat the mixture in a microwave for a couple of minutes. The resulting solution should be quickly applied to problem areas and left for twenty minutes. The frozen mixture forms a thin film, upon removal of which all dirt is cleaned from the pores.
To the composition, if desired, you can add half a tablet of activated carbon, which also helps to remove the rash.
Using folk or shop tools, a person can easily get rid of black spots in the ear and throughout the body. However, this rash is likely to return (if it is an excess of subcutaneous fat). In addition to the constant application of funds, you should completely review your menu.
So, people with problem skin should not eat fatty, fried and sweet foods. The fact is that such products are considered heavy. Therefore, they can only provoke the appearance of a rash. You should also exclude alcohol, strong tea, coffee and refuse cigarettes.
Preferring healthy food, a person can almost immediately notice an improvement in skin condition, it is possible that even a black dot in the ear will disappear immediately. The main thing is to go to the doctor before self-treatment to make sure that the appearance of a rash is the result of excessive production of subcutaneous fat, and not a serious illness. Indeed, in the latter case, all efforts will be in vain.