Exotic okra vegetable appeared on Russian shelves relatively recently, although it has been present in recipes of Southern Europe, Asia and America since the XIII century. In modern America, okra has gained the status of a leader among anti-cancer natural products. But what other possibilities does this amazing fruit have in itself?
What is okra?
The okra plant belongs to the family Malvaceae and looks like a green pod of chili, but in a pyramidal shape. Its cross section is similar to a five-pointed star. Someone saw in okra the resemblance to part of the female body and gave the romantic name "ladies' fingers". Perhaps it was A.P. Chekhov, who quite successfully cultivated this culture on his estate in the suburbs.
It is believed that gombo, or okra (another name for okra), comes from West Africa or India, since it is here that the largest number of varieties of this vegetable crop are observed. Okra was imported to Europe by Arabs in the 13th century and since then has become an active ingredient in various recipes.
Okra: useful properties and contraindications
Okra has extremely diverse properties, but first of all it is a leader in fiber content. In 100 g okra, dietary fiber occupies 3.2 g, which is 16% of the daily dose of their consumption. The use of coarse fibers is that they are not absorbed by the body, but, on the contrary, swell, accumulating toxins and carcinogens in themselves, and with this unpleasant baggage are brought out to cleanse the body. Increased fiber also helps to improve intestinal motility, as well as fight constipation and flatulence.
It is useful to use okra for people suffering from respiratory problems, leading a sedentary lifestyle, having heavy physical exertion, as well as those who have undergone surgery and require restoration of vitality. Okra helps with diabetes and prevents the development of cataracts. Researchers of okra argue that it can bring a tangible effect in case of problems with potency.
It is strongly recommended that okru be used by pregnant women, since a high folic acid content regulates the proper development of the neural tube of the fetus in the first weeks of pregnancy.
Okra is very appreciated by adherents of a healthy diet, vegetarians and people who are fighting for normal weight, because 100 grams of ladies' fingers contains only 31 kcal.
But you need to use okru carefully, because it has okra properties of an allergen. More precisely, hairs covering the fetus are a strong allergen. Therefore, before cooking, they must be removed.
Okra - America's No. 1 Cancer Product
According to American doctors, okra is able to help in the fight against cancer cells, so in America, okra, whose beneficial properties and contraindications are caused by a high content of nutrients, has been raised to a pedestal of natural anticarcinogenic products. To prevent the occurrence of cancer, you should drink one glass of decoction from the okra every day.
The anticancer properties of okra are explained by a high concentration of the powerful antioxidant glutathione in it, which not only fights against free radicals that cause cell mutations, but also inhibits the effect of various carcinogens on the DNA structure . Studies have shown that taking large doses of glutathione reduces the likelihood of cancer by 2 times.
The chemical composition of okra
The chemical composition of okra is very extensive, which gives reason to say that the okra plant is a storehouse of useful substances.
Rating of biologically significant chemical elements (nutrients) of okraNutrient | Percent Daily Nutrition Requirement Per 100 g / Amount Per 100 g | Biological role |
Manganese | 50% / 1 mg | Promotes growth, blood formation, proper functioning of the gonads |
Vitamin K | 44% / 53 mcg | It plays a key role in blood coagulation and bone metabolism. |
Vitamin C | 23% / 21.1 mg | Increases the body's resistance to infections, promotes tissue regeneration |
Vitamin B 9 (Folic Acid) | 22% / 88 mcg | Indispensable for the growth and development of the immune and circulatory systems, especially for a growing organism |
Magnesium | 14% / 57 mg | Helps normalize the functions of the nervous system and heart muscles, remove cholesterol, bile secretion |
Vitamin B 1 | 13% / 0.2 mg | It plays an important role in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates |
Potassium (C) | 12% / 303 mg | Promotes normalization of water and acid-base balance |
Vitamin B 6 | 10% / 0.2 mg | Participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and its normal functioning |
In addition to the above nutrients, okra contains copper (9%), calcium and phosphorus (8% each), vitamin B2 (6%), vitamin PP and zinc (5% each), vitamin B 5 and iron (4% each) and others.
The given indicators of the content of useful substances should be taken into account when drawing up a full-fledged diet in order to prevent both a deficiency and an overabundance of them.
What do they eat okra with?
Cuisines of different countries give preference to various methods of its heat treatment. For example, Iranian and Egyptian cuisines abound in meat dishes and stew with the addition of okra, in India, fried or marinated okra pods are more to the taste, the Japanese fried okra in tempura and served with soy sauce, and in Thailand it is added to seafood soups. Okru can also be eaten raw by adding to salads.
The taste of fresh okra in salads is most clearly revealed in combination with tomatoes, red pepper, onions, garlic and cilantro. Okra will serve as a good side dish for poultry meat and seafood.
Cooking: how to cook okra?
When cooking dishes most often use immature (3-4 days) okra pods, dense and bright green. The “adult” the fetus, the more fibrous and stiff it is and the less suitable for consumption. The optimum length of the pod is from 5 to 10 cm. A quality vegetable should be resilient and break easily when bent. Okra tastes like asparagus or eggplant. And how to cook it is akin to making asparagus beans.
Before preparing okra, in order to avoid allergic reactions, it is necessary to remove all hairs from its surface and rinse thoroughly.
Since okra is 90% water, stewing and cooking vegetables provokes the release of large amounts of mucus. For the preparation of soups and stews, this property is just a godsend. If this effect is undesirable, then first "ladies' fingers" must be fried in an acidic environment, for example, with lemon or tomato juice.
Okra pods cook very quickly, therefore, so that it does not lose shape when cooking a multi-component dish, it is better to add okra last.
Unconventional use of okra
Not only in soups and stews is used okra. Useful properties and contraindications of okra encourage the full use of all its components: both pulp and seeds.
Unripe okra seeds are canned and eaten instead of green peas. Due to its 20 percent oil content, very aromatic oil, similar to olive and rich in unsaturated fats like Omega-6, which is often used for pharmacological purposes, is extracted from okra seeds.
Ripe okra seeds are used to make the Gombo coffee substitute. First they are roasted until the coffee aroma begins to be felt. Then cool, grind on a coffee grinder, and the resulting powder is brewed like coffee. The advantage of this drink is the absence of caffeine, and both children and the elderly will feel the benefit.
Harvesting okra for future use
Okra can be stored in the refrigerator in a fresh form for no more than 2-3 days. In a dark, dry place, the okra can lie down to 6 days. If the "ladies' fingers" are dried or preserved, then in a hermetically sealed glass jar, their shelf life increases to 3 years.
When cooking, frozen okra is often used. How to cook frozen okru? First of all, you need to lower the fresh pods for a minute in boiling water. Next, peel, cool in cold water and dry. Each pod is divided lengthwise into two parts, folded into bags and put in the freezer.
Harvesting okra for the future is the only way to be able to indulge yourself all year round.
Okra, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which made it known throughout the world, is rapidly gaining popularity in our country. A variety of methods of its preparation and the possibility of preparation allow enriching the daily menu of each family with not only delicious, but also extremely healthy dishes.