Several ways to remove wool from clothing

We all love pets, but not only joy can they bring us, their excessive "hairiness" can drive anyone crazy. The question of how to remove wool from clothing is asked by each owner. In this article, we will consider the most popular ways to get rid of it.

Cleaning roller

how to remove cat hair from clothes

Let us consider in more detail how to remove wool from clothes with a simple device. An adhesive roller can be purchased at any supermarket or convenience store. It is quite popular among pet lovers, and not only.

After you remove the top wrapper on the roller, swipe it up and down through the clothes. When the wool stops sticking to it, remove part of the adhesive tape and begin cleaning again. At the end of the reel, you can purchase a replacement unit. If this is not on sale, you just need to buy a new video.

But there are reusable devices. For the price they will be a little more expensive, but they will last much longer. Their surface consists of a gel-like material. After it is completely covered with wool, it can be washed under a stream of warm water, allowed to dry and start using again.

DIY movie

how to remove cat hair from clothing with adhesive tape

How to quickly remove wool from clothes without buying any accessories? To make a movie yourself, you need a rolling pin and a wide tape. Attach the adhesive tape to the rolling pin, then start wrapping it so that the adhesive side looks at you, and the smooth side faces the base. In this way, tape must be wound to the end of the rolling pin. If it does not hold well, then fix it on the sides with pieces of duct tape. The principle is the same as with a purchased roller: just drive a rolling pin over your clothes. So you grab a lot more for clearing wool.


How to remove wool from clothes with a washcloth? To do this, take a clean and previously unused dishwashing sponge. Dampen it with hot water, then squeeze it well. For convenience, hang the contaminated item on a trempel. Start driving with a sponge from top to bottom - so the wool will roll, and not gather in a lump.

Latex gloves

how to quickly remove wool from clothes

Ever wondered how to remove cat hair from clothing using latex? It’s worth a try. The fact is that wool adheres very well to such material. You just need to put on a glove and pass it on clothes.

And if the wool is poorly cleaned, then you can moisten the latex with water, so the result will be much better. For this method, you can take any gloves with a rubber coating.

Removing wool using old tights

This method can also be considered effective. Put the soiled thing on a flat surface, put your hand in the pantyhose as you put on the glove. Then gently, directing movements in one direction, brush off the wool. At the same time, she should remain on tights. As small wool rollers gather, they must be removed continuously.

Balloon use

This is a great way to clean clothes from wool. To do this, just grab and inflate the balloon. Run them over a contaminated surface. Thus, the static electricity that forms on the surface of the rubber will collect all the villi, even the smallest. If the ball is all in the hair, then it is enough to rinse it with water, and then continue the procedure.

Machine wash

There is another way that will help answer the question of how to remove wool from clothing. When washing, the wool, as a rule, rolls into lumps, but does not always lag behind things. In the simplest case, the laundry is simply shaken.

If after normal washing in a typewriter, the wool from clothes has not disappeared, then the thing must be treated with a roller or glove. Rolled-up villi are cleaned much easier.

In order for the coat to stick less to clothing, you need to adhere to some rules:

  1. Those things that attract wool too much should be washed separately from the rest.
  2. To make the villi unfasten faster, add vinegar to the machine. About 60 ml is enough for one wash. It will also prevent wool from sticking to clothing.
  3. To make the effect better, first remove the wool from the laundry in any way, only after that wash.


Not only things need to be cleaned, carpets and furniture also need to be handled. After all, if this is not done, the work of removing wool from clothing will be in vain.

In addition, pets molt anyway. It is very important to comb them systematically so that as little wool as possible remains in the apartment.

how to remove wool from clothes when washing

In the pet store you can buy various types of slicker gloves or rubber-coated gloves. With their help, you can safely remove falling hair from your pets.

Recently, robotic vacuum cleaners have become popular. They can be successfully used to collect hairs from the floor several times a day.

In this article, you learned how to remove wool from clothing in various ways. The main thing is to choose the method that suits you best. Most likely, you will have to apply several of them.

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