Water well repair. Well cleaning

The owners of private country houses often face the problem of water supply for housing. Usually the issue is solved by arranging an autonomous hydraulic structure. However, the wells, which are constantly charged with irrigation of plants, providing the house with water for technical and domestic needs, quickly become unusable. What to do if malfunctions of such equipment are noticed? What kind of breakdowns do you usually have to deal with? How to carry out overhaul of a well for water without resorting to the help of specialists? This will be discussed in our material.

What failures in the well are cause for alarm?

water well repair

Pressure hydraulic systems differ from a conventional well not only by the supply of fluid under the action of a pump, but also by their closed type. If you need to repair the well for water, to eliminate the problem can not be simply to go down into the mine. In this case, malfunctions can be found by some indirect signs. Among those, it is worth noting:

  • The sudden appearance in the water structure of all kinds of impurities.
  • Turbidity of the liquid.
  • Pressure reduction.
  • Decrease in volumes of the received water.

When the above β€œsymptoms” appear, it is likely that soon a water well will have to be repaired. An important point in this case is the determination of the nature of the accident. Since the problem is often associated not only with the breakdown of pumping equipment, but also with the destruction of the shaft of the mine, clogging of the water source. Refusing to clean the well for a long time, you can completely ruin the equipment. Therefore, timely diagnosis should be resorted to.

Common Causes of Breakdowns

well cleaning

The need for repairing a well for water may arise due to the following factors:

  • Making mistakes at the design stage.
  • Incorrect installation or operation of pumping equipment.
  • Casing depressurization.
  • Clogged pipes or filters with sludge.
  • Displacement of aquifers.
  • Depreciation of the elements of the device that is responsible for the supply of water.

Diagnose a problem

water well overhaul

Determining the real problem that causes equipment malfunctions will avoid unnecessary headaches and unforeseen expenses. Before performing the repair and rehabilitation of water wells, it is necessary to resort to a simple diagnosis.

If water is completely stopped fed most likely reason is a failure of the pump or automatic control. However, this can be observed with damage to water distribution equipment.

You must also examine the caisson and pit. There should be no liquid, but with the onset of frost - ice. Check to see if the casing has bent.

If the above does not allow to identify the problem, followed by a focus on the quality of water supplied. When you receive a clean fluid, but a substantial reduction in its volume will probably happen filter clogging. When silt or sand impurities are noticed in the water, the cause of the trouble is most often siltation of the casing.

Pump flushing

repair and restoration of water wells

Water artesian well repair can be attempted through the use of a pump. Resorting to such a decision will have to be reserved in advance with plenty of water. The latter can be borrowed from the neighbors by pumping in a roomy tank.

How to perform well repair on water? Pompey docked hose and descends to the bottom of the water pumps. It is necessary that he sank to the bottom, not just touched the surface of water. The pump enters the fluid supply mode under pressure. The casing overflows with water and begins to gush. There is a discharge of silt, sand and garbage. It is necessary to disconnect the pump when the water structure becomes transparent.

The specified method is one of the simplest and most affordable for cleaning wells. If there is no way to get the pump on your own, you should turn to the services of scavengers or hydrogeologists.

Cleaning with a vibrating pump

water well depth

If the depth of the water well is small, you can use a vibration pump. Equipment is placed in a shaft at the filter level. The pump is started, after which they slowly begin to swing the well. The result is a rise to the surface of solid particles. To completely eliminate contamination, it may be necessary to periodically perform the procedure for several days.

When repairing a water well in this way, you need to make sure that the vibration pump does not overheat and is not clogged with garbage. Therefore, it is important to periodically retrieve it to the surface for visual inspection and take regular breaks at work.

Cleaning with a bailer

water well repair

What to do if there is no pump or vibration pump? In order to clean the well, you can use a home-made device, which is called a bailer. Make the device easy on your own. To do this, get a meter-long segment of a metal pipe. The end must be closed with a valve made of elastic rubber. A piece of a car chamber is suitable for these purposes, in which you need to make a hole so that water enters the pipe, but does not pour out when it is removed from the well.

Bailer ready to be hung on a rope reliable or robust metal wire. The device is sharply lowered at the bottom of the hole and wait until the water will fill the cylinder. This method allows you to remove any blockages from the well.

Replacing the production pipe

repair of artesian water wells

The biggest nuisance is the wear of the pipe through which water is supplied to the surface. When replacing it, it is important not to damage the casing. In order to dismantle the pipe is hooked up. You can remove it using a truck crane or a jack.

As soon as the pipe is removed, you should proceed with the installation of a new one. For replacement, it is better to use a product made of plastic or metal. It is not recommended to install a pipe of asbestos because the material is easily damaged and can poison the water.

Filter cleaning

If siltation of the well negatively affects the quality of the flowing water, then it is worth cleaning the filter. This can be done using special chemicals. Naturally, with this decision, it will be necessary to abandon the operation of the well for several days. Over time, the water will be cleaned of chemistry and will again be suitable for consumption. To reagents do not harm health, it is worth periodically pumping a well.

Filters can also be cleaned mechanically. To remove deposits should use a large metal brush. Performing work, at the same time it is worth pumping water into the well. However, this must be done carefully. Otherwise, the filters may not withstand excessive pressure.


From the point of view of preventing well breakage, the most rational solution is regular maintenance of the elements of such water-pressure equipment. You should resort to the following activities:

  • Periodically check pipe integrity.
  • Correct minor pump malfunctions in time.
  • Monitor casing leak tightness.
  • Clean filters at the slightest siltation.
  • Monitor the maintenance of a stable electrical voltage.
  • Flush the tank.


As you can see, if the well fails, you can try to fix the problem yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists. However, a more economical option is able to be the conclusion of a service contract with a water drive equipment repair facility. In this case, a whole range of services will become available, starting with the diagnostics of the functioning of the equipment and ending with the use of special equipment, chemical analysis of the composition of water.

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