Effective caries prevention in children

The structure of children's teeth has one feature - slightly mineralized enamel. It is vulnerable and susceptible to various kinds of microorganisms, due to which caries can appear in a child after teething. So, caries usually affects the masticatory cavity of molars, as well as milk teeth incisors of the upper jaw.

The factors that contribute to tooth decay are very diverse. This may be a violation of the tooth tissue structure that occurs even before the birth of the child, and mother’s diseases during pregnancy: infectious viral diseases, hypertension, rheumatism, toxicosis, endocrine diseases, etc., as well as smoking and drug abuse.

Prevention of caries in infants

In pediatric dentistry, special attention should be paid to preventive methods that can, in most cases, prevent the occurrence of caries. Thus, the main preventive element is the proper nutrition of the child. It is the key to healthy milk and molars. After the birth of the baby, it is necessary to ensure that he is breastfed for as long as possible. Mother's milk is the most valuable source of protective and nutrients, an analogue of which has not yet been invented: it affects the development and formation of the baby’s dentition. Most often, tooth tissue disorders are observed in children who were breast-fed.

Dairy products are also very useful for the child, because they supply the body with calcium, which is the main element of bones and teeth. Therefore, effective prevention of caries involves the use of dairy products from an early age. So, the baby is allowed to take kefir already from 6 months, and cottage cheese and cheese - a little later. According to leading nutritionists and children's doctors, a child should consume dairy products daily.

After the baby has the first tooth, effective prevention of caries will also include a daily procedure for brushing your teeth - it should be carried out 2 times a day. As for sweets, and in particular chewing sweets and caramels, it is necessary to reduce their use by the child (before bedtime and between meals and completely exclude). It is also considered undesirable to consume a large amount of juice, while fruits, vegetables, milk and peanut butter, on the contrary, are recommended to be consumed as often as possible.

In addition, effective prevention of caries involves serious control over the duration of contact of children's teeth with a bottle. It is necessary to avoid falling asleep a baby with a bottle in his mouth, because sucrose, which is contained in juices and baby milk, is extremely harmful to immature tooth enamel.

If the baby has no problems with teeth, then he should visit the dentist at least 2 times a year, if there are any problems, then the doctor should be examined at least 1 time in 3 months.

Prevention of dental caries in preschool children

As a rule, decay of deciduous teeth is formed due to poor oral hygiene, excessive consumption of carbohydrates, as well as incomplete intake of trace elements and minerals (especially fluoride). To strengthen tooth enamel, it is necessary to carry out deep fluoridation of the teeth, after which the child is not threatened with caries for the next six months.

At this age, effective caries prevention is based on a parental example. So, following the example and under strict parental control, the child must brush his teeth on his own. The most convenient way is to stand behind the baby, thereby imitating self-cleaning teeth. It also happens that the child does not allow to brush his teeth, but you should not force him to force him. It is better to transform the cleaning process into a game by doing it with a bright brush or delicious pasta.

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