How to draw a shark: workshops for different ages

If someone suddenly has a problem with how to draw a shark, this two-part article will tell you how to do this. Moreover, the development is given both for very young children and for people who are slightly familiar with the drawing process.

Master class " How to draw a shark with a baby "

Of course, a small child should not portray a terrible evil animal with huge teeth and evil eyes. It is better to show and tell the growing man the principle of the image of a good smiling shark. By the way, the master class β€œHow to draw a shark with a baby” can subsequently help portray any other fish. So, we pick up a sharply sharpened simple pencil, a blank sheet of paper and get down to business.

how to draw a shark

  1. First, draw an oval with a pencil, divide it in half along the length and erase the upper part.

  2. Then we depict the upper and lower fins of the predator. They have the shape of triangles, in which one side is slightly concave and the other is slightly convex.

  3. The tail resembles a crescent in shape, in which the "horns" look outward. They attach it to one of the ends of the half-mast.

  4. An oval, more like a circle, with a round black pupil in the middle, will imitate the shark's eye. If it is made larger and placed closer to the middle of the body, this will create the effect of expressing surprise and curiosity on the face of our good shark.

  5. A smiling mouth, a nasal opening in the shape of a comma, and β€œbrackets” of gill slits a little further than the eye will make the drawing almost ready.

  6. If the baby is very young, predatory fish called "shark" can be completely painted with a simple pencil, leaving only the whites of the eyes white. But older children can already be explained that the abdomen of sharks is most often white, and the back is gray, sometimes even black. Then the coloring process will be a little complicated by the application of shades.

how to draw a shark in stages
Master class " How to draw a shark in stages "

This workshop is designed for an adult audience. Therefore, all parts of the object: the body, tail, lower fins - do not draw separately, but with one common line.

  1. It should be remembered that the shark has an elongated body, so first draw a smooth line that will depict the upper body of the predatory fish, passing into the tail.

  2. Under the slightly pointed nose of the predator, the mouth should be placed. It may be slightly ajar. On the other hand, draw the tail.

  3. The next step is to smoothly connect the line of the tail and the muzzle, depicting a slightly convex belly. We must not forget about the lower fin - it is located closer to the muzzle, somewhere in the first third of the body.

  4. The following details of the drawing will be separately shown: the second lower front, small rear and upper fins.

  5. Since it is impossible to draw a shark without gills, eyes and teeth, then at the last stage of drawing, you should do just them.

Overlay shades on a shark pattern

If the artist understands how to draw a shark with a pencil, then he can move on to the next step - coloring the image.

how to draw a shark with a pencil

  1. First, of course, the silhouette of the object is depicted.

  2. You need to start applying color with a simple pencil on top, since the stomach of a predator is usually light. It should be remembered that the first dorsal and pectoral fins have light, almost white tips.

  3. When moving closer to the stomach, the color intensity decreases. Gill slits should be highlighted in a dark shade, and the area near the eyes should be left white.

  4. Having painted over the background, you can smooth out the pencil strokes using a cotton swab, a small piece of paper or your own finger.

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