Best depilation cream: manufacturer reviews

Whatever sacrifices a woman is ready to go to get rid of excess hair on her body. A razor, wax, epilator - whatever the beauty industry introduces us to combat unwanted vegetation. Recently, special creams for depilation, which can be used at home, have become very popular.

What is depilation?

Depilation refers to the removal of only the outer part of the hair without affecting the hair follicle. This method was admired by many women due to the painlessness of the procedure. Depilation is carried out in two ways: using a razor or using a specialized cream. But these two methods have significant differences among themselves.

The cream has long been recognized as a more effective way, as it removes hair quickly, efficiently, painlessly, leaving an excellent result. The technique for using any depilatory is the same: apply the product to a specific area of ​​the body, then hold the time specified in the instructions and remove the hair with a special spatula, which is usually included. The remaining cream is washed off with water. And they will help to find the answer to the question, which cream for depilation is better, reviews of those who used them.

cream depilation

Differences between hair removal and depilation

Many people confuse two concepts - epilation and depilation. In the first case, this is a procedure that involves the removal of hairs along with hair follicles, which in the future leads to a slowdown in hair growth, and over time they may even stop growing. Depilation has only an external effect and does not penetrate deep into the hair structure.

Depilation creams are characterized by a temporary effect. With the help of such funds, hair is removed from all unwanted skin areas: on the face, on the arms, legs, stomach, armpits and bikini area.

The following parameters were used to determine the list of applicants for the title of best: customer reviews, value for money, opinion of dermatologists and specialists in the field of unwanted hair removal. Which depilation cream to choose? Reviews are the best adviser.

The best inexpensive means for depilation

It so happened that depilation creams are one of the most cost-effective means of combating unwanted hair. But do not disapprove of clicking, cheap is not not high quality. The most popular brands are Vit, Velvet, Batiste, Phytocosmetic.

How to choose the best cream?

The safest products are usually intended for depilation of the bikini zone, because in the intimate zone the skin is extremely sensitive. And if chemical components are present in the composition, irritation, peeling, itching and burning can begin. Before using any cream, test for an allergic reaction, for this you need to put a drop of cream on the wrist or elbow bend and wait a while. If discomfort does not appear, then the product can be safely used. Dermatologists recommend that so that the hairs do not grow into the skin, use scrubs and peels. And when choosing a cream for depilation, reviews are the best adviser.


The first thing worth noting is the rather low cost of the product. You will definitely not find cheaper depilation cream. On the one hand, it is scary, and on the other hand, according to reviews, the cream is quite effective in combating unwanted hairs in sensitive areas. The Organic Oil series is designed for sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions. Therefore, it is suitable for virtually any type of skin, however, the test for an allergic reaction should not be neglected.

Why is this product perfectly compatible with sensitive skin? This is because the cream contains plant elements - chamomile, sage, sea buckthorn, calendula and even plantain. Such a natural complex does not irritate the skin and does not cause redness and inflammation. The cream has a pleasant subtle smell. The product is quite economical, one tube is enough for 4-5 times. From the analysis of customer reviews, the following pros and cons can be noted:

  • the cream has a low price;
  • natural composition rich in healthy herbs;
  • lack of pungent odor;
  • cons can be attributed, as users note, a rigid shoulder blade for hair removal, which can damage sensitive skin;
  • the product is not suitable for depilation of a deep bikini zone.

Despite the low cost, it has a good composition and effective effect.

phytocosmetic depilator


The company "Russian Cosmetics" has released a series of creams for hair removal and called it "Batiste". However, “Batiste Cucumber”, which is used for sensitive skin, deserves special attention. Cream conquered customers with its effectiveness and low cost. Ideal for bikini and armpit areas. Designed for sensitive skin, the "Cucumber" cream does not cause irritation, and the risk of allergies is minimized due to the natural composition of the product.

An interesting situation has arisen regarding the spatula included in the kit for removing hair and the smell of the product. The ladies literally divided into two camps, half of which insist on an uncomfortable shoulder blade and note the pungent smell of the product. The other half notes that the spatula spatula is quite convenient to use, and the smell of the cream is hardly perceptible. As they say, the taste and color. It is clear after studying the reviews: the cream for intimate depilation is not suitable for everyone. And you can also make the following conclusion about the advantages and disadvantages:

  • affordable price;
  • efficiency and decent results;
  • the absence of an allergic reaction, irritation and inflammation after using the cream, even on the most sensitive skin;
  • The disadvantages of the product are as follows: the ambiguous properties of the scapula and the inability to use the product for the deep zone of the bikini.

