How fragrant with flowering, the tree (or shrub) - the almonds are ordinary! It is very widely cultivated, according to the classification it is referred to as plums. Because almonds are not nuts, to think so is to be mistaken. However, it is the nut that is called the delicious kernel from the fruit seeds. Why almonds are useful, what are its possible harmful properties, is described in the article.
Some features
This plant, like most Asian flora, adores heat and light. The roots are developed quite well. Therefore, the shrub is not demanding on the quality of soil for cultivation. It can adapt to stones, gravel slopes of hills. Not afraid of droughts and frost can well tolerate. But early flowering sometimes forces the plant to suffer from spring frosts.
What is almonds good for? Trees (bushes) during periods of flowering are valuable honey plants, give a lot of pollen, are rich in nectar.
The bush is cultivated as decorative: unique varieties with original flowers are unique. And as a stock, it is used in growing apricots with peaches.
βWalnutβ wood is used for exquisite carpentry.
But, of course, the seeds of the fruit of the plant are especially valuable. Nucleoli, depending on the variety, taste bitter or sweet, are used in various fields. Is roasted or raw almonds healthier? Of course, the second option. At the same time, all useful substances are stored in a dried, rather than fried product.
What is almonds good for? Various kinds of diseases, including chronic ones, recede if people introduce these nuts into food. And for healthy representatives of society, in order to maintain the body within normal limits, it is enough to eat a couple of nucleoli per day. They are very nutritious, have beneficial substances that are contained in the product in a concentrated state.
Moreover, both sweet and bitter plant varieties have useful properties - you just have to follow some specific rules for eating grains. Thus, numerous studies have confirmed their cleansing properties. They, for example, contribute to the removal of sand from the kidneys. When healing from urolithiasis, they serve as an excellent auxiliary folk remedy.
The properties of the fruit also help with difficult urination.
The beneficial properties of bitter almonds are also manifested in the issues of sexual health (both male and female). It contributes to a significant increase in potency.
And in the debate about which is more useful: hazelnuts or almonds, the latter wins, since it contains more substances necessary for a person.
By the way, for those who suffer from a hangover, such nuts will be relevant: they do an excellent job with this problem.
GIT, bile, and brain with nervous system
What is almonds good for? Biologically active substances that are in the nut improve the composition of the blood. It is even used to treat anemia. The use of almonds also favorably affects both the liver and the spleen. Magnesium with phosphorus, potassium with calcium and other components included in the composition have a stabilizing effect on the functional of the cardiovascular system.
It should also be noted, eating almonds (if done regularly), you will repeatedly improve the activity of gray matter. What is almonds good for? It acts effectively on the nervous system as a sedative. It also helps to avoid insomnia without using powerful medicinal artillery.
How is almonds healthy for humans? It is included by doctors and nutritionists in the list of products with antioxidant properties. Substances that are in the nuts prevent the death of healthy cells and prevent the appearance of neoplasms - malignant and benign. The number of cancer cells is significantly reduced, thereby preventing the development of various oncological ailments.
Almonds can also take care of the condition of the digestive tract. The treatment of diseases of the stomach with the duodenum 12 will be much more successful when raw nuts appear in the patient's diet.
In cosmetology
In addition to an auxiliary remedy for diseases of various nature, almonds are an optimal remedy for cosmetology. It can be used externally. For these purposes, it is preferable to use an emulsion, milk (oil) of the nucleoli. The magical effect of all sorts of utilities overwhelming the grains, you will immediately notice both you and the people around you. Hair becomes silky, shiny. And the skin is delicate and velvety. It is also used against cellulite and stretch marks.
What is almond good for men?
At present, representatives of the stronger sex are subject to various stresses and unusual situations. A modern miner is usually a person who has an irregular working day. And then there are added troubles in the family or squabbles at work, which leads to nerve disorders. Doctors say: if you use almonds on a regular basis, then you forget about irritability and poor health and mood.
Thanks to vitamins B and C, the nervous system is restored, and resistance to external irritants and stresses is significantly increased. Also, these and other vitamins and microelements contained in the nut will favorably affect concentration and endurance, improve memory and the ability to perceive information.
What is almond good for male athletes? A large number of proteins with vitamins that are contained there give additional energy and strength for intense workouts. It has been noticed by many: when you eat a handful of almonds before training, the lesson is most fruitful. The use of nucleoli after loading in the hall will help to restore the expended energy as soon as possible by building muscle fibers.
Which is healthier: roasted or raw almonds? Nutritionists claim to be raw. Experts also recommend using kernels as a healthy snack between main meals for those members of the stronger sex whose activities may be associated with constant physical labor.
It is important for men to regularly eat almond tree fruits and to prevent all kinds of cardiovascular ailments. By increasing the level of magnesium with potassium in the body of each of us, the concentration of bad cholesterol is reduced. And thus, the work of body systems is normalized.
And almond nut strengthens blood vessels, cleans their walls of cholesterol plaques, unloads the heart muscle, effective as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis, prevents coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, heart attack. Also, with the use of nuclei, a headache (even a migraine character) quickly passes.
About potency
Undoubtedly, and this has already been proved by practical medical experience, almonds have a beneficial effect on the functionality of the male reproductive system. First and foremost, the use of nuclei increases the level of testosterone. And with a deficiency of this sex hormone in a manβs body, libido decreases, a weakening of the erection ability of the penis is observed, sometimes infertility or the inability to conceive offspring.
It is known: the amount of the hormone testosterone drops around 40 years. And this can explain the decrease in sexual activity at this age and older. You should not be particularly upset and scared, this is a natural process, and it cannot be avoided. However, some external (and internal) factors today significantly rejuvenated the sexual problems of men. And the most commonplace stress at work or within the family sometimes provokes a deficiency of the hormone testosterone even in young people of thirty years of age. In order to enhance its synthesis, you need vitamin E, and there is a sufficient amount of it in almonds.
Zinc also plays a direct role in testosterone production, improving sperm quality. Therefore, doctors and nutritionists recommend eating almonds to those men who are preparing to become fathers. The quantity and quality of sperm cells increases, their activity increases.
For the prevention of nucleoli, it is necessary to use as a means of preventing the development of infertility in the stronger sex. Due to the arginine content, sexual desire is enhanced, male libido is increased. Due to the stabilization of the cardiovascular system, the risks of developing prostatitis or adenoma are reduced.
Thus, a simple almond nut can fully renew and regenerate the functions of the reproductive and genitourinary systems.
Baldness remedy
Almond kernels are also used as a remedy for male pattern baldness. The following recipe is common: grains are crushed and soaked in milk, and then the resulting mixture is rubbed - manually and regularly - into those areas that are considered problematic. At the initial stage, this method is very effective for men.
Weightloss remedy
Despite the high calorie content, almond kernels are also used as a means for losing weight. Using a small dose of nuts, representatives of the stronger sex can speed up metabolism, normalize the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. And if you combine everything with moderate physical activity (for example, in the gym under the guidance of a professional trainer), then this will contribute to active weight loss.
Bitter almonds: useful properties and contraindications
Love to bite nuts? Great, just donβt be too zealous. The product is a recognized allergen. And anyone who is allergic to a different substance plan, with an almond taste should be as careful as possible. A bitter nut can lead to food poisoning, as a result of a certain amount of cyanide entering the body.
When the nervous system is excited, it is also not worth getting carried away. As well as comrades with excess pounds, indulge in tasty, satisfying kernels carefully.