What tattoos can not be stuffed: photo and description

Only a couple of decades ago, tattoos in our country were filled only in prison and in the army. Such tattoos looked unaesthetic, but just by looking at them, one could instantly determine a person’s belonging to the criminal world or the armed forces. Today, quality tattoos are available to everyone. Tattoo studios and salons open even in small towns. Before you sign up for a session, it’s useful to find out which tattoos you can’t fill anyone.

Hard Tattoos

what tattoos can not be filled girls

Chinese characters are a kind of classic of the Russian world of tattoos. Real artists chuckle at the desire of clients to chop oriental squiggles. And still, every fifth tattoo holder in our country is full of hieroglyphs. Why are they so popular? To many, the hieroglyphs seem beautiful on their own. In addition to aesthetics, such a picture can be filled with meaning: to encrypt into the language of a distant country a benevolent parting word or a whole proverb, a wise motto. But if you ask an experienced master what tattoos you can’t fill anyone, he will probably say about hieroglyphs. The thing is that there are very few experts on oriental languages ​​in our country. If you do not know Chinese or Japanese at a sufficient level, do not choose hieroglyphs as a sketch. It is highly likely that cute drawings mean something banal, such as "pasta with cheese." But you can get into a worse situation - out of ignorance, fill yourself with an oriental curse that will bring misfortune to the life of its owner. What tattoos should you never do? Any whose meaning you do not understand. This applies to foreign languages, magical and mystical symbols. It’s a bad idea to depict spiritual symbols: most religions do not approve of applying images to the skin.

Is it worth it to make paired tattoos in love?

what tattoos can not be filled girls and why

Many modern young people believe that applying on their own skin the name of their lover / lover is a very beautiful and romantic act. Some lovers even go to the tattoo parlor together and choose sketches consisting of halves. Probably, while the couple continues the relationship, their tattoos really cause approval and envy among others. But as soon as this novel is over, in addition to a broken heart, everyone will also have a tattered piece of skin. What tattoos should not be filled with lovers? Names of each other and half pictures. If the partners are sure that their love is eternal, and you really want to make a tattoo in her sign, you can choose a more neutral pattern. The best option is to apply the same tattoos to the same place with a guy and a girl. In this case, the sketch should look self-sufficient. Some lovers stuff pairs of animals: a male - a guy and a female - a girl.

Tattoos with meaning: lettering

what tattoos should not be done

To put on your body a beautiful aphorism, a quote from a recognized thinker or a whole poem - why not? In fact, speaking of which tattoos cannot be filled by anyone, one cannot but mention the inscription. Very often, clients come to a tattoo parlor just to bring texts from their skin. It is the inscriptions that very quickly lose their attractive appearance. If the phrase is long, with age-related changes in the skin, it is deformed. With a sharp weight loss or weight gain, a text tattoo can lose its aesthetic appearance. It is worth considering the meaning of the chosen phrase. Our tastes and interests change very quickly. And if some idea seemed to you very wise and accurate several years ago, today you most likely will not remember it. For this reason, text tattoos annoy their owners very quickly.

Butterfly - the worst tattoo for a girl

what tattoos should not be stuffed

Many women like drawings with flowers, birds and butterflies. Half of these compositions should not really be applied to your own skin. What tattoos should girls not fill and why should you refrain? Butterfly images are on the first line in this list. It is believed that tattoos on such sketches are made by representatives of the most ancient profession. The butterfly itself is a symbol of beauty, lightness and windiness. If the girl does not want to seem frivolous, for a tattoo it is better to choose something else instead of butterflies.

Prison tattoos

what tattoos can not be stuffed for men according to concepts

In our country for a long time tattoos were considered prison decoration. In the criminal world, a very complex symbolism of wearable images. They are used as identification marks. Some drawings must be "earned" - to achieve a certain status in the prison hierarchy. Others, on the contrary, are punishment, and they are forcibly applied. What tattoos can not be filled for men in terms of the criminal environment? Caution should be used images of churches, crosses, playing cards, skulls. Popular wisdom says: “From prison and from the bag ...” And indeed, if someday a person with quite artistic tattoos has to be in criminal circles, it is likely that you will have to answer for inappropriate tattoos according to concepts. When choosing a sketch, we recommend that you make sure that there are no elements found in popular prison tattoos. For the same reason, it’s not worth bravado to put drawings stylized as criminal tattoos on your body.

Portraits of dead people

you can’t get tattoos with portraits of the dead

To fill in the hand with the universal aphorism of the ancient philosopher or the portrait of a famous musician who died in the prime of his career is a great idea? No. Even non-superstitious people should not put on their body any information related to the dead or people who have lived a difficult life. Such symbolism is very dangerous, it can radically change the fate of a person. What tattoos can not be filled so as not to attract failure in your life? Portraits and any other images of the dead. Even if they are famous and recognized people. It is also advisable to refrain from using the names of the deceased and some symbols in tattoos that are too specifically associated with a particular late celebrity. It is also recommended that the symbols of death and evil forces be used with caution. The numbers "13", "666", the image of death with a scythe, the devil, perhaps, will create a brutal image, but they are unlikely to bring luck to their owner.

Where not to get a tattoo?

It is very useful even before recording to a tattoo parlor to find out which tattoos are forbidden for girls and boys to fill, as well as which places on the body are considered unsuccessful for applying any drawings. First place on this list is the face and neck. Making a tattoo in such a prominent place, you put an end to your career in decent company. Usually, owners of tattoos on the face and neck are treated with caution and with increased attention. Another worst place to tattoo is with your palms and feet. Due to the nature of the skin in these areas, the tattoo will very quickly lose its aesthetic appeal. And if the feet can still be hidden, saving up money for correction or mixing, then the hands are always in sight. For the same reason, do not tattoo on the arms below the elbow. They will last longer than on the palms, but they are very difficult to hide from prying eyes. Among modern girls, tattoos under the chest, on the abdomen and sides, lower back, and hips are very popular. All these areas can be called potentially dangerous for tattoos. The figure will begin to blur, it’s worth gaining some extra 3-5 kilograms. Pregnancy and childbirth will turn such body jewelry into blurry spots.

"Partaki" - poor quality tattoos

what tattoos can not be filled men

Speaking about which tattoos cannot be filled for men and women, one cannot miss the question of the quality of performance. There is such a thing as a "partak" - poorly made ugly tattoo. Typically, these tattoos generously adorn the bodies of their customers with beginner self-taught masters. Poor execution can spoil even the most original and good idea. How not to become the owner of the "partak"? Everything is very simple: before recording in the salon, study the portfolio of the master you are interested in. It is desirable that it contains quality work in the style of your choice. Still, photographs can always be improved in the editors. And this means that the most reliable way to choose a master is by the feedback of your friends and acquaintances, on which you have already seen the healing works of his authorship.

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