Problems of humanization and humanization of education

The fact that modern Russian society needs a new comprehensive model of the humanization of education, many authors say. A fundamental restructuring of the national educational system and overcoming the socio-economic crisis are impossible without the full inclusion of this process in the usual life rhythm of society.

What is humanization and humanization in general?

Today, the development of modern education shows a tendency to humanitarization only to a small extent. Highlighted by the financial crisis, the concepts of humanization and humanization in the current century have acquired great relevance. By the way, some researchers believe that these terms appear in the literature as identically equal units. Despite their significant proximity, there are many differences between them.

Speaking of the humanization of education, it should be understood by this word not only the affirmation of humanity in relations between the subjects of the system, but also the priority of orientations on the main moral values. Honor, decency, conscience, responsibility, mercy, justice and much more should to some extent be fundamental principles of the process of humanization of education.

humanization education

It is also important to note the need for a humanitarian culture to penetrate into the semantic content of not only social sciences. The humanization of higher technical education and the natural sciences implies the introduction into the professional activity of specialists in any field, people's daily lives, and everyday life. The problem that makes the adoption of this process by Russian society difficult is its perception by the population as the mastered volume of specific humanitarian knowledge. Indeed, in fact, humanitarian education includes both theory and skills for completing tasks on the basis of the acquired knowledge, their reproduction.

Why is the process of humanization necessary?

By the way, not everyone understands that the humanization of education is aimed at the formation of morality and a tolerant attitude to completely dissimilar points of view and attitudes. Firstly, it can really promote openness and encourage people to intensify intellectual activity.

Secondly, the trend of the humanization of modern education is to create a shell of spirituality. These two concepts appear in semantic proximity with respect to each other, since the sublimity of thoughts, pious motivation of one's own actions and desires are inherent in both terms. Humanitarian education helps to overcome human disunity, which is the root cause of many negative social consequences.

humanization and humanization of education

Thirdly, the humanization and humanization of education in higher education helps in the development of any profession, as well as mastering its skills. In particular, this affects the activities of specialists, loaded with the implementation of managerial functions.

Disadvantages of Lack of Humanitarian Thinking

If we take into account primary and secondary schools, then the need for the intensive introduction of humanization of education in the educational work of institutions can be justified by a whole list of significant reasons. Since in the Russian state, as in many other world powers, an inexorable increase in the popularity of cruelty and immorality continues, only a focus on a humane attitude towards others will help to cope with these universal ailments. Naturally, asocial behavior in most cases is the result of exposure to technical, political, legal, cultural, ethical, and moral and psychological chaos.

Such problems of humanization and humanization of education as obstacles to adequate upbringing due to the presence of authoritarian habits, methods and traditions in the functioning of the system make themselves felt to a sufficient extent. For example, most state educational institutions train highly specialized specialists with a “one-vector” type of thinking. They are able to perform single-stage tasks of a small range of professional orientation, without going beyond the boundaries of the general context of a particular sphere.

Researchers believe that the causes of difficulties and problems in the economy, politics, ecology, social spheres are the inability of graduates of modern universities to think in the same way.

Negative consequences of the development of the scientific and technical sphere

Meanwhile, high demand and trends towards the process of humanization are associated with a considerable risk of the massive creation of innovative scientific and technical facilities. In this case, there is a huge likelihood of turning the "know-how" of achievements against modern human civilization. Be that as it may, but without the spiritual, moral and intellectual development of the representatives of modern society, neither professional growth, nor highly competitive labor productivity, nor the formation of a confident purposeful person are possible.

humanization of education is directed

To argue that humanization and humanization are two sides of the same coin called the “educational process”. Without taking these concepts into account, it is simply impossible to imagine a comprehensive reset of the social structure and the entire educational system.

J. Friedman, a well-known teacher and specialist in the field of sociology, already in the middle of the last century said that progress and technical innovations negatively affect intelligence, dull thinking, suppress initiative and eliminate a sense of responsibility. Machines and robots, which replaced the simplest human actions, according to him, decompose the humanitarian foundations.

You can resist the irreversible action of technology on the spiritual, moral and social aspects of modern society using an antidote. Humanization and humanization of education are the very measures that will not allow the negative impact of technological progress to deform humanity. An interesting detail is the fact that the sociologist Friedman spoke about the specifics of his era, not even suggesting how relevant his work will be after a half-century period of time.

The difference between two opposite directions of education

The implementation of the tasks at the proper level is hindered by a significant obstacle - the inconsistency of technical and humanitarian cultures. The opposite and discrepancies in the basic characteristics of these areas contribute to the formation of dissimilar types of consciousness, logic, thinking, behaviors, corporate ethical norms and positions, and much more.

Today, there are several basic principles on which the current education system is confidently standing:

  • continuity;
  • humanization;
  • internationalization;
  • computerization;
  • humanization.