In general, the cream is an ideal value for money.

cream of cambric for depilation


Depilation cream "Velvet", the reviews of which are very positive, definitely occupies a leading position among its counterparts. Buyers note that no one else better than this cream cope with unwanted hairs around the lips, on the arms and legs. It is worth noting the Velvet Sensitive line, which is intended for delicate and sensitive skin prone to irritation.

Positive feedback on the line is already in the tens of thousands. Thanks to the beneficial components in the composition, the cream can be used for the delicate skin of the armpits and bikini area. The product itself has a dense texture, the cream is easily removed with a convenient spatula. After depilation, the skin is hydrated as much as possible. However, before use, it is worthwhile to test for an allergic reaction, some customers note that after using it, irritation may begin. Not always what is ideal for one is just as ideal for others. Therefore, you should carefully read the composition and do not be lazy to conduct an allergy test. This will save you from the unpleasant treatment of irritation in the future. From user reviews the following follows:

  • a definite plus is the low cost of the product;
  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • rather convenient spatula;
  • The disadvantages include unpleasant odor, the inability to use for a deep bikini zone.
cream velveteen

The intimate area deserves gentle and quality care, so many dermatologists recommend abandoning creams for depilation of a deep bikini. The contact of the chemical elements that make up the cream on the mucosa is fraught with chemical burns and a long treatment. If you believe the reviews, the best depilatory cream in its price category is Velvet. Take your choice seriously.


Depilation cream from Avon with meadow foam extract promises perfect smoothness and complete removal of unwanted hairs. The effect of the cream is achieved no worse than after using a razor. Before using the product, carefully read the instructions, and especially the precautionary part. Do not forget about the allergy test, as reviews were divided into two categories. For some, the cream fulfills all the promises made by the manufacturer and the hair is removed 100%, making the skin smooth, while for others it causes irritation and allergies, so passing the test is a prerequisite. Thanks to the convenient spatula that comes with the kit, the procedure takes a minimum amount of time. Just a couple of minutes - and smooth skin is provided. The main disadvantage of the product is the pungent odor. Positive reviews significantly outweigh the negative ones, therefore, based on them, we can draw the following conclusions about the pros and cons of the cream:

  • the product has a reasonable price;
  • does not cause irritation, redness, itching;
  • hairs do not grow, but prevention with a scrub does not hurt;
  • the main feature is a very convenient spatula;
  • Of the minuses, only a sharp chemical smell was detected. However, regarding this minus of depilation cream, reviews differ.

In its price category, the cream is recognized as one of the best.

cream avon

Eveline cosmetics

Now at the peak of popularity depilation cream from the Polish company Eveline. First of all, the product “Ultralight 9 in 1” should be noted. This product was enjoyed by users due to the natural composition, which does not cause irritation. Contains extracts of chestnut, aloe, mango. Thanks to the active components during the procedure, not only unwanted hair is removed, but also the skin is restored, and additional protection, nutrition and even hydration are provided. It is worth noting that the cream does not slow down the growth of hairs, does not affect their color and structure. Studies allow us to highlight the following pros and cons:

  • convenient spatula and efficiency;
  • protects the skin and promotes cell regeneration after the procedure is completed;
  • rather high price in comparison with previous creams;
  • the impossibility of depilation of the bikini zone.

The cream occupies a leading position among products that are designed to protect and restore.

evelyn cream


If you believe the reviews, Veet hair removal creams are the market leaders and are the most popular brand. It’s “Vit” that will select a cream suitable for a specific type of skin, as well as depending on the areas where unwanted vegetation should be removed.

The most popular Silk & Fresh line is particularly convenient, as it is suitable for depilation in the shower, due to the fact that the waterproof formula significantly reduces the exposure time of the cream and, accordingly, the time of the procedure. The cream not only moisturizes and nourishes the skin, but also removes the shortest hairs. The cream slows down their growth process in the future, has a pleasant aroma. Despite the high cost, the cream is most popular. Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of the product:

  • effective effect and 100% removal of unwanted hair;
  • pleasant unobtrusive aroma;
  • water resistance, which allows you to combine the procedure with others;
  • quite high cost;
  • if you believe the reviews, a cream for depilation of a deep bikini is not intended.
cream vit

At the moment, hair removal is the cheapest and most painless way to get rid of unwanted hair. If choosing the right product is still not easy, reviews will help answer the question, which depilation cream to choose and not damage delicate skin.

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