Can I drink Kanefron while breastfeeding?

During pregnancy, Kanefron is prescribed to almost all women. It is perfect for the prevention and treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis and other diseases. It is safe, since it contains only natural components, medicinal herbs that gently restore the normal functioning of the kidneys and treat the inflammatory processes of the entire genitourinary system. Is it possible to use Kanefron during breastfeeding? The instructions for the use of contraindications to the use of the drug by young mothers are not. Let's look a little more at this issue and find out the opinion of leading specialists, gynecologists and nephrologists.

kanefron while breastfeeding

Relevance of the issue

How often do chronic kidney diseases worsen during lactation? Of course, during pregnancy, the chance to encounter them is much greater, however, it is too early to relax after childbirth. And the first difficulty is that almost all medicines are prohibited at this time. Since they can pass into breast milk. But “Kanefron” will not do any harm during breastfeeding, it helps to conduct effective therapy without harm for the baby.

can kanefron while breastfeeding

Manufacturer and form of the drug

The drug is released by a German pharmacological company, which is really trustworthy. This is the famous company Bionorika. Doctors speak very well about the drugs of this manufacturer, as they give good results. "Kanefron" when breastfeeding is prescribed only in pill form. The second form - syrup - contains alcohol, and therefore until the end of lactation it can not be used.

The body of a young mother is weakened after childbirth, in addition, breastfeeding takes up a lot of strength. Immunity is still weakened. This means that exacerbation of chronic diseases of the urinary tract can occur at any time.

Can kanefron breastfeed

The composition of the drug

If a woman is prescribed Kanefron during breastfeeding, then she will first of all want to know what is included in it. Therefore, now we want to tell you in detail about each of its components individually.

  • The peel of rose hips has a mild diuretic effect, and therefore is very useful for diseases of the urinary system. This remedy helps with kidney failure.
  • Rosemary is the second component that is part of the drug. This plant has no side effects and significantly reduces the recurrence rate of pyelonephritis.
  • Lovage is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. This plant anesthetizes and tidies the genitourinary system. It quickly relieves swelling, and for this property it is included in the most effective kidney collection.
  • Centaury is the best tool for the treatment of most pathologies of the genitourinary system.

As you can see, the composition is completely natural, and therefore it is possible to "Kanefron" when breastfeeding both for prevention and for the treatment of pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system, as part of complex therapy.

kanefron breastfeeding reviews

The combined effects of all components

All components in their own way have proven themselves in the treatment of kidney pathologies. However, much better they demonstrate their action all together. And speaking of whether it is possible to drink "Kanefron" when breastfeeding, I want to draw your attention to the results, which are confirmed by official studies.

  • The drug gently relieves spasms, which means that the next day it will become easier.
  • The work of the kidneys is normalized, due to which excess fluid quickly leaves the body's tissues.
  • Under the influence of the drug, the vessels of the urinary system relax, the blood supply to the renal tissues improves.

"Kanefron" enhances the action of more powerful drugs, antibiotics. Therefore, doctors often prescribe this herbal preparation along with more serious drugs in the treatment of complex and advanced infections.

Can I drink Kanefron while breastfeeding

Prevention or treatment

In general terms, we have already answered the question of whether it is possible to use Kanefron during breastfeeding as an additional tool, as part of complex therapy. However, young mothers most often have to choose medicines very carefully so as not to harm the baby. Therefore, if the disease is not too severe, doctors prefer to prescribe only "Kanefron".

It is well tolerated and does not cause side effects. Another plus is the quick and tangible results. Already on the second day, disturbing symptoms usually begin to subside. If the patient has a history of urolithiasis, then for the period of pregnancy and lactation, this herbal preparation is necessarily prescribed for preventive purposes.

kanefron breastfeeding instruction

Indications for use

In what cases is Kanefron prescribed for breastfeeding? The reviews suggest that, first of all, with the help of this tool, doctors seek to prevent the development of serious complications. Therefore, even with a tendency to cystitis, a young mother is prescribed to undergo a course of treatment. Moreover, the duration of such supportive treatment is usually not less than six months. It is in 6 months that a woman's immunity is restored after childbirth. Now he can independently cope with various infections.

The doctor may prescribe Kanefron for the following diseases:

  • With painful urination and other unpleasant symptoms that usually accompany cystitis.
  • If there is blood in the urine, a general malaise, then this can talk about kidney stones, which means that at least you need to undergo a course of treatment with Kanefron.
  • Pyelonephritis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the renal pelvis. At the first symptoms, be sure to start taking this herbal preparation to ease the course of the disease.
  • Glomerulonephlitis is another infection that affects the glomeruli of the kidneys.

Do not forget that you can take the drug "Kanefron" during breastfeeding only on the recommendation of the attending physician, when an accurate diagnosis is made. Self-treatment is unacceptable. Before the appointment, the nephrologist will definitely appoint to undergo laboratory tests and ultrasound. The lack of timely therapy can lead to undesirable consequences, starting with the transition of the disease into a chronic form and ending with a significant deterioration in well-being as a result of the spread of infection throughout the body.

kanefron while breastfeeding


Typically, the drug is very well tolerated, which is why Kanefron is most often prescribed for breastfeeding. The instruction says that it is also safe for the child. However, in individual cases, individual intolerance to the constituent components may be observed. That is, a young mother is recommended to start with half the prescribed dosage and carefully monitor her condition and reaction of the baby. If skin rashes or an allergic reaction appear, stop treatment immediately and consult your doctor. However, in most cases, the penetration of the components of the drug into breast milk does not harm the little man.

How to take the drug during lactation

Dosage is individual. Detailed instructions are attached to the drug, which offers an average dosage for information. However, the individual characteristics of the patient may be the reason for changing the standard scheme. For treatment, it is most often prescribed to take 2 tablets three times a day. In this case, the prophylactic dose involves taking one tablet twice a day. For treatment, it is recommended to take "Kanefron" for at least one month, for prevention - from one and a half to six months. With urolithiasis and the presence of sand in the kidneys, a long course of treatment is recommended.

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