Pie in a slow cooker: recipes with photos

People bake pies both in everyday life and on holidays. Many use ovens, bread machines for this, and some prefer crock-pots. Pie in a slow cooker is not only simple and fast, but also convenient. You will definitely know that you will not have to drink coals with tea.

There are many recipes for baking: from the simplest to the most complex and multi-stage. The main thing is to apply your love and diligence to the manufacture of goodies.

Varieties of pies

Traditional Russian pies, wherever they are cooked, come in several forms:

  1. Cheesecake - a tortilla with a filler inside (usually cottage cheese or cheese, less often jam). Such pastries are usually not cooked in slow cookers and bread machines.
  2. Kulebyaka is a difficult pie to make, stuffed with fish, meat, mushrooms.
  3. Pie - a small fried pie with filling.
  4. Pie - not closed baking, is a dough with a filling on top.
  5. Sotnik - shortcrust pastry with curd filling.

In general, pastries can be divided into sweet and meat. You can use various types of dough. In a slow cooker, baking is slightly different than in the oven, but no less tasty.

How to make a pie in a slow cooker: recipes for sweet and meat pies

Before you start cooking, you need to prepare a slow cooker. Wash and dry the bowl, and coat the bottom with butter. So the dough does not stick and will lag faster. It is not necessary to heat the appliance - it is not an oven. The cooking process will begin when you close the lid.

Jam-based pastries

If guests unexpectedly came to you, and there is nothing to tea, then use a simple and convenient recipe. A quick cook pie in a slow cooker will consist of:

  • 500 ml of jam (you can any);
  • egg - 1 pc. (if not, then it is possible without it);
  • soda (slaked food);
  • sugar (to taste);
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • flour - 300-400 grams.

Lovers of chocolate delicacies can add cocoa to the dough.

So, we mix all the ingredients to the consistency of thick sour cream and pour into a slow cooker, set the function "Baking". While you are discussing the latest news with guests, the cake is already ready. If there are candied fruits or zest in the house, you can decorate it from above. For decoration, grated chocolate, nuts or powdered sugar are also suitable.

Jam pie in the slow cooker

For the preparation of such goodies, strawberry jam or berries in sugar syrup are best suited. You will also need 150 grams of butter, baking powder, sugar - 200 g, vanillin - 1 g, starch - 2 tablespoons, chicken eggs - 2 pcs., Flour - 400 grams.

Strawberry Pie

We prepare shortbread dough: beat 100 grams of soft butter with sugar until airy, gradually add 2 eggs and a baking powder, then flour. The result is a soft dough from which you can mold a ball and put it into a mold. We start preparing crumbs for sprinkling: mix 50 grams of butter with flour, sugar and salt and bring the crumbs to a consistency. Try to drain excess water from the jam. You can put it on a fine sieve - the berries will remain, and the syrup will drain. To prevent the bottom layer from getting wet, sprinkle starch on top of the dough, and then spread the berries. The last layer is crumb. We turn on the "Baking" mode, and after 45-60 minutes a fragrant simple cake in a slow cooker will be on your table.

Apple and berry pie

In this recipe, it is important to combine sweet apples and berries with sourness. For this, currants, cranberries or cherries are perfect. For cooking, you need flour - 400 g, salt on the tip of a knife, sugar - 200 g, 2 eggs, baking powder, sour cream - 200 grams, apples and berries (to taste), butter - 100-150 grams.

Pie with apples

For the dough you need to mix melted butter, sour cream, soda, sugar and flour. The dough is soft and pliable. In order to make it convenient to remove the finished pie, the multicooker bowl must be laid out with baking paper. We lay out the base of the dough in the shape of a bowl, put apple slices with berries inside. It's time to cook the fill: mix 2 eggs, sugar, sour cream and a little flour or starch. Pouring should be sweet, so you need more sugar (for your own taste, of course). We cover the apples with sour cream mixture, close the lid and bake. It is possible on the "Oven" mode, but it is also possible on the "Multicooking". It is important to check the readiness with a skewer, and here you can try a simple pie in a slow cooker in 1.5-2 hours.


If you are a supporter of proper nutrition, then you will certainly enjoy the manna recipe without flour. Pie in a slow cooker based on semolina is a great option for a Sunday breakfast or lunch tea party. So, take semolina and fill it with kefir (400 - 500 ml). It is best to let her stand for 1-2 hours, so the cake will turn out more magnificent. In a mixture as thick as sour cream, add 2 eggs, sugar - 150-200 grams, slaked soda (a teaspoon), vanillin - 1 g, a pinch of salt, raisins or candied fruits will not be superfluous. Mix everything thoroughly and bake. Many housewives pour chocolate or sour cream with sugar on top of the cooled semolina pie, but it is tasty and without pouring.

Mannik poured with sour cream


Each mistress has her own signature recipe for apple pie. Some experiment with fruits, some with dough consistency. A pie in a slow cooker with apples will always be delicious. To prepare the dough you need to beat 4-6 eggs in a blender until a thick white foam. You can whisk the whites separately with sugar, and then add the yolks. In this case, the dough will be more airy and somewhat dry. Next, gradually add the flour to the consistency of very thick sour cream (about 400 grams). At the bottom of the mold, greased with butter, put apple slices. They can be mixed with cinnamon, chopped walnuts and honey, but without additives. Fill everything with dough. Most housewives try to randomly add apples at the time of filling the dough, because then the pie will turn out to be stuffed. Close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the "Baking" mode. Sprinkle the cooled apple pie on top with icing sugar.

