How to remove spools from clothes at home?

How to remove spools from clothes? Small balls of nap are formed in places where the fabric rubs against something or is in contact with something. This trouble can happen before a thing gets tired or goes out of fashion. The tips in this article will help you solve this problem.

Using a typewriter

How to remove spools from clothes? A machine invented specifically to solve this problem will be useful to every person. The device neatly cuts small balls of compressed yarn, while the fabric of the clothes is not damaged. Some models are able to adjust the cutting height. This option is relevant, if you need to get rid of the formations with a relief fabric. The machine is easy to use, saves time, affordable.

spool removal

How to use such a device? Step-by-step instructions are provided below.

  • The device must be turned on.
  • If the option to adjust the cutting height is available, you need to use it.
  • The machine is carefully carried out in areas with spools. Pressing heavily on the fabric is not recommended, a slight pressure is enough.

How to remove spools from clothes with a razor

What other methods exist? How to remove spools from clothes without a clipper? This is easy to do with a razor. You need to arm yourself with an old razor, then prepare the fabric by stretching it well. Next, small balls of yarn are carefully shaved, the blade must be directed from the bottom up.

how to remove spools with a razor

This method is not suitable if the spools formed on a product of wool, cashmere, mohair, angora. It is also not recommended to use it if you need to rid the fabric with a pattern of thread formations. But the use of a razor will be an excellent solution if the pellets must be removed from socks, tights, hats. It’s convenient to clean these things after putting them on yourself.


How to remove the spools of clothes with tape? This procedure also cannot be called complicated.

  • A strip of adhesive tape gently adheres to the affected area.
  • It must be pressed, ironed by hand.
  • The strip comes off sharply.
  • The procedure is repeated until the desired result is achieved.
remove the spools with tape

Preference should be given to the most sticky tape. This method is better not to use if you need to clean delicate fabrics.


How to remove spools from clothes with scissors? This is not the first year that this method has been considered obsolete. However, once it was popular, so you can consider this option.

remove the spools with scissors

The fabric must be prepared for processing. To do this, it is qualitatively stretched, if necessary, combed with a thick scallop. Thread balls are neatly cut one after another. It is important to cut them as far away from the base as possible. We must not forget that this method is not only laborious, it cannot be called safe either. The method is relevant if it is necessary to rid dense and coarse tissues from the spools.


How to remove spools from woolen clothes? This task is easily handled with a soft toothbrush.

  • Damaged areas are thoroughly “combed” with a brush. It is necessary to move along the fibers.
  • After processing, the product is soaked in a bowl with vinegar and water, mixed in equal proportions. This will help give things fluffy.
  • Dry the product on a dry towel. It is located as far as possible from heaters, the sun and other sources of heat.

Sticky tape roller

How to remove spools from synthetic clothing? To do this, you can arm yourself with a roller with adhesive tape. This tool must be carried out along the affected area until it is freed from filamentous formations. If the tape is very dirty, you can change it. The clip is easy to use, affordable.

remove the spools using a roller

Unfortunately, this tool is only effective when working with small spools that have formed recently. More serious problems cannot be resolved with its help.


You can also try to get rid of the spools with a comb. We must not forget that not every model is suitable for this. It is best to prefer a product with small and frequent cloves. To rid the fabric of small pile balls, you need to carefully comb it. The spools should remain on the comb.

remove the spools with a comb


How to remove spools from clothes with sandpaper? To do this, rub the affected area with it. The procedure continues until the desired result is achieved. Sandpaper is a tool with which you can quickly get rid of pile balls. However, it is categorically not recommended for tidying up fabrics that require delicate handling.

Bread cracker

You can remove the spools from clothes at home with the help of bread crumbs. This method is suitable for those who are afraid to ruin a thing. First you need to prepare the bread. To do this, a thick piece is dried in the sun or in the oven to the state of croutons. When the product is ready, you can begin to clean the product from the spools. Bread should be held on the fabric until the pile balls are completely removed.

easy way to clean the spools

Sponge for dishes

How to quickly remove spools from clothes? To do this, you can use a sponge for dishes. With the removal of pile balls, its hard side perfectly copes. It is necessary to rub the product with a sponge until the affected areas are freed from the spools. A sponge can be used by those who want to quickly clean their clothes. However, it is better to give preference to another method when it comes to a woolen product.

Chewing gum, plasticine

It's hard to believe, but ordinary chewing gum will help in the fight against spools. It must be chewed before use. Next, wet chewing gum evenly rolls along the surface of clothes. This continues until all the spools adhere to it. Plasticine can also be used to clean the product from pile balls. It is used in the same way as chewing gum. Of course, you do not need to chew clay beforehand.

Reasons for the appearance

The above describes how to remove the spools from clothes. However, preventing a problem is always easier than tackling it. For starters, it's worth figuring out where the nap balls come from.

  • External factors. Rolling causes friction. Clothing most often gets spools in contact with other coarse material. For example, trouser belts, bag belts are a threat.
  • Wrong washing. The reason for the appearance of the spools may be its improperly selected mode. Certain fabrics need a delicate wash program. The type of powder also plays a role, since an improperly selected composition leads to coarsening of the product.
  • Poor care. Not all people remember that clothes need careful care. When buying a new thing, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's recommendations. This will help you learn about what you can and cannot do with a particular product. For each fabric, there are certain rules for drying, ironing, and washing that cannot be violated.

Useful Tips

The tips below will help those who are often forced to think about how to remove the spools from their clothes.

  • Knitted items must be washed at a low temperature, the optimal mode is “delicate washing”. It is impossible to twist such clothes, and when ironing it is important to observe the temperature recommended by the manufacturer.
  • When washing woolen items, preference should be given to the “hand wash” mode.
  • The use of washing powder containing special ingredients is welcome. It is great if there is a label on the package “softens the fibers of the fabric”. When washing wool and knitwear, be sure to use air conditioning.
  • You can’t wear things. Clothes should be washed not only when stains appear on it.
  • Before each wash, you need to inspect the product, get rid of the formed spools.

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