Based on the above points, it can be noted that the trends of scientific and technological progress and the characteristic signs of the humanitarian direction are intertwined here. If the first generates massization, standardization, the stereotyped perception of things, phenomena, products, thoughts, feelings, etc., then the second develops along the tendency to preserve individuality, non-repetition. From this it is not difficult to conclude that scientific and technological development adversely affects the humanitarian component of the educational process.

Business and humanity: contradictions and difficulties

Meanwhile, the confrontation of cultures of a humanitarian and technical orientation is not the only dilemma in society and the educational sphere in particular. The acute problem lies in the contradictions between the characteristics of market relations and such an important component of the concept of humanity as morality.

humanization education signs
Only a few authors draw attention to the fact that in trading conditions it is quite difficult to remain a person with a high level of moral qualities, spirituality and humanism.

Just imagine: a decent honest man and a market. Can these two concepts go hand in hand? The secret of success in the field of market relations is based on a simple principle: invest less and get more profit, i.e. little to give - much to take. A decent person, well-mannered and humane, on the contrary, tries to be humble, give more and take less. Everyone independently chooses how to live: in morality or wealth.

But most likely, preceding the observance of morality and humane values ​​in business should be a review of the morality of statesmen.

Reasons for the impossibility of full humanization and humanitarianization

Today, the humanization of education is weak in society. Signs of this are as follows:

  • youth’s need, desire and initiative to master the humanitarian culture are completely absent;
  • the rate of democratization in the Russian education sector is too low in the presence of a lot of contradictions;
  • the teaching profession is not prestigious in terms of students.

Repeatedly conducted sociological studies confirm the tendency of applicants to choose professions such as economist, lawyer, accountant, manager. Speaking about engineering specialties, they are not so often chosen, but in comparison with the low-prestigious professions of a doctor and teacher, they are more in demand.

humanization and humanitarian education in higher education
The unwillingness of people to devote their lives to education or healthcare can only be explained by the unfavorable state of affairs in these systems. It is useless to talk about reforming the basic mechanisms for the provision of educational and medical services if the raising of the social status of the respective professions does not occur.

The famous Belarusian writer S. Aleksievich has repeatedly noted that, in her opinion, the most stupid thing that education management can decide on is the eradication of the humanization of education. Indeed, gradually in the curriculum of higher educational institutions of post-Soviet states, including and Russia, whole lists of disciplines of a given direction are being supplanted, or, in the best case, the hours for studying them are cut as much as possible.

Consequences of the lack of humanitarian education

All this has led to the fact that in today's Russian society the cult of knowledge and training has not yet been formed. The humanization and humanization of education as a holistically developed system does not have a mechanism for introducing social and pedagogical technologies, the importance of which cannot be reevaluated.

Thanks to them, humanitarian education gains the opportunity to reflect the needs and interests of participants in the learning process. Moreover, the lack of effective levers for the implementation of the educational concept will undoubtedly lead to a halt in the course of humanization.

in the development of modern education, a tendency towards humanization is manifested
Thus, the main task is determined, which can help in achieving the corresponding results - the formation and implementation of social and educational technologies in practice.

What it means to humanize education is easier to understand if we consider the role of the social environment during this process, since the education system is an important public institution. To date, to call a favorable social environment in our state, frankly, the language does not turn.

Disinterest of the state in conducting humanitarian

Russia has a lot to learn from countries where the material and moral component of the standard of living is an order of magnitude higher. In most civilized European countries, the very concept of business and entrepreneurship includes not only the pursuit of profit, but also the social component: caring for a person, providing comfort, conditions for development, etc. Naturally, “the fish rots from the head,” as they say researchers. Administrative state bodies demonstrate by example of their own activity that it is possible to save on the people. Large-scale underfunding of various social spheres, including education, healthcare, culture, etc., is no secret to anyone.

Only one conclusion suggests itself: human potential is not appreciated by the state. Accordingly, the humanization and humanization of the social structure is hindered by the lack of qualified specialists. Often poorly educated officials make important managerial decisions, which in itself carries with it a threat to the normal social system.

Social discord

Due to the lack of existing mechanisms for launching humanization in the field of education, the criminalization of the social environment is at a critical level. This is confirmed by the high number of prisoners in Russian places of deprivation of liberty. Odds are high both among adults and among adolescents. The reason for child crime is the lack of a full-fledged anti-alcohol, anti-tobacco and anti-drug youth education programs. Children between the ages of 10 and 14 are especially at risk for anesthesia. Many of them know what hard liquors are, firsthand.

humanization of higher technical education

The use of alcohol detrimental to the child’s body and brain activity contributes to the occurrence of aggression and inadequate perception of the world by the child. As a rule, children begin to take alcohol and drugs, falling under the negative influence of the teenage crowd. In order to avoid the appearance of such interests in their own child, parents should be able to rationally coordinate their personal time and the space of their child.

The humanization of secondary education is an additional precautionary factor for students. Immersed headlong into the study of many interesting disciplines, it would not occur to them to spend time in an antisocial company. It is no coincidence that popular wisdom says: "All problems are from idleness."

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