Pie with apples and berries

With cheese

There are many recipes for making non-sweet flour products. A pie in a slow cooker with cheese is an excellent substitute for bread, but can also be used as a snack. The dough for such a pie is made on kefir or sour cream and by consistency it should be liquid. We mix kefir (250-300 ml), eggs - 1-2 pcs, salt, sugar - 50 grams and a baking powder to a homogeneous liquid mass (approximately like on pancakes).

Cake batter

We grate hard cheese in advance - 200-300 g - on a coarse grater. Cheese can be any, even mozzarella. Pour half the dough into the bottom of the bowl and spread the cheese on it in the volume you like. Pour the remaining dough on top and bake. As additional elements can be herbs or spices. In the same way, you can make a pie with cabbage in a slow cooker. Only the stuffing in this case will be stewed cabbage according to your favorite recipe.

With egg and onion

Most often, the summer version of the pie with onions and egg of the hostess is done in the spring, when the first greens have already appeared in the garden. For cooking, you need dough on kefir (as in the version of cheese cake). Boil and cut into small cubes 4-6 eggs, to which we add chopped green onions (to taste), salt and pepper (you can add dill and parsley). Pour dough to the bottom of the form, which we cover with onion and egg filling, and again fill everything with the remaining dough from above. After 30-50 minutes, your cake in a slow cooker will delight your family and friends. This is an excellent variant of flavored bread for borsch or other soup.

Egg and onion pie

Open meat pie

For the test you will need 200 grams of boiled potatoes, 100 grams of butter, salt (a pinch) and flour, 300 g. We turn the mashed potatoes and butter into potatoes, add salt and flour. Put the finished dough in the bag in the refrigerator. It's time to cook the stuffing of sweet pepper and minced meat. Cut the pepper into cubes and fry with onions, then add the chopped meat (you can chicken or pork minced meat in the amount of 500-700 g) and bring to full readiness. For pouring, you need sour cream - 150-200 ml, eggs - 2 pcs., Salt, pepper and cream, 100 ml - everything needs to be beaten to a homogeneous consistency.

From the dough we make a form in which we put the minced meat and pepper. Pour everything on top with cream sauce - and into the slow cooker. Already after 15-20 minutes you will feel the aroma, but it is too early to take out the pie. Readiness after 45-60 minutes is better to check with a skewer. Garnish the dish with greens and to the table.

When you cook a pie in a slow cooker, recipes with photos are best preserved. After all, this particular dish can become your family. You can repeat and pass this recipe from generation to generation.

Cottage Cheese Cake

You do not know how to treat the kids at a children's celebration? Definitely a tasty and healthy treat will be a pie in a slow cooker with cottage cheese. Prepare 200 grams of ordinary cookies in advance and 6-7 with a filling (you can "Oreo" - the children love it), sugar, butter - 100-150 grams, 1 tablespoon of cocoa, sour cream (200 grams) and vanilla pudding (40-50 g ), cottage cheese - 2 packs of 180-200 grams each, flour (300 g) and eggs, 1 or 2 pcs.

Cookies with cocoa and butter are passed through a meat grinder or blender until a dough is obtained. When you cook a pie in a slow cooker, recipes need to be adapted to your own preferences (some do not like cocoa, then you can do without it).

We cover the bottom of the multicooker bowl with baking paper and spread the dough with the sides. We divide the eggs into proteins and yolks, which must be mixed with cottage cheese, sugar and pudding. In the meantime, whisk the squirrels until a thick sour cream or peaks. Carefully combine the curd and protein masses. We spread part of the mass on the dough and add cookies on top, then cover with the remaining filling. Bake until golden brown. We check with a skewer so that the cottage cheese is baked. Decorate with cocoa or other sweets.

Baking "Zebra"

Almost all children love unusual mother’s baking. Pies in a slow cooker (photo is in the article) with chocolate cream dough - a culinary masterpiece of any housewife. Of course, not everyone gets it the first time, but everything comes with experience.

For baking you need the usual ingredients:

  • sugar - 250 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 300 grams;
  • oil - 150 grams;
  • high fat sour cream - 200 g;
  • milk - 2 tablespoons;
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • baking powder - 1 sachet.

Beat eggs and sour cream with sugar until white foam, then slowly add flour and baking powder. We divide the finished mass into two equal parts, in one of which we add cocoa (in this part you need to add 20 ml of milk so that the dough is not thick).

Chocolate Pie Dough

On the greased bottom of the multwark, we lay out the dough one by one in the other: chocolate, white in the center, etc. Thus, the dough itself will be distributed in the right direction. We turn on the "Baking" function and enjoy a sweet treat.

Pie in a slow cooker is always tasty, healthy and convenient. The hostess will not have to check the pastries often so that it does not burn, and there will be wonderful sweet dishes on the table.

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