Need a tow truck? Just call!

Are you a driver with many years of experience and never break the rules of the road? Passing maintenance for you - a mandatory procedure? Unfortunately, this cannot insure against an unforeseen situation on the motorway. Accident and sudden breakdown of a car - you should always be ready for this. What actions to take in such situations? Immediately call a tow truck in Mytishchi or to another area of ​​Moscow.

When is a tow truck needed?

The most common reason motorists may need a tow truck is an accident. You inspected the car, but did not find any major damage and decided to continue driving? Strongly not worth it. Even if visually they do not seem serious, it is impossible to drive a car in an accident.

Firstly, you will never be able to determine how global the malfunction is, so by continuing to move, you are at great risk. Secondly, if you want to receive compensation from insurers, you must provide the appraiser with the car in the exact form in which it was immediately after the accident.

Some motorists in an accident try to contact friends or ask for help from other road users. Specialists are categorical. It is necessary to transport the damaged car to the parking lot, to the garage or to the car service using special equipment exclusively. Only in this case the vehicle will be guaranteed to be delivered in accordance with all the rules.

Another reason to contact the evacuation service is a car breakdown. With the help of special vehicles, the car will be carefully delivered to a car service, where specialists will eliminate the malfunction. As in the first case, you should not try to move on your own or call friends.

Special equipment may also be required if the car is firmly stuck in the mud or taken out of the way. The tow truck will arrive as soon as possible, with the help of special equipment you can return a car of any carrying capacity and model to the track. You need to call the dispatcher immediately if the car that has been parked for a long time (in the yard) does not start.

A tow truck may also be needed by forgetful motorists who left the parking lot but did not look at the gas tank sensor. Often the fuel runs out halfway, and the canister is not in the trunk. The solution to this problem is a call to a company that provides car evacuation services. Special vehicles will arrive as quickly as possible, cars will be transported to the nearest gas station.

Tow trucks are also necessary for transporting (to the parking lot, to the traffic police) new cars for which the registration documents have not yet been received by the owners. Platforms transport watercraft, scooters, motorcycles, etc.

How to call a tow truck?

Ordering tow truck Lyubertsy or another place you must name. It is necessary to clarify the brand of car and its model. This is important, especially if the machine is equipped with an automatic transmission or is exclusive (rare). Be sure to describe to the dispatcher the reason why you need special equipment (accident, malfunction, transportation of other vehicles, etc.). This will allow you to send to the specified address exactly the type of tow truck on which it will be possible to transport a car without problems.

Evacuation services work around the clock. You can count on their help all seven days a week, and the cost of services will be extremely democratic. Before leaving the parking lot, be sure to rewrite the phones on which you can call the dispatcher to the notebook of your mobile phone.

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