Stomach tumors during pregnancy: causes, treatment methods and prevention, expert advice

He has a stomach during pregnancy in almost every woman. Some try to see a doctor with this problem as soon as possible, and they do it right. If the abdomen swells during pregnancy in the early stages, then most likely there is nothing to worry about, because with the change in the hormonal background, the work of the whole organism is rearranged. It is impossible to delay a visit to a doctor, because a more serious reason may become the culprit of flatulence. If the abdomen swells during pregnancy in the early stages, this may also indicate hidden diseases that need to be determined as soon as possible so that the process of bearing the baby does not become dangerous for the mother and the fetus itself. In any case, flatulence can not be ignored, and in this article we consider the causes of its occurrence in expectant mothers, medical and folk methods of treatment.


hormone progesterone

It is progesterone that appears in the body of a pregnant woman in large quantities, and it becomes the cause of changes in hormonal levels. Progesterone is necessary to maintain pregnancy, because thanks to it, the smooth muscles of the uterus relax. But not only the muscles of the uterus can be affected, the muscles of the intestines and stomach relax in the same way. Organ motility slows down, which greatly alters digestion. If the stomach swells during pregnancy in the early stages, then this is normal, because progesterone is to blame!

But there are some other factors that can cause flatulence. To make sure that everything is normal with the body, in addition to changing the hormonal background, it is recommended to tell the doctor about the problem of flatulence. The specialist will ask a few questions regarding nutrition and lifestyle, give advice and recommendations. Also, the doctor will have to give a referral to a more accurate examination to identify the causes of bloating.

Why does a stomach swell during pregnancy?

why do pregnant women get a stomach puff

If the stomach swells at the beginning of pregnancy, then this indicates a normal restructuring of the work of internal organs. But there are other reasons for the occurrence of flatulence, which are worth paying attention to:

  1. Food is poorly digested, since in the digestive tract there is a lack of digestive substances.
  2. A pregnant woman does not eat properly, there is a lack of useful and necessary components in the diet, but an excess of pregnant products that is completely unnecessary for the body. A stomach during pregnancy can be full due to the following dishes: high in carbohydrates, fatty foods, smoked meats, and an excess of fiber in a dish.
  3. Expectant mothers just need to eat soup every day, they should become the basis of the diet. Also, in addition to getting liquid from the soup, you need to drink more water, juices, fruit drinks, tea, compotes. If there is a lack of fluid in the body, then flatulence will certainly make itself felt.
  4. The abdomen strongly swells during pregnancy and with dysbiosis. The attending physician should prescribe drugs and products containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. We must not forget to use fermented milk products, give preference to kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt.
  5. With diseases in the digestive tract, the abdomen also begins to swell. Flatulence occurs with ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, hepatitis and so on.
  6. In late pregnancy, the abdomen can also swell. Gases during pregnancy are tormented by the constantly growing uterus, which presses on the intestines with its weight, restricting it and other organs of the digestive system.
  7. Bloating may appear due to the high physical exertion of the expectant mother. Also, gases in large quantities appear during stress and overwork.
  8. Infectious diseases and parasitic infections can trigger flatulence.
  9. Ecology.
  10. The elementary reason why the abdomen swells during pregnancy is tight clothing. Not all women are in a hurry to buy things several sizes larger; they are trying to the last to wear those that were before pregnancy! It is worth looking the truth: the abdomen, hips and chest are becoming larger, and for the comfort of your fetus and you just need to select the actual size.

As can be seen from the list, the main factors provoking flatulence are diseases that have had and worsened, or that appeared during pregnancy.

There are some reasons that a woman can eliminate on her own, but there are those that require the attention of doctors.

When urgently need to see a doctor?

at the doctor

There are several symptoms of flatulence in which a pregnant woman needs to consult a specialist as soon as possible. These include:

  • when the stomach literally tears, the woman feels how he is inflating, rumbling;
  • constant heaviness in the stomach;
  • Gases leave abundantly, almost ceasing to be produced;
  • the appetite disappears, this may be a psychological factor - a woman simply worries that if she eats something, she will again begin to swell;
  • a constant feeling of slight nausea, when it turns up not only after eating, from smells, but also on an empty stomach - this is the first sign of toxicosis, a pathology dangerous for a pregnant woman and a baby;
  • against the background of bloating, there are problems with stool - constipation or diarrhea;
  • bad breath starts from the mouth;
  • the pregnant woman has frequent burping;
  • surges in pressure, pain in the head and stomach, drowsiness, dizziness.

What threatens bloating?

discomfort during pregnancy

We figured out why the stomach swells during pregnancy, but we still donโ€™t understand what it is fraught with. There are several reasons for getting rid of flatulence as soon as possible.

Flatulence itself is not terrible, as are the factors that caused it. The first is a digestive disorder, in which an insufficient amount of nutrients will enter the womanโ€™s body. This threatens with the improper intrauterine development of the baby and the deterioration of the mother's immunity.

Due to violations in the digestive tract, the organs are in constant stress, constraint, inflammation may appear. Loops of the intestine increase in size, begin to put pressure on the walls of the uterus. In this situation, the uterus can come in tone, which is fraught with premature birth.

Every expectant mother should remember that any, even the most insignificant ailments during the bearing of a baby are a reason for contacting a treating doctor.

Dangerous symptoms requiring immediate hospitalization

If the stomach swells and hurts during pregnancy, you need to urgently go to the hospital. In this case, the pain can be of any nature. If, in addition to pain, there are other symptoms, they are not accompanied by abdominal pain, then it is also worth urgently going to the hospital:

  • if severe diarrhea and / or vomiting suffers, in which symptoms of dehydration already begin to appear;
  • if the stomach is swollen, and at the same time the woman is accompanied by a high body temperature;
  • persistent nausea, lack of appetite throughout the day;
  • if there are traces of blood or mucus in the bowel movement.

Do not rely on the fact that you just need to relax, lie down and everything will pass. By delay, you endanger the life and health of not only the unborn baby, but also your own.


pregnancy nutrition

In order not to provoke bloating, and in order to get rid of it as soon as possible, first of all, you need to adjust your diet. To do this, you need to learn how to eat properly:

  1. Unlearn eating in huge portions, but once or twice a day. It will be better to eat food in small quantities, but every hour, accustom yourself to fractional nutrition.
  2. Meals should be separate. That is, for lunch you eat porridge, do not immediately bite it with an apple, eat fruit later, after 30-60 minutes. For lunch, eat soup, salad later, a meat dish later, and so on.
  3. Eating posture is also important. Pregnant women are advised to eat reclining.
  4. You need to chew food well, you can not swallow it without chewing. Nutritionists recommend chewing each portion in the mouth about 30 times. Firstly, food will be absorbed better and faster. Secondly, this way you will quickly eat up, do not eat too much - and this is easy health, not a gram of excess weight.

What products should be discarded?

There are products that are not recommended for pregnant women due to the fact that they provoke increased gas formation, and, as a result, bloating. Cross out these foods from your diet altogether, during pregnancy, or use them carefully, in small quantities and rarely:

  • cabbage - if you really want cabbage or stewed cabbage, then choose broccoli, you should refuse raw cabbage of all kinds;
  • radish, eggplant, radish, pepper, daikon - in any form;
  • all kinds of legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • fresh fruits and berries, but in a small amount they should be consumed so that the body receives "live" vitamins;
  • peanut;
  • corn;
  • fresh milk, yogurt and kefir - you need to drink at least a little bit, if you already have bloating, or the woman does not tolerate lactose, then the doctor will prescribe drugs with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli;
  • kvass;
  • all carbonated drinks, including mineral water with gases;
  • smoked and fatty meat dishes;
  • bakery products from yeast dough;
  • chocolate and other confectionery.

As already written: do not abandon these products completely! If there is no flatulence, then eat on health, but within normal limits. If the abdomen is already swollen during pregnancy, then temporarily abandon these products, or use them in minimal quantities and only with the permission of the attending physician.

What foods reduce bloating?

proper nutrition

There are a number of products that not only help to stay full during the diet during pregnancy, but also quickly relieve flatulence. If swollen in the stomach during pregnancy, simply add the following foods to your diet:

  • instead of yeast bread, eat whole grains;
  • any dietary meat is possible: low-fat beef, any bird, rabbit;
  • buckwheat, rice;
  • boiled beets and carrots;
  • low-fat fish, seafood;
  • stewed bird cherry;
  • green tea;
  • egg omelet;
  • oatmeal porridge on the water;
  • fresh herbs: dill, parsley, cilantro, fennel.

Mode and physical activity

pregnancy regimen

The daily routine and physical activity of the expectant mother can also cause bloating. To feel comfortable, not to provoke threats for yourself and your baby, you need to adjust your regimen.

  1. At night, you need to rest at least 9 hours, but no more than 10, because you can just move over. In the afternoon, be sure to go to bed for half an hour, if you donโ€™t feel like it, just lie down with your legs up.
  2. Do not run around the city, trying to walk yourself faster, breathe air! Slow and long walks are what you need! It is advisable to walk in the park, away from the roadway and its exhaust.
  3. Special exercises and gymnastics will help keep the body in good shape.
  4. Leave high heels and underwear for later, you still have time to wear it! Now you only need comfortable, size-appropriate clothes, shoes on a stable sole with a slightly raised or completely flat heel.
  5. After eating, you need to lie down, massage your stomach in a circular motion, but without pressing.
  6. For general well-being, pregnant women are recommended special water aerobics.

If the stomach began to swell during pregnancy, what should I do first? First you need to see a doctor, only he will prescribe treatment - medication or according to folk prescriptions. Any medicine, whether pharmacy, or plucked in a clearing, must meet the safety of the pregnant woman and the fetus. We suggest that you first consider the drugs approved for pregnant women, and then we will learn how to get rid of flatulence according to the recipes of our grandmothers.


what pills help with bloating

Recall that self-medication cannot be practiced, the exact dosage, treatment period and the drug itself can only be prescribed by the attending physician, based on the general condition of the woman and the development of the fetus! The article provides a list of drugs for reference only:

  1. "Espumisan" - a safe drug that, by destroying gas bubbles, eliminates flatulence. Pregnant this medicine is allowed, it is taken before bedtime in two tablets.
  2. "Iberogast" is a carminative medicine that should be taken only under the supervision of a physician. Pregnant women with flatulence are prescribed a dosage of twenty drops three times a day. It should be taken before meals.
  3. Meteospasmil - 1-2 tablets three times a day - as prescribed by the doctor!
  4. "Simikop" - before meals, 0.5 ml.

This is not the whole list of medicines that a doctor can prescribe. We selected for review the most popular and effective reviews.

Folk remedies

Dill water

Not only pharmacy medicines can harm, but also herbs that are harmless to the eye. There are plants that are contraindicated for pregnant women, so before taking any decoctions and infusions, consult a specialist. Safe for pregnant women are:

  1. Melissa and chamomile - make tea.
  2. Coriander seeds - prepare an infusion: chop a tablespoon of seeds and steam with boiling water. After cooling, strain, drink 10-15 minutes before meals three times a day in equal proportions.
  3. Dill - season all the dishes. You can make dill water from the seeds: brew a tablespoon in two glasses of boiling water, cool completely, drink half a glass before meals.
  4. Ginger - add a plate of fresh root to morning tea. But you can drink it only after eating.

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