Which wiper blades are better? What are the wiper blades?

When choosing janitors pay attention to their design, as well as to the manufacturer. Depending on the design features, they are frame and frameless, winter, rear, original and hybrid. In today's article, let's try to figure out which wiper blades are better in their device.

which wiper blades are better

a brief description of

To deal with the phenomena of different weather, wipers must have different characteristics to ensure full fit to the windshield.

Different options differ, for example, in the force that ensures the fit of the part to the glass. In addition, a different level of aerodynamics can be assumed, which determines the stable operation at different speeds. Also on the brushes there is a different mechanism of protection against the negative effects of sunlight. Performance may vary. Winter options should have the ability to function perfectly at the coldest temperature and in snowfall.

The combination of all these characteristics, depending on the need, will reveal which wiper blades are better.

We consider each of the subclasses individually.

Wireframe option

Of course, at present, there are still such motorists who prefer this type of brush, but such models are considered a bit outdated. Their device is very simple: on a metal case there is a mount in the form of a hook or interchangeable fasteners, and on the bottom there is an elastic band of the required size.

These brushes are hardly practical. Their adherence to the glass is not always tight, aerodynamics are not at the highest level (they sometimes make noise at high speeds), and water freezes in cracks in the cold season. At the same time, there are cars for which this is the best option. These are cars with even glass, for example, classic SUVs. In addition, some original brushes are made in the frame form.

which frameless wiper blades are better

Frameless option

Judging by the prevalence, the answer to the question of which wiper blades are better will be frameless wipers. They are simple, convenient and reliable. Every year, the number of automakers is growing, which refuse frame options at the factory assembly and switch to flat wipers on the plate or frameless options. Often they are called rubber or rubber wipers.

Almost all frameless views have the same design. They consist of a plastic or metal base, which is coated with rubber or rubber, and having the possibility of removable mounting in the center. Bottom is inserted gum.

The form has excellent aerodynamics and is characterized by silent operation. Of those which frameless wiper blades are better, models with special plastic pads along the edges of the gum can be called. Budget options are covered with a casing of rubber.

which firm wiper blades are better

One of the types of such brushes are flat wipers. They have less rubber. But in the case itself the gum is the same. The difference between some of the others is a more interesting appearance.

Winter wipers

top wiper blades

In our and other countries with a cold climate, manufacturers recommend buying special winter wipers. However, acquiring them, it is worth considering that for the summer they will be completely unsuitable. Therefore, from season to season they must be changed. In fact, they are noisy and clumsy. Many are sure that they are nothing more than a successful advertising move.

Hybrid option

The Japanese are equipped with such species directly at the factory. These are the best wiper blades. Their case is so good that the elastic is more likely to fail than damage or backlash will occur in it.

This subclass of wipers is not only durable, but also easy to use in winter, as well as good aerodynamics. They almost do not make noise, and if necessary they are easy to clean with a scraper.

The design consists of a classic frame wiper in a plastic or metal casing, repeating the same shape. Due to this, the brush becomes heavier and denser to the surface. However, if the cars have a strong bend of the windshield, then they are not recommended to be installed.

Rear wipers

Usually, plastic original or frame brushes are used on the back. If the mount is made in the form of a hook, then a frameless option can be selected. Often there are difficulties with their selection.

By design, they are the same as frame wipers. Original plastic - the same frame, but with a plastic case. These wipers are used much less often than the front ones. In addition, they are located behind. Therefore, aerodynamics are not so important here. But at the cost they are still not related to cheap options.

wiper blades for cars

Original wipers

Original wiper blades for cars were invented by those automakers who are trying to make more money on consumables. They specially come up with peculiar mounts. And it’s not easy to find the right brush. Therefore, car owners have to dwell only on those options that are offered by automakers. Is it any wonder that such models will be far from cheap, although their design will remain virtually the same as that of other much cheaper wipers. Therefore, it is still worthwhile to spend a little effort and find a suitable budget option than to spend double the amount for the logo of the automaker.

Which wiper blades are better?

There is simply no single correct and unambiguous answer to this question. Each car owner must proceed from the operating conditions of the car, climate, design features and, of course, personal preferences. To date, the best are hybrid and frameless models. They are selected for each specific car model based on what kind of bending of the windshield on it is.

Wireframe options are used less and less. But, of course, the car owner ultimately chooses the most suitable option for him himself. Perhaps the most budget-friendly view - the wireframe - will be optimal for him.

The same applies to the question: "Which company wiper blades best to choose?" The brand is selected based on the recommendations of the vehicle manufacturer. But, considering the design features, the wiper can be selected with a completely different brand. Knowing them, the car owner has the opportunity to save some money on the purchase of these parts, while providing them with a comfortable aerodynamics and excellent visibility on the road.

how to know when to change wiper blades

Another question that drivers often care about is: "How do I know when to change wiper blades?" It is clear that when you look at the appeared stains on the glass, everyone begins to think about it. However, sometimes it’s enough just to change the gum brushes to continue to ride with serviceable janitors. If this procedure does not lead to the desired result, then it is already worth buying a new kit and replacing the wipers.

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