TMJ: problems and solutions, treatment methods

Few people notice the importance of the TMJ in the body. The problems and solutions associated with him are of no interest to anyone. But only until the person himself encounters a disease of this joint.

What is TMJ?

We'll figure out what the TMJ means, the problems and solutions of which plan it has. This is the temporomandibular joint. It is located in a person in front of the ear and consists of the lower jaw and temporal bone. The nearby muscles and tendons provide opening and closing of the mouth. In a normal state, without pathologies, jaw movements do not cause a person any discomfort. The temporomandibular joint can be called one of the most commonly used in the body, because it works throughout the day when talking, yawning, chewing food.

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Like everyone else, it is prone to diseases, and this is not uncommon - about 40% of people have experienced them on their own, although diseases of this joint are less common than, for example, caries or periodontitis. However, not each of the patients seeks help from a doctor, simply not understanding what the symptoms are associated with, and is waiting for their independent disappearance.

Disease symptoms

If we consider diseases of TMJ, problems and solutions (diagnosis will be discussed below), they may differ depending on the nature and type of the disease. But their symptoms can be combined into one list, since they are similar in the presence of different ailments:

  • headache;
  • earache, congestion, ringing;
  • spasm in the jaw and facial muscles;
  • extraneous sounds during jaw movements - crunch, clicks, rattle;
  • enlarged lymph nodes (submandibular),
  • dizziness.

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If such symptoms are detected, you should consult a dentist, because it is possible that this is a TMJ disease.

Causes of disease

TMJ diseases, problems and solutions associated with them are few in number, but there are a lot of factors of their occurrence. The causes of diseases can be various in nature phenomena:

  • trauma to the jaw or facial bone;
  • stress, strain;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • malocclusion;
  • dental diseases giving complications.

TMJ Disease

If you pay attention to the state of the TMJ in time (problems, symptoms), the solution to the problems will come with a diagnosis and determination of the type of disease. The temporomandibular joint can be affected by the following diseases:

  • Arthritis. It is characterized by painful sensations in the joint area, its swelling, restriction of jaw movements. Temperature may rise. In the chronic form, a crunch is observed during movement. If the disease is started, the result may be a deformation of the joint.
  • Arthrosis It manifests itself as pain in the joint and ears, abnormal movements of the jaw upon opening (zigzag), accompanied by clicks and a crunch. Often there is pain in the masticatory muscles.
  • Dislocation of the joint. It is characterized by a violation of the location of the jaws relative to each other with a displacement of the head and disk of the joint, pain when opening, clicks.
  • Ankylosis. Restriction of the movement of the jaw that causes injuries or infections. The purulent form is dangerous by the appearance of asymmetry of the face, extensive caries, malocclusion. In advanced form - a complete loss of movement.
  • Muscular-articular dysfunction. It manifests itself in pain in the ear and temple, aggravated by the movement of the joint, clicks , blocking the jaw.

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For the diagnosis of TMJ diseases, the most modern methods are used that allow you to make the correct diagnosis. Indeed, the favorable outcome of treatment depends on this. To identify everything for TMJ problems and solutions, the methodology for determining the disease includes clinical, radiological and functional studies. Initially, a doctor examines the oral cavity, analyzes patient complaints. Such work is carried out by an orthopedic dentist. It produces palpation of the masticatory muscles, of the joint itself, estimates the amplitude of jaw movements, whether it is difficult.

Radiography plays a large role in determining the disease, it allows you to identify obvious changes in the joint. At an early stage of the disease, computed tomography is used. All problems and solutions related to TMJ are known to the orthodontist. If necessary, the patient is referred for consultation to a rheumatologist, endocrinologist or other specialists.

Treatment methods

When a TMJ disease, problems and solutions have already been identified, treatment is based on general recommendations:

  • Eating soft foods that do not require thorough and long chewing. Compliance with the rest regimen for the joint, you can not open your mouth wide.
  • The use of various compresses according to indications, cold - to reduce pain, warm - to relieve tension and cramps in the muscles.
  • Reception of anti-inflammatory and painkillers.
  • Elimination of excessive compression of the teeth by correcting the bite. This can be done using a special acrylic design and dentures.
  • Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, massage).
  • Relieving muscle tension (taking antispasmodics).
  • In case of an unfavorable course of the disease, after applying all methods of treatment, one will have to resort to surgery. By the nature of the disease, the doctor will conclude what should be done - correction of the joint or its complete replacement.

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It is easier and faster to treat TMJ disease at an early stage, so do not ignore the symptoms that appear. Treatment of advanced forms of the disease sometimes lasts up to several years.


Arthrosis provokes degenerative changes in the tissues of the joint. It is manifested by aching pain, the presence of extraneous sounds during the movement of the jaw, the restriction of its mobility, and stiffness. Arthrosis treatment includes orthopedic surgery (e.g. prosthetics), massage, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy. The neglected form of arthrosis is treated only by surgical intervention in the TMJ. Osteoarthritis, the problems and solutions associated with it, should be carefully studied and weighed by an orthodontist dentist before deciding on an operation, this is an extreme measure.

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The disease is common among older people, half of such a population suffers from it. At a young age is less common, mainly in women. The main causes of arthrosis can be the presence of chronic arthritis, malocclusion, bruxism, trauma and jaw surgery, incorrect dental procedures (improper placement of the fillings or prosthetics), as well as many other factors (menopause in women, genetic predisposition, etc.). For prevention, correction of the bite, timely elimination of diseases of the oral cavity, prosthetics (or other dental work) are recommended only by a high-class specialist.


Arthritis - inflammation of the cartilage of the joint with possible atrophy. Elderly people who already have rheumatoid arthritis of other joints are more susceptible to the disease. Also, the cause of arthritis can be injuries, infections (as a complication of influenza or chronic tonsillitis), dental diseases. Aggravating factors - chronic diseases and reduced immunity. At an early stage, arthritis occurs without visible symptoms.

The first sign, in the presence of which it is already worth consulting a doctor, is numbness of the lower jaw in the morning. Other symptoms appear behind it - aching (or acute) pain, extraneous sounds when the jaw moves (crunching, clicking). If arthritis is the result of an injury, it will manifest itself immediately after damage by edema and severe pain, gradually spreading to the neck, head, ears, tongue.

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If a person suspects a TMJ arthritis, problems and solutions should be immediately discussed with a doctor, preventing the further development of the disease. The main principle in the treatment is to ensure the immobility of the joint, fixation of the jaw with a sling bandage. For arthritis of any etiology, anabolics are prescribed. Treatment of an infectious form is impossible without antibiotics and immunostimulants. With traumatic arthritis, it is necessary to relieve swelling and establish blood circulation.


Improper functioning of the temporomandibular joint is called TMJ dysfunction. Such an ailment is accompanied by clicking sounds when the jaw moves, as well as its blocking for a short time. Other concomitant symptoms of dysfunction are pain in the ears, eyes, jaw (while chewing or yawning) and facial muscles, bite changes, headaches. After you discuss with the doctor the problems and solutions that have appeared with TMJ, dysfunction can be eliminated in some ways that a specialist will recommend. The following treatment options are available:

  • the use of drugs that relieve muscle spasm, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • bite correction using a special design, elimination of gnashing of teeth and their increased abrasion;
  • conducting psychological therapy to relieve stress and relax muscles;
  • if the treatment methods recommended by the doctor have not yielded results, a joint surgery is performed.

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Dislocation of the temporomandibular joint is a displacement of the ends of its bones, which interferes with the normal functioning of the jaw. There are acute (traumatic) and familiar forms. Traumatic dislocation occurs as a result of a blow to the lower jaw, tooth extraction or prosthetics, and even during chewing, screaming or yawning. The usual dislocation appears due to the fragility of the joints of the articular apparatus, its anatomical features. It is impossible to independently solve problems arising from TMJ. And decisions about this should be made by the doctor. Treatment is carried out by restricting the movement of the jaw using an orthodontic apparatus. If necessary, use physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory drugs.

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