VAZ-2107 generator: connection diagram and device. Generator system wiring diagram

Features of the VAZ-2107 generator, the wiring diagram for the power supply and charging system is what a motorist should know. If the voltage generation stops, the machine will not be able to work on one battery for a long time. Carburetor engines with contactless ignition with an average charge level can last no more than one day of travel with the lights off. Injector will work for several hours without a generator, since the pump engine and the computer consume a lot of current.

Generator Design

The charging scheme of the VAZ-2107 generator is practically no different from that used on all other cars.

VAZ 2107 generator circuit

Proven over the years and reliable design, which contains a minimum of elements. And that means there’s nothing to break. The generator is driven from the crankshaft of the engine using a flexible belt. The main parts of the electric machine:

  1. The stator is a fixed part, on it there is a winding. Made of thick copper wire.
  2. The rotor is the moving part of the generator, on it is the field winding.
  3. Covers from aluminum. Designed for centering the rotor and installing additional equipment.
  4. Relay Regulator Allows you to adjust the voltage at the output of the generator.
  5. Belt. It is necessary for transmitting rotation from the crankshaft to the generator rotor.
  6. Semiconductor diode block and capacitor. It rectifies a constant voltage, as a result, the variable component of the current is eliminated.
  7. Pulley and impeller. Allow to cool the case.

This design has not only the VAZ-2107 generator. Its connection scheme is not much different from that used on more modern cars of foreign manufacture. Structurally, various models are distinguished by the large size of the windings, the dimensions of the generator, and the presence of water cooling.

Generator rotor

The scheme of the VAZ-2107 generator (injector) is not much different from that used on obsolete carburetor engines. One difference is that the design is more modern and capable of delivering more current. The rotor includes an excitation winding, which creates a constant magnetic field around itself. And this is one of the conditions for the operation of the generator set. The second condition is movement. In other words, if voltage is applied to the field winding but the rotor does not rotate, current generation will not occur. As soon as the rotor begins to move, an alternating voltage will begin to appear on the stator winding.

generator diagram vaz 2107 injector

Generator stator

The stator is a fixed part of the generator set, which is attached to the engine block using brackets. The winding is located on a core made of transformer steel. When the device is operating, an electromotive force occurs in the winding. One small nuance - there are three windings on the stator, therefore, a three-phase voltage is generated. Using such a circuit, current ripple during operation can be reduced. But it also requires several stages of transformation, a more complex rectifier circuit.

VAZ 2107 generator circuit

Voltage regulator

The carburetor circuit of the VAZ-2107 generator with the old-style motors consisted of a remote-type voltage regulator.

Separately, in the engine compartment there was a box with a device. Regulators can be of the following types:

  1. Adjustable - the ability to switch to the "winter" and "summer" mode. In the first, the stabilization voltage is slightly higher than in the second. Belongs to the class of electrical contactless devices.
  2. Unregulated - consist of a semiconductor chip circuit or several elements. It is also a non-contact electric device.
  3. The mechanical view consists of electromagnetic relays and resistance. Not used for a long time, since the degree of reliability is extremely low.

scheme for charging the battery from the vaz 2107 generator

With the help of a voltage regulator, constant excitation winding power is set. After all, there is one feature of the generator sets: if you change the magnetic field of the rotor, then the voltage at the output of the device will proportionally change. Frequency and current strength will remain the same. On modern vehicle modifications, relay controllers are used, combined with a brush holder. The cost of such a device is much lower.

Diode block and capacitor

The diode block in the battery charging circuit of the VAZ-2107 generator consists of six semiconductors mounted on a horseshoe-shaped plate. It is mounted on the back cover and allows cooling diodes with it. Semiconductors convert three-phase alternating voltage to constant unipolar.

VAZ 2107 generator charging circuit
Some designs use two more additional semiconductors designed to protect against overvoltage. But on VAZ-2107 cars such schemes are not used, since they complicate the design.

Using a capacitor in the back of the device, you get rid of the variable component at the generator output. The problem is that after rectification, a small ripple of the alternating current will still remain. And the capacitor according to the equivalent circuit works as a conductor during the flow of alternating current and as a gap at a constant. In other words, according to Kirchhoff’s theorem, the entire variable component will simply be closed and will not go any further.

Joint operation of the generator and the battery

The battery and the VAZ-2107 generator are connected according to the scheme is very simple. From the power output of the generator there is one thick wire to the positive terminal of the battery. The minus is the engine body and the car body. Voltage is supplied to the regulator through a unit with a lamp and a diode mounted in the dashboard. When the field winding power is off, the lamp with the image of the red battery lights up in the tidy.

generator diagram vaz 2107 carburetor

When the motor is stopped, the entire power supply is powered by the battery. When the engine starts, the generator is turned on. Moreover, the current level is sufficient to satisfy the need for both charging the battery and powering all consumers. Using the regulator, it is possible to maintain the voltage at the same level, regardless of the rotor speed. If not for the relay-regulator, the voltage would vary in the range of 12-30 volts.

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