Why Islam has become a world religion. The essence and history of occurrence

Currently, everyone has heard about Islam, but not many people know what this religion really is. Most believe in the slogans of radical political forces that use Islamic symbolism. And not many people know the true reasons why Islam has become a world religion.

What is Islam

Why Islam has become a world religion

Islam is a world religion. The literal translation of the word means complete submission to God, otherwise it can be said - devotion to the will of the Lord. We can note the characteristics that most specifically describe this religion and explain why Islam has become a world religion. In terms of population, it takes second place after Christianity. Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam is a theistic religion. This means that he proceeds from the understanding of one God.

Similarities and differences with other religions

Despite the fact that this religion has some similarities with Christianity and Judaism, it is characterized by certain differences from them. These differences are very significant. Perhaps they explain why Islam has become a world religion. For example, here there is a completely different understanding of God and the idea of ​​trinity, the dogma of the trinity, is not accepted. In this religion, this is perceived as a concession to polytheism. The foundations of Islam lie in the belief that God is not just one, but also the only one. For this reason, the Islamic religion lacks the idea of ​​embodiment. Probably, this also hides the true reasons why Islam has become a world religion. According to his precepts, Jesus is not a divine person. In Islam, he is the chosen prophet and divine messenger, like Abraham, Moses, and Muhammad.


The essence of Islam

In Islam, a simple dogma. Religion is based on faith in Allah. It is he who represents the one god. According to the content of the Qur'an, Allah condemns people, shows them severity. In addition, people consider him at the same time gracious. Its main characteristic is that it is omnipotent. According to Islam, everything that happens in life is subject to the will of Allah.

Religious duties of Muslims

This religion has certain prescriptions. One of them is that it is necessary to practice faith in Allah. According to this religion, there is no god other than Allah. His prophet is Muhammad. During ritual ablutions, each convert must pronounce this injunction. Moreover, important attention is paid to the sincerity of words, because any hypocrisy in this religion is an unforgivable sin.

How religion came about

History of Islam

In Arabia, at the beginning of the seventh century, a Muslim religion arose called Islam. The history of its occurrence boils down to the fact that even in ancient times, when there was a separation of people into rich and poor, it began to emerge. According to the translation, Islam means humility. Her follower is a Muslim. Religion arose because the exploiters of the slaves had a need to somehow intimidate the Bedouins so that they obeyed them. Thus, in each tribe their gods began to appear, who kept the poor in fear. In addition, the Arabs deified animate and inanimate nature. And only later did religion itself appear. The essence of Islam was that he preached faith in one God.

Islam now

Gradually, Muslim communities began to become more and more in number of followers. These included the Bedouins and the sedentary inhabitants of Arabia. As a result of the events, the Arab tribes united, which became the main reason for the formation of the Arab state. Very soon, the followers of Islam began to attack neighboring lands in order to subjugate a larger population to this religion.

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