Rice is the main ingredient in many dishes in different cuisines of the world. Risotto is made from it in Italy, paella in Spain, sushi in Japan, pilaf in Asian countries. Good high-quality rice, which is used in the cooking process, is already half the success. That is why it is important to find a trusted cereal producer. In Russia, such selective rice is produced by Mistral Trading.
Mistral trademark: high-quality premium cereals
Despite the fact that under this brand various types of cereals and legumes are produced, Mistral Trading gained its fame in the Russian and world markets thanks to rice. The company began its activities in 1992. From the very beginning of its work, the company did not seek to produce cheap goods, but was aimed at a buyer with an average and high income level. That is why rice "Mistral" was and remains a more expensive product compared to competitor prices.
Selected cereals from around the world (Spain, Italy, Thailand, India, North America) are carefully ground, processed, packaged and sent to stores. It is the quality of the raw materials that determines the price of Mistral cereals. Russian and Asian rice is much cheaper, but the company is trying to keep the bar high and continues to work in the premium niche.
Varieties of Mistral Rice
All rice produced by the company can be divided into two series: standard and elite.
The first category includes the following types:
- round-grain "Kuban" - opaque round-shaped rice with a high starch content for making cereals, casseroles, puddings;
- round-grain brown whole-grain "Kuban" - delicious rice, in which, thanks to the untreated shell, the maximum of useful vitamins and minerals is preserved;
- long-grain steamed "Amber" - thanks to a special technology of steaming, such rice during cooking always turns friable;
- long-grain "Orient" - snow-white grains retain their shape and color even after cooking.
Since Mistral Trading was initially focused on the premium segment of the market, the range of elite rice varieties of this brand is much wider.
Premium Series from Mistral
Elite rice of this brand includes the following varieties:
- "Basmati" - this species is also called imperial. It grows at the foot of the Himalayas, has a classic refined taste.
- "Jasmine" - grown in Thailand, has a delicate taste, similar to the flower of the same name.
- "Indica" - has beautifully shaped grains, suitable for most dishes.
- "Italica" - delicate rice from Italy.
- "Japan" - snow-white, with a high content of gluten.
- "Arborio" is the best variety of Italian rice, comparable in popularity to pasta.
- "Samarkand" - slightly polished red rice for the preparation of oriental pilaf.
In a separate series, the company produces gourmet-class Mistral rice: Aquatica, Quinoa, a mixture of Basmati grains.
- "Aquatica" - wild rice, was considered especially valuable among North American Indians. Due to the protein content, they ate it instead of meat.
- Quinoa is a variety native to South America. It has an unusual round shape resembling fish eggs, and an oily structure.
Rice "Amber"
Rice of this variety has a large long grain. It is specially grown for steaming. After such processing, the grain acquires an unusual amber color, so this species got its name. It belongs to standard varieties and has a lower price, since it grows well in the south of Russia and in neighboring Asian countries.
When steamed, Mistral amber rice retains a greater number of minerals and trace elements than before steaming. After cooking, the grains become snow-white, do not stick together even without oil. This is a great option for cooking pilaf, as a side dish and adding to salads.
Rice "Jasmine"
This variety with such an interesting floral name is grown exclusively in Thailand. Rice Jasmine Mistral differs from other types in its delicate aroma and grain shape, which is very similar to jasmine flowers. After cooking, the grains remain the same thin and long, they taste soft and soft, with milky notes. When cooking dishes from this variety, you should consider that the rice "Mistral" Jasmine "is a little boiled. Its grains stick together a little, which gives the side dish a special velvet structure.
Jasmine rice is traditional white and red. In the latter case, these are unpolished grains in the shell. Such rice has a greater nutritional value compared to white, therefore it is recommended for inclusion in the diet by nutritionists. Delicious jasmine rice is a premium class.
Rice "Basmati"
This variety is considered the elite of rice. It is grown in India, but after harvesting it does not go directly to the counter, but is aged for about 1 year in special storage facilities. Grains during this time dry well, become long and thin, do not boil during cooking and double in length.
Rice "Basmati " Mistral "refers to premium varieties. It is not only fragrant and tasty, but also surprisingly beautiful. For this it is also called imperial or royal. This variety is the most popular in all countries of the world.
Which rice to choose for pilaf?
There are a lot of recipes for this dish. In the countries of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan), pilaf is prepared both for the everyday table and on the occasion of various events: weddings, funerals, reception. In some countries it is made from pork, in others from lamb, beef, chicken and even fish. The unchanged part of this dish is only rice. How to choose it?
Rice for pilaf should be long-grain, since the starch content is much lower than in round. Grains are transparent and whole, well polished white. These are varieties such as Basmati, Jasmine or Amber. The dish turns out friable and tasty, if during cooking use steamed rice for pilaf. Its grains are pre-processed with steam, so they do not stick together during cooking.
Pilaf will turn out much tastier if the rice is not soaked before cooking. It will be enough to simply rinse it with cold water several times. With prolonged exposure to water, the grain structure is destroyed, and rice becomes brittle.
Of course, from a grain of elite varieties, the dish turns out to be tasty almost always. But using steamed rice for pilaf "Yantar" of the Mistral brand for cooking, you can also easily make a traditional dish of Asian peoples crumbly and fragrant. The only thing left is to find a good recipe.
The recipe for pilaf from steamed rice "Mistral"
To prepare a delicious pilaf, you will need: 1.5 kg of mutton (or other meat to taste), 1 kg of steamed rice "Amber" of the Mistral brand, 0.5 kg of carrots, 0.5 kg of onions, spices, salt, vegetable oil, garlic. There is no single recipe for this dish. Therefore, spices can be added completely different to taste. Traditionally, zira, barberry, turmeric, red and black pepper are added to the pilaf.
Where does the process of cooking pilaf begin? Onion sliced ββin half rings is fried in large quantities (at least 150 ml) of vegetable oil. Then the meat is fried, followed by carrots, cut into large strips. Then salt and spices are added (for a tablespoon of zira and barberry, Β½ tablespoon of turmeric, a little ground pepper) and all together is poured with water so that the meat is covered. After this, the cauldron must be put out to stew on a slow fire for 40 minutes.
Rice washed 6-7 times in cold water put on meat. Without stirring, level it and pour hot water into the center so that it covers rice by 2 centimeters. Salt and cook without a lid until water is absorbed. Then put the garlic in the center and make small holes in the rice for steam to escape. Cook under the lid for another half hour. Pilaf is ready! Before serving, mix well.
Customer reviews
There is no such person in the world who would not like high-quality selected products. The concept of the companyβs work is built on this. Despite the relatively high price compared to competitors, buyers still choose Mistral rice. The reviews they leave about this product indicate that not only premium grades are of high quality. Thanks to modern technology of grinding and further processing of rice grains of this brand, it retains its shape even after cooking, it is friable and always very tasty.