Classicism in Russian architecture (photo)

Classicism in Russian architecture appeared at the end of the 18th century and was actively developing until the beginning of the 19th century. A new era of Russian architecture flourished. The most dramatic changes have occurred in the architectural appearance of the capitals, as well as some other cities. Next, consider what is classicism in architecture. A report on this topic will be quite simple, using the materials of the article.

classicism in Russian architecture

General information

Classicism is a European cultural and aesthetic trend. It focused on ancient art, in particular, ancient Roman and Greek. The mythology of those periods also had a great influence on the development of the direction. As for Russian literature, in it the age of classicism was relatively dull and short. The same can be said of music. However, numerous masterpieces of classicism in Russian architecture were nevertheless left to descendants.

Nature of direction: description

Classicism in architecture (photos are presented below) is characterized by a calm and clear rhythm, poise and clarity. We are talking about calibrated proportions. Symmetry was the main law of composition. Features of classicism in architecture consisted in the general harmony of parts and the whole. As for the main entrance to the building, it was supposed to be located in the center and look like a portico. The projecting part of the structure with the pediment and columns is meant. Moreover, the latter should have been different from the walls in color. As a rule, the columns had a white tint. The walls were yellow. These are the main features of classicism in architecture.

classicism in the architecture of St. Petersburg

Construction process: streamlining the city center

Classicism in Russian architecture began to manifest itself very smoothly. The streamlining of the center of the cultural capital was marked by the erection of the Admiralty building. This project was developed by Andreyan Dmitrievich Zakharov. In a huge building, the architect decided to highlight the central tower. The massive cubic base served as an impetus for creating a dynamic vertical extension of it. All this construction goes into a smaller structure with a light colonnade. Then there is a rapid take-off of a gilded needle with a boat. The tone of the entire architecture of the city on the Neva was set by the solemn-major rhythm of the Admiralty. The ship turned into its symbol.

Classicism in the architecture of St. Petersburg

In the middle of the XVIII century, this metropolitan city was distinguished by single ensembles. He was very similar to old Moscow and was surrounded by the greenery of numerous estates. Later, regular development of its avenues began, which, like rays, diverged from the Admiralty. What is remarkable about classicism in the architecture of St. Petersburg? First of all, these are not separate buildings, but entire ensembles and avenues. Classicism in the architecture of St. Petersburg is striking in its harmony, unity and poise.

classicism in architecture report

Exchange Construction

At the beginning of the 19th century, classicism in the architecture of St. Petersburg began to acquire increasing importance. The exchange on the arrow of Vasilievsky Island was to play a key role. She was supposed to combine the ensembles that developed around the widest section of the riverbed. Tom de Tomon, who was a French architect, was engaged in the design of the Exchange and the design of the arrow. A. D. Zakharov took part in finalizing the project. All tasks were solved brilliantly thanks to the creative community of architects. The system is united by the mirror of the Neva. As for the volume of the Exchange building, it is relatively small. However, she confidently opposed the vast expanse of water. This was largely achieved thanks to the rostral columns and the features of the forms of construction. The theme of domination over the powerful element was perfectly developed. In particular, this refers to the monumental work that complemented the ensemble.

classicism in architecture photo
Classicism in Russian architecture and sculpture continued to strengthen. Confirmation of the latter lies in the powerful figures that adorned the embankments of the country's main rivers. Many masters worked on their creation: V. I. Demut-Malinosky, I. I. Terebenev and S. S. Pimenov. These and many other masterpieces of classicism in Russian architecture rightfully have global significance.

Work on Nevsky Prospect

It will be about the main highway of the cultural capital. With the construction of the Kazan Cathedral, the avenue began to look like an integral architectural ensemble. The project was developed by Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin. By the way, his father was a serf. Michelangelo’s creation was taken as a sample. It is about the Cathedral of St. Petra (in Rome). Voronikhin used his motives. Thus, a unique architectural work was created. The square, located in front of the Kazan Cathedral, is covered on both sides by its colonnade. She became the focus of public urban life. Later, demonstrations and rallies were held here. The ashes of M.I. Kutuzov were transferred to the cathedral.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

It was built for forty years. This is the largest building that was built in the first half of the 19th century in Russia. Inside it can be attended by 13 thousand visitors at a time. The project was developed by Auguste Montferrand. As for the design of the interior and appearance, then K.P. Bryullov and P.K. Klodt, an artist and sculptor, respectively, took part in it. It was conceived so that the cathedral would personify the inviolability and power of the autocracy. This also applies to a close alliance with the Orthodox Church. The cathedral building is truly magnificent. It makes a lasting impression. Nevertheless, it is impossible not to blame customers and authors of the project for a certain gigantomania. This testified to the fact that classicism in Russian architecture began to undergo a crisis period.

features of classicism in architecture

Moscow building

First of all, it was characterized not by ensembles, but by separate buildings. As for the creation of the first, it was very difficult to reproduce them on curved streets, which were literally crammed with buildings from different eras. The fire in 1812 could not break their traditional raznostily. However, classicism in Russian architecture could even bring bright colors here. After the fire in Moscow, many beautiful buildings were erected . We are talking about the Board of Trustees at Solyanka, Manege, the Bolshoi Theater and so on. The monument to Minin and Pozharsky was erected on Red Square. The author of this work is Ivan Petrovich Marsov. The sculptor respected the traditions of classicism. For this reason, the heroes are dressed in antique clothes. Moscow classicism could not boast of the same majestic monumentality as St. Petersburg. Small mansions of the manor type were inherent in him. We can say that Moscow classicism is closer to man, very naive and free. The Lopukhins House is the best Moscow mansion made in this style. This project was developed by architect A. G. Grigoriev. He is a native of serfs.

features of classicism in architecture

Development of provincial cities

It was carried out similarly to Moscow. The province boasted a number of major craftsmen. Baroque and classicism in the architecture of Siberian buildings can be traced from the beginning of the XIX century. These features are reflected everywhere. For example, in the Resurrection Cathedral of Tomsk or the Moscow gate of Irkutsk. Later classicism finally strengthened in Siberia. The White House is one of the best first creations that was made in this style. It was built by the merchants of the Sibiryakovs. Later it turned into a governor-general residence. St. Nicholas Cossack Cathedral was erected in Omsk in accordance with the project of a famous architect. We are talking about Vasily Petrovich Stasov. The banner of Ermak was stored in this cathedral.

Crisis period

It began in the 30s of the XIX century. Contemporaries ceased to admire the oppressive monotony of buildings with columns. This was also mentioned by N.V. Gogol. At that time Petersburg was embraced by the construction of apartment buildings. For them, several porches were required. However, according to the canons of classicism, it was possible to make only one main move, which was supposed to be located in the center of the structure. The lower floors of apartment buildings have also undergone changes. They began to place stores in them. Even here, the norms of classicism could not be observed. This was due to the presence of wide shop windows. Thus, under the onslaught of the realities of modernity, classicism was forced to leave.

New directions

Creative thoughts of architects began to be based on the principles of "smart choice". They believed that the structure should be executed in a style that is most consistent with its purpose. Nevertheless, the final result depended on the taste of the architect and the wishes of the customer. The estates of the landowners began to be built in the style of medieval Gothic. At the same time, aristocratic mansions appeared in the cities, corresponding to all the canons of the new Baroque. Sometimes customers showered architects with non-standard requirements. Thus, Venetian windows could appear at the apartment building. The period of mixing styles began.

classicism in Russian architecture sculpture

Late famous buildings

The new Hermitage was built in St. Petersburg according to a project developed by the German architect Leo Klenze. Powerful granite atlantes guarding the entrance, decorative design (modern Greek style) and balance of parts - thanks to all this, an impressive image of the museum has been created. Later, the Nikolaev Palace was erected. It clearly shows the motives of the Italian Renaissance. The development of this project belongs to the architect Andrei Ivanovich Shtackenschneider. The interior views of the palace are particularly impressive. The dark grille of the railing emphasizes the run of the main staircase marches. The columns are distinguished by a special grace. It seems that the vaults very easily rest on them. It seems that the architecture is filled with internal movement. As for the space of the stairs, it moves up and down.

Contribution of Konstantin Andreyevich Ton

His creative goal was the revival of the traditions of ancient Russian architecture. Five-domed churches with narrow arched windows were built according to Tone's designs. He used Byzantine and Russian decor. All these elements were combined with symmetry and strict proportions of classicism. Ton didn’t manage to part with him. To many, this combined style seemed very artificial. However, the reality was different. The main reason is the insufficiently deep development of the Old Russian architectural heritage. Nicholas I appreciated the work of Ton. The architect was given several large orders for Moscow. The Grand Kremlin Palace was built precisely under his leadership. Later, the laying of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior took place. Its erection lasted a very long time. It is worth noting that the temple itself was conceived as a memory of ridding the country of the Napoleonic invasion. In 1883 he was solemnly consecrated. Many talented Russian masters took part in the construction, among them:

  1. Masons.
  2. Foundry workers.
  3. Engineers
  4. Painters.
  5. Sculptors.

Also, marble boards were installed in the temple on which the names of the wounded and killed officers were immortalized. It contains information about how many soldiers died in a particular battle. The names of people who donated their savings to achieve victory are immortalized on these marble boards. As for the silhouette of Moscow, the one hundred-meter-high community of the temple fit perfectly into it.

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