What should be the length of the skis? Length of cross-country skiing. Ski length

With the advent of winter, winter sports goods disappear from the shelves. Especially popular is ski equipment. Below we will consider what should be the length of skis for different types of skiing.

what should be the length of the ski

Rules for selecting inventory for the classic move

The first point is the correct length of cross-country skiing. There are two ways to find out which skis are right in size. The oldest and most common way is to reach up. The tip of the ski should reach your palm.

You can add 30 cm to your own height. This is another way how to choose the length of the skis for the classic course.

cross-country skiing length

Beginners should stay on models with notches in the middle. They hold the ski and prevent it from slipping back. It will be much easier to master the track. If there is some experience in skiing, then the presence of notches can interfere, since they do not give much acceleration, they slow down.

Rules for choosing skis for skating

If a different type of riding will be used, then the rules for selecting inventory will change. The length of the skis is slightly less. This is due to the fact that the heels can overlap or cling to one another, thereby interfering with the movement.

ski length

The length of skis for skating is determined by the following rule: your height is + 10-15 cm. Beginners can purchase shorter models. The maximum size of skating skis is 200 cm. They differ from classical and externally: a blunt toe and the absence of notches on the sliding side.

Combi or pleasure skis

There is some intermediate option for those who have not yet decided how they will ride: classic or skate. Combi skis combine the attributes of equipment for both types of movement. They have a reduced length (maximum 195 cm), but there may be notches, they are also softer. In this case, the length of the skis is also determined by height. To choose the size of this type of ski, you need to add 15-20 cm to your height.

ski length

By the way, in many sports shops usually have special tables where the length of skis and poles for classics or skates has already been calculated.

Stick Selection Rules

The necessary part of the equipment is ski sticks. Their length will depend on the chosen type of skiing. For the classic move, shorter sticks are used. Their value is calculated by the formula: growth minus 25-30 cm. As a result, they are obtained at the armpit or shoulder level. The sticks used for skating are usually 10 cm longer. Their maximum height is to the ears.

children's skis

How to choose the length of skis for children

In general terms, all these rules for selecting the length of the inventory apply to the child. However, it should be borne in mind that children's skis are softer, because the repulsive force and weight in a baby are significantly inferior to those in adults.

skating length

It is not necessary to purchase equipment "for growth", the stock should not exceed 5 cm, because the child will have a hard and uncomfortable ride in skis that are too long, and excessively high sticks will interfere with repulsion. In addition, the risk of injury increases significantly. As a result, the child will not receive pleasure, but his interest may disappear.

How to choose skis in the store

Before going for equipment, you need to decide which skis are needed: skating or classic. If there are no preferences, then you can choose pleasure, on them, albeit with difficulty, you can master the skate. If you buy the ones suitable for the last move, then it’s impossible to master the classics on them, because they, by virtue of their rigidity, will not let you push on the track. So, the main points when choosing skis:

  1. Decide what should be the length of the ski, based on the rules listed above. If for both types of skiing, then you need to take shorter skis. It is advisable to immediately look after several pairs, since it is possible that they will not pass the following tests.
  2. Check ski geometry. Look at the sliding surface: it should not be bent in the longitudinal direction, it should not have a β€œscrew”, that is, the transverse lines of the toe and heels should be parallel. You need to look from the side: a good ski has a smooth bend, without sudden changes, pits or bumps.
  3. Identify centers of gravity. Allowable discrepancy - no more than 2 cm.
  4. Inspect the sliding surface: it should be flat, an even groove stretches in the center. If the back side is concave or curved, this will make ski preparation a laborious task. Also, the plastic should not peel off or tuberize.
    what should be the length of the ski
  5. Identify a pair with a suitable level of stiffness. To do this, put the skis on a flat surface and stand on them. A suitable pair for the classic move will look like this: there is a gap of about 20 cm from the toe of the boot and 5 cm from the heel. It is checked by a sheet of paper. If all the weight is transferred to one ski, then it will be completely pressed to the floor. It will be impossible to pull out the sheet.
    The pair for the ridge will have a longer gap: up to 30 cm from the toe and up to 10 cm from the heel. When transferring weight to one ski, a sheet of paper in the boot area will move, i.e., it will not bend completely.
    If there are too much gaps, then the skis are too hard.
  6. Not all stores will allow you to put inventory on the floor. In this case, you need to fold the skis with sliding surfaces to each other and try to squeeze with one hand 3 cm below the center of gravity. In this case, the clearance should not exceed 1-2 mm.

How to choose skiing

For some reason, when selecting skiing, they are guided by the growth of the skier, as for cross-country ones. Some even use the same calculation formulas. However, this approach is incorrect, because downhill and a walk in the forest are completely different things. And when selecting inventory you need to consider this.

First of all, you need to remember that downhill skiing provides downhill, so good control is necessary. As a rule, their length reaches the nose or is equal to the growth of the skating, and maybe even less. The growth rate is not the main one. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the type of skiing and the track.

Professional slalom athletes use skis 165 cm long (minimum size allowed). This is due to the fact that there are a lot of sharp turns on the track, getting into them is a rather complicated matter. For successful execution of the figures, good maneuverability is required, which provides a small turning radius. And it is determined by the length of the alpine ski: the shorter they are, the smaller the radius, the more maneuverable the ski. If the rules allowed the use of shorter equipment, then athletes would use it. The turning radius is indicated on each pair (it is indicated by the Latin letter "R"). The smaller it is, the shorter and steeper the turns can be.

skating length

On the other hand, on short skis with constant sharp turns you will not accelerate much. Therefore, for high-speed descents in a straight line or with wide turns the track will need a longer pair.

For lovers of "pattering", as well as for beginners, shorter skis are suitable, because they are easier to control, and they accelerate less. Longer models are suitable for experienced riders: they quickly develop high speed, make wider and smoother turns. They are good for wide snowy slopes. On narrow or icy ones you will have to maneuver, which means short ones will come in handy.

Also, skiing is divided into men's, women's and children's. And the difference is not only in colors. Category affects stiffness and ability to carry a certain weight.

How to choose alpine skiing for a child

To properly equip a child, first of all, you need to consider his weight and age. This will affect how long the skis should be. Another important factor is the experience of skiing both mountain and cross-country skiing. If there is one, then the preferred method of descent must be considered. All this will affect the length.

Children’s skiing is selected based on the following correspondence tables:

  • with weight up to 20 kg, ski length up to 80 cm;
  • up to 30 kg - up to 90 cm;
  • up to 40 kg - up to 100 cm;
  • from 40 kg - the ski is no longer than from the floor to the nose or even the chin if there is no skiing experience.

For the rest, the same rules are observed as for the selection of equipment for adult riders.


They are not intended for Sunday walks, but for winter trips in places not touched by civilization. They can go through the virgin snow, deep snow, where there are no specially equipped tracks. They are quite rigid and wide (more than 6 cm), often have a reinforced base.

how to choose ski length

To determine how long the ski should be, you need to know the weight of the tourist with the backpack: up to 80 kg - 160 cm, up to 100 kg - 190 cm, 120 kg and more - 200 cm. If the trip is light, then the skis should be equal to height or even be 5 cm shorter. Also, their socks are longer and higher than those of running ones. This is necessary so that the skis do not burrow in the snow. Another difference - in many of them, a notch is applied almost to the entire length in order to provide the most reliable grip with snow.

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