Requirements for the premises. Types of premises and their purpose

Every day a person visits many different rooms: home, work, shop, hospital, cafe, etc. Often, their compliance with established standards is not even paid attention. Nevertheless, these norms and requirements for premises exist and are strictly regulated by the state.

According to the classification established by law, all premises are divided into residential and non-residential.

Living spaces

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation defines a dwelling as immovable property that is isolated and meets the requirements for a person to live on an ongoing basis. It must comply with sanitary and technical standards.

A residential building may consist of several parts, and its total area is calculated as the sum of all these parts, including the premises that are used as auxiliary (satisfying household and other human needs). Balconies, loggias, verandas and terraces are not included in their number.

Types of premises related to residential:

  • residential buildings, parts of residential buildings;
  • apartments, parts of apartments;
  • rooms.

Non-residential premises

In the order of the RF Ministry of Construction and Construction, non-residential premises are defined as intended and used in the industrial, commercial, warehouse, administrative and other areas of the building.

Since the functional purpose of non-residential premises can be different, they are divided into industrial, administrative, commercial, warehouse, etc.

Like residential, non-residential premises can consist of several parts (rooms).

Industrial (commercial) premises - real estate, which is located in a building or building specifically designed for this type of activity. Basically, these buildings carry out labor activities associated with various types of production enterprises.

production room

Administrative premises - real estate intended for the operation of offices of a state, non-state, business or other institution and organization.

Trading space is another type of commercial premises used to sell services or goods.

Warehouse - real estate intended for the storage and storage of a large volume of goods.

Categories of premises

According to the state classification of the Russian Federation, all premises are divided into the following categories:

  • 1st: rest rooms in which a person is at rest;
  • 2nd: rooms for study or mental work;
  • 3rd “a” category: premises in which there is a regular mass gathering of people in a sitting position without clothes for the street;
  • 3rd “b”: similar to category 3 “a”, only people in it are in street clothes;
  • 3rd “in” category: a room with a regular crowd of people who are without street clothes;
  • 4th: premises used for sports;
  • 5th category: a room in which a person is in a half-dressed state (locker room, doctor’s office, treatment room, etc.);
  • 6th: the room in which the person is temporarily (wardrobe, staircase, corridor, bathroom, pantry, lobby, etc.).

Basic requirements for a living room

The Government of the Russian Federation in 2006 (as amended on February 28, 2018), Resolution N47 was adopted, which spelled out all the requirements for a residential building.

The main provisions of this resolution:

  1. The living quarters should be in the building, which is located in the residential area.
  2. The condition of load-bearing and enclosing structures in the premises, as well as owners who are part of the common elements of real estate, must be operational and meet operating standards. They should not be damaged or destroyed, which leads to the formation of deformations and cracks that reduce the overall bearing capacity of the structure.
  3. The arrangement of the living room should prevent the risk of injury to residents when moving along or around it.
  4. The presence of engineering systems in such premises is mandatory: electric lighting, drinking water and hot water supply, heating and ventilation, drainage, gas supply. In premises located in a settlement with missing centralized engineering networks, there may be no water supply and sewer latrines.
  5. Engineering systems (ventilation, heating, water supply, sanitation, elevators, etc.), equipment and mechanisms that are located in a building with residential premises, or are present as part of common property in apartment buildings, must meet all sanitary and epidemiological safety standards. Ventilation systems in residential premises should not allow air to move through the apartments directly and between the kitchen and the sanitary unit.
  6. In addition, all engineering systems must be mounted in accordance with safety requirements, which are established by the relevant regulatory legal acts, as well as factory instructions of the manufacturers. Strict compliance with hygiene standards is required , including the permissible level of noise and vibration created by these systems.
  7. Structures located outside the building and enclosing it, which are included in the joint property of residents of an apartment building, must be insulated. This is necessary in order to maintain the relative temperature and humidity in the premises established by regulatory enactments during the cold periods of the year. This prevents the accumulation of excess moisture and condensate in the building structure.
  8. The living room should be protected from water from the external environment (melt, rain, ground).
  9. In a building with residential premises, the number of storeys of which is higher than five, it is necessary to have a lifting mechanism - an elevator.
  10. The floor in the living area must be above ground level. It is unacceptable to place residential premises in the basement and basement floors.
  11. It is forbidden to place a restroom, bathroom and kitchen over living rooms. Allows the location of the kitchen over the toilet or bathroom if there are two levels in a residential building (apartment).
  12. Every room in the living room must have natural light. It is not necessary in rooms used as auxiliary (corridor, lobby, hall, sanitary unit, bathroom, pantries, etc.).
  13. In addition to the above requirements for the premises used for human habitation, there are many acts that establish limit standards for electromagnetic radiation, an alternating electric field, dose rate, concentration of substances harmful to the health of residents, etc.
    stack of documents

Standards applicable to production facilities

Requirements for premises in the manufacturing sector directly depend on the activities carried out in them.

The main requirements that apply to all types of premises for production activities include:

  1. Constructive and space-planning decisions of this type of premises must satisfy the requirements of construction standards, sanitation and other applicable regulatory documents.
  2. The number of storeys of a production building should depend on the type of activity that is carried out in it.
  3. Production facilities and their auxiliary facilities should be located in accordance with the technological process.
  4. Such premises must be operated exclusively for the purpose specified in the project.
  5. Each production room (structure) must have technical documentation that corresponds to the state model.
  6. For each working person, according to regulations, the volume of the room should be more than 15 m 3 with the height of the room itself not less than 3.5 m.
  7. The walls of the production room must be designed in such a way that takes into account the level of vibration that occurs during operation of the equipment located in this room.

Air humidity

In public and residential premises, it is necessary to monitor the provision of optimal or acceptable microclimate standards. It includes, including temperature and humidity.

The last parameter shows the level of saturation of water vapor in the air. It is absolute and relative. Absolute humidity determines the amount of moisture in 1 m 3 of air and is expressed in grams. Relative is the percentage of the ratio of the amount of moisture in the atmosphere and its upper limit at a certain temperature. It is the norm of humidity in the room that implies the use of a relative indicator. The level of comfort of the microclimate of the room largely depends on this parameter.

condensate on the window

Normally, indoor air humidity can range from 40% to 60%. If the level drops to a critical threshold, a person in this place feels significant discomfort: the skin begins to dry and peel, redness of the eyes is observed. In addition to external manifestations, the general state of health worsens: attention is scattered, drowsiness occurs, and bacteria and viruses freely penetrate the human body through dry nasal mucous membranes.

The level of permissible air humidity in residential and non-residential premises is in the same range.

The norm of humidity in the room and other microclimate indicators are regulated by a set of requirements and rules, which are reflected in such a document as GOST 30494-96.

Residential air temperature

The state has clearly defined temperature standards in residential premises. They are prescribed by SanPin regulations (sanitary-epidemiological rules and regulations) and GOST.

For residential buildings, SanPin determines the average permissible temperature level in the range from 17 ° C to 24 ° C. The optimum air temperature depends on the type and category of living space. So, for example, in a room where a person is sleeping or lying down, the temperature should be in the range of 17-18 ° C; in a room that is used for recreation or mental work - 18-22 ° C; in the children's room - 21-22 ° C, and in the kitchen - 18-19 ° C.

home thermometers

The air temperature in a living room is largely determined by external and internal factors. A huge role is played by the change of seasons and the climate in general.

The room temperature during the heating season is lower than in summer.

Industrial air temperature

In order to provide workers with healthy and safe working conditions and increase their performance, it is necessary to strictly follow sanitary standards for premises of this type. It is they who regulate the permissible and optimal microclimate indicators in the working area, based on the severity of work, time of year, etc.

The optimal temperature in the production room should, with regular exposure to the human body, maintain a normal level of its thermal state and not burden the thermoregulation mechanism. This greatly affects the increase in performance.

According to SanPin industrial premises, the air temperature depends on the period of the year and the category of work (light - 1a and 1b, moderate 2a and 2b, heavy 3).

The temperature standards of industrial premises according to SanPin:

  1. In the cold season:
  • Easy work 1a - 22-24 ° C;
  • Easy work 1b - 21-23 ° C;
  • Moderate severity 2a - 18-20 ° C;
  • Moderate severity 2b - 17-19 ° C;
  • Severe - 16-18 ° C.

2. In the warm season:

  • Easy work 1a - 25-27 ° C;
  • Easy work 1b - 24-26 ° C;
  • Moderate severity 2a - 23-25 ​​° C;
  • Moderate severity 2b - 22-24 ° C;
  • Severe - 16-18 ° C.

Room rates per person

Despite the fact that the state has switched to a market model of the economy, the population, as before, is provided with housing under a social program, in the process of which the concept of the area norm is used.

According to the Housing Law of the Russian Federation, the norm of living space per person is 18 m 2 of the total area. A family in which two people live relies on 42 m 2 , and a little more than 30 m 2 for a person living in an apartment under a social contract of employment.

one-room apartment

In addition, additional living space of more than 20 m 2 can be provided to certain categories of the population. These include people with certain chronic diseases, citizens with the rank of police colonel and above, as well as people who have received a degree or rank.

Explosion hazard

The fire safety standards of premises (or NPB 105-03) determine the distribution procedure for categories of premises for explosion and fire hazard. They are designed taking into account the volumes and fire hazardous features of the materials that are in the building, as well as the production processes.

The category of premises is determined at the design stage of the structure. It is based on the approved standards of technological design.

According to the fire and explosion hazard, the premises are divided into categories A, B, V1, B2, B3, V4, G and D.

Explanation of categories of premises:

  1. A (explosive and fire hazardous) - the presence of combustible gases, flammable liquids, the ignition temperature of which does not exceed 28 ° C, substances and materials that explode and burn when in contact with oxygen or water.
  2. B (explosive and fire hazardous) - the presence of combustible dust or fibers, flammable liquids with an ignition temperature above 28 ° C, combustible substances that can form an explosive vapor-air mixture.
  3. B1 - B4 (fire hazardous) - the presence of flammable and difficultly combustible liquids, substances and materials that are able to ignite in contact with oxygen, water or with each other.
  4. G - the presence of non-combustible substances and materials (hot, incandescent or molten), combustible gases, liquids and solids used as fuel.
  5. D - the presence of non-combustible substances and materials in the cold state.

Fire safety requirements for the premises of the housing stock

The basic rules for fire safety of residential premises include the following:

  1. It is not allowed to burn combustible residues in the premises, in the courtyard or in the street.
  2. It is not allowed to store vehicles outside designated areas.
  3. Prevent violations of the fire regime in residential premises and buildings.
  4. Timely repair gas appliances, electrical wiring, heating appliances and adhere to safety precautions during their operation.
  5. It is forbidden to allow children to fire and their independent games with pyrotechnic products.
  6. It is necessary to keep non-residential premises located next to residential, clean and without garbage.

Fire safety of non-residential premises

fire shield

The main fire safety requirements for non-residential premises include:

  1. Unobstructed passage of vehicles to each non-residential (production) building should be provided.
  2. Garages, warehouses, workshops, workshops, etc. should have one floor, and administrative buildings - 2-3 floors.
  3. Premises in which there is an excess of heat, harmful gases, vapors and dust must be placed near the outer wall of the building.
  4. A room with flammable materials must have its own exit to the street.
  5. Fire extinguishers must be in each production or commercial premises in the quantity established by regulatory documents.
  6. In case of fire in a non-residential premises (if required by regulatory documentation), a fire shield should be fully equipped.
  7. Non-residential real estate must comply with the requirements for premises prescribed in document NPB105-03.

Despite the many codes and rules that the premises must comply with in order to allow them to operate, their exact adherence provides comfortable and safe living and working conditions.